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- Hcc-GV: Small: Generating Animal Avatar Animation With Specific Identifiable Traits Based Upon Viewer Perception of Real Animals
- HCC: Small: STAAR: Spatial Touch Audio Annotator and Reader for Individuals with Blindness or Severe Visual Impairment
- HDR Tripods: Texas A&M Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Foundations of DATA Science (TRIFECDAS)
- Health and Well-being of Beef Calves: Prenatal Stress Modulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis and Telomere Length--
- Health Care Providers and Patient Interactions
- Health Promotion through Green and Affordable Housing
- Heart of Texas GEAR UP Partnership Project
- Heat Transfer and Storage in Architectured Composite Heatsinks
- HELIOS: Accelerated Recovery of Evolving Spatial-Temporal Dynamics
- Hemodynamics & Optimum Placement of Mechanical versus Bio-prosthetic Heart Valves
- Heritable endosymbionts of flies in the families Drosophilidae and Tephritidae
- HICD in Jordan
- Hierarchical antiviral immunity in disease vector mosquitoes
- High Energy Physics at Texas A&M University
- High Energy Physics Research at Texas A&M University
- High Integrity Pipeline Protection System Architecture Optimization Using Compact Models
- High Performance Computational Structure For Parameter Estimations of Parametric Partial Differential Equations
- High Performance Multifunctional Smart Windows Using Novel Thermochromic Materials for Energy Conservation
- High Resolution Temperature and Flow Measurements in Wire-Wrapped Fuel Assemblies
- High school student research opportunities program grant
- High Strength and High Ductility Martensitic Steels
- High Throughput Screening for Non-antibiotic inhibitors of Clostridium difficile Pathophysiology
- High-Capacity and Low-Cost Hydrogen-Storage Sorbents for Automotive Applications
- High-Fidelity Multi-Resolution Turbulence Computations of Highly Separated Aerodynamic Flows
- High-field dipole technology for LHC Tripler
- High-Field Open MRI: Cost-Effective Screening for Early Detection of Breast Cancer
- High-Order Approximation Techniques for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Pdes
- High-Order Invariant Domain Preserving-Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems-
- High-performance Computing Equipment for Computational Operations Research and Ap- plications Laboratory (CORAL) at Texas A&M University