faculty position
- Arnold, Stacey, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Bhalala, Utpal, Clinical Associate Professor
- Borchardt, Craig, Assistant Professor
- Brandt, Paul, Associate Dean for Academic Technology and Curriculum Innovation
- Brown, Kevin, Director for Clinical Skills
- Cannaday, Rania, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Chapa, Hector, Assistant Clinical Professor, ObGyn
- Chapa, Hector, Clerkship Director, ObGyn
- Chen, Wei-Jung, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Curriculum Management
- Choi, K. Yeon, Research Associate Professor
- Dashwood, Roderick, Distinguished Professor, Center for Epigenetics and Disease Prevention
- Deleon, Joy, Assistant Professor
- Dewsnap, Michael, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Dickey, Danielle, Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
- Hattiangady, Bharathi, Assistant Professor
- Hicks, Paul, Associate Dean
- Isbell, Teresa, Assistant Dean
- Karpac, Jason, Associate Professor
- Kirmani, MD, FAAN, FAES, Batool, Clinical Professor
- Livingston, Jerry, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Lucas, James, Clinical Professor and Head
- Mccord, Gary, Associate Dean
- Mccurdy, Fredrick, Clinical Professor
- Paolini, Michael, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Pettigrew, Roderic, Professor
- Ramos, Kenneth, Professor of Medicine
- Shireman, Paula, Professor, Primary Care & Rural Medicine
- Threadgill, Deborah, Research Assistant Professor
- VanBuren, Vincent, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Wang, Jun, Associate Professor
- Watson, Patricia, Head, Department of Humanities in Medicine
- Yadav, Kamlesh, Instructional Associate Professor
non-faculty academic position
- Davis, William, Program Manager - Learning Environment Enrichment
- Hampton, Cerise, Web Communications Specialist II
- LN, Madhu, Research Scientist
- Nigli, Selina, Program Coordinator I