selected publications academicarticle Upadhya, D., Attaluri, S., Liu, Y., Hattiangady, B., Castro, O. W., Shuai, B., ... Shetty, A. K. (2022). Grafted hPSC-derived GABA-ergic interneurons regulate seizures and specific cognitive function in temporal lobe epilepsy. npj Regenerative Medicine. 7(1), 38. Kodali, M., Mishra, V., Hattiangady, B., Attaluri, S., Gonzalez, J. J., Shuai, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2021). Moderate, intermittent voluntary exercise in a model of Gulf War Illness improves cognitive and mood function with alleviation of activated microglia and astrocytes, and enhanced neurogenesis in the hippocampus. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 97, 135-149. Hattiangady, B., Kuruba, R., Shuai, B., Grier, R., & Shetty, A. K. (2020). Hippocampal Neural Stem Cell Grafting after Status Epilepticus Alleviates Chronic Epilepsy and Abnormal Plasticity, and Maintains Better Memory and Mood Function. Aging and Disease. 11(6), 1374-1394. Shetty, A. K., Attaluri, S., Kodali, M., Shuai, B., Shetty, G. A., Upadhya, D., ... Rao, X. (2020). Monosodium luminol reinstates redox homeostasis, improves cognition, mood and neurogenesis, and alleviates neuro- and systemic inflammation in a model of Gulf War Illness. Redox Biology. 28, 101389-101389. Upadhya, D., Kodali, M., Gitai, D., Castro, O. W., Zanirati, G., Upadhya, R., ... Shetty, A. K. (2019). A Model of Chronic Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Presenting Constantly Rhythmic and Robust Spontaneous Seizures, Co-morbidities and Hippocampal Neuropathology. Aging and Disease. 10(5), 915-936. Upadhya, D., Hattiangady, B., Castro, O. W., Shuai, B., Kodali, M., Attaluri, S., ... Shetty, A. K. (2019). Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived MGE cell grafting after status epilepticus attenuates chronic epilepsy and comorbidities via synaptic integration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116(1), 287-296. Hussain, T., Kil, H., Hattiangady, B., Lee, J., Kodali, M., Shuai, B., ... Aldaz, C. M. (2019). Wwox deletion leads to reduced GABA-ergic inhibitory interneuron numbers and activation of microglia and astrocytes in mouse hippocampus. NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE. 121, 163-176. Kodali, M., Hattiangady, B., Shetty, G. A., Bates, A., Shuai, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2018). Curcumin treatment leads to better cognitive and mood function in a model of Gulf War Illness with enhanced neurogenesis, and alleviation of inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction in the hippocampus. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 69, 499-514. Shetty, G. A., Hattiangady, B., Upadhya, D., Bates, A., Attaluri, S., Shuai, B., Kodali, M., & Shetty, A. K. (2017). Chronic Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Nrf2 Activation and Inflammation in the Hippocampus Accompany Heightened Systemic Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in an Animal Model of Gulf War Illness. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 10, 182. Long, Q., Upadhya, D., Hattiangady, B., Kim, D., An, S. Y., Shuai, B., Prockop, D. J., & Shetty, A. K. (2017). Intranasal MSC-derived A1-exosomes ease inflammation, and prevent abnormal neurogenesis and memory dysfunction after status epilepticus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114(17), E3536-E3545. Emmerich, T., Zakirova, Z., Klimas, N., Sullivan, K., Shetty, A. K., Evans, J. E., ... Crawford, F. (2017). Phospholipid profiling of plasma from GW veterans and rodent models to identify potential biomarkers of Gulf War Illness. PLoS ONE. 12(4), e0176634-e0176634. Upadhya, D., Hattiangady, B., Shetty, G. A., Zanirati, G., Kodali, M., & Shetty, A. K. (2016). Neural Stem Cell or Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived GABA-ergic Progenitor Cell Grafting in an Animal Model of Chronic Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology. 38(1), 2D.7.1-2D.7.47. Mishra, V., Shuai, B., Kodali, M., Shetty, G. A., Hattiangady, B., Rao, X., & Shetty, A. K. (2015). Resveratrol Treatment after Status Epilepticus Restrains Neurodegeneration and Abnormal Neurogenesis with Suppression of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation. Scientific Reports. 5(1), 17807. Kodali, M., Parihar, V. K., Hattiangady, B., Mishra, V., Shuai, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2015). Resveratrol prevents age-related memory and mood dysfunction with increased hippocampal neurogenesis and microvasculature, and reduced glial activation. Scientific Reports. 5(1), 8075. Shetty, A. K., Mishra, V., Kodali, M., & Hattiangady, B. (2014). Blood brain barrier dysfunction and delayed neurological deficits in mild traumatic brain injury induced by blast shock waves. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 8(AUG), 232. Hattiangady, B., Mishra, V., Kodali, M., Shuai, B., Rao, X., & Shetty, A. K. (2014). Object location and object recognition memory impairments, motivation deficits and depression in a model of Gulf War illness. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 8(MAR), 78. Megahed, T., Hattiangady, B., Shuai, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2014). Parvalbumin and neuropeptide Y expressing hippocampal GABA-ergic inhibitory interneuron numbers decline in a model of Gulf War illness. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 8(JAN), 447-12. Kodali, M., Hattiangady, B., Watanabe, J., Rao, X., & Shetty, A. K. (2014). Unilateral Moderate Controlled Cortical Impact Traumatic Brain Injury Induces Enduring Deficits in Spatial, Object Location, Object Recognition and Pattern Separation Memory, and Mood Function. Cell Transplantation. 23(6), 774-775. Shetty, G. A., Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2013). Neural stem cell- and neurogenesis-related gene expression profiles in the young and aged dentate gyrus. AGE. 35(6), 2165-2176. Watanabe, J., Shetty, A. K., Hattiangady, B., Kim, D., Foraker, J. E., Nishida, H., & Prockop, D. J. (2013). Administration of TSG-6 improves memory after traumatic brain injury in mice. NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE. 59, 86-99. Parihar, V. K., Hattiangady, B., Shuai, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2013). Mood and memory deficits in a model of Gulf War illness are linked with reduced neurogenesis, partial neuron loss, and mild inflammation in the hippocampus. Neuropsychopharmacology. 38(12), 2348-2362. Shetty, A. K., & Hattiangady, B. (2013). Postnatal age governs the extent of differentiation of hippocampal CA1 and CA3 subfield neural stem/progenitor cells into neurons and oligodendrocytes. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 31(7), 646-656. Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2012). Neural stem cell grafting counteracts hippocampal injury-mediated impairments in mood, memory, and neurogenesis. Stem cells translational medicine. 1(9), 696-708. Shetty, A. K., Hattiangady, B., Rao, M. S., & Shuai, B. (2012). Neurogenesis response of middle-aged hippocampus to acute seizure activity. PLoS ONE. 7(8), e43286-e43286. Kuruba, R., Hattiangady, B., Parihar, V. K., Shuai, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2011). Differential susceptibility of interneurons expressing neuropeptide Y or parvalbumin in the aged hippocampus to acute seizure activity. PLoS ONE. 6(9), e24493-e24493. Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2011). Neural stem cell grafting in an animal model of chronic temporal lobe epilepsy. Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology. Chapter 2(1), Unit2D.7-2d.7.31. Shetty, A. K., Hattiangady, B., Rao, M. S., & Shuai, B. (2011). Deafferentation enhances neurogenesis in the young and middle aged hippocampus but not in the aged hippocampus. Hippocampus. 21(6), 631-646. Hattiangady, B., Kuruba, R., & Shetty, A. K. (2011). Acute Seizures in Old Age Leads to a Greater Loss of CA1 Pyramidal Neurons, an Increased Propensity for Developing Chronic TLE and a Severe Cognitive Dysfunction. Aging and Disease. 2(1), 1-17. Parihar, V. K., Hattiangady, B., Kuruba, R., Shuai, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2011). Predictable chronic mild stress improves mood, hippocampal neurogenesis and memory. Molecular Psychiatry. 16(2), 171-183. Waldau, B., Hattiangady, B., Kuruba, R., & Shetty, A. K. (2010). Medial ganglionic eminence-derived neural stem cell grafts ease spontaneous seizures and restore GDNF expression in a rat model of chronic temporal lobe epilepsy. Stem Cells. 28(7), 1153-1164. Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2010). Decreased neuronal differentiation of newly generated cells underlies reduced hippocampal neurogenesis in chronic temporal lobe epilepsy. Hippocampus. 20(1), 97-112. Shetty, A. K., Hattiangady, B., & Rao, M. S. (2009). Vulnerability of hippocampal GABA-ergic interneurons to kainate-induced excitotoxic injury during old age. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 13(8B), 2408-2423. Kuruba, R., Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2009). Hippocampal neurogenesis and neural stem cells in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy and Behavior. 14 Suppl 1(Suppl 1), 65-73. Shetty, A. K., Rao, M. S., & Hattiangady, B. (2008). Behavior of hippocampal stem/progenitor cells following grafting into the injured aged hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 86(14), 3062-3074. Rao, M. S., Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2008). Status epilepticus during old age is not associated with enhanced hippocampal neurogenesis. Hippocampus. 18(9), 931-944. Hattiangady, B., Rao, M. S., & Shetty, A. K. (2008). Grafting of striatal precursor cells into hippocampus shortly after status epilepticus restrains chronic temporal lobe epilepsy. Experimental Neurology. 212(2), 468-481. Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2008). Implications of decreased hippocampal neurogenesis in chronic temporal lobe epilepsy. EPILEPSIA. 49 Suppl 5(0 5), 26-41. Acharya, M. M., Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2008). Progress in neuroprotective strategies for preventing epilepsy. Progress in Neurobiology. 84(4), 363-404. Hattiangady, B., Rao, M. S., & Shetty, A. K. (2008). Plasticity of hippocampal stem/progenitor cells to enhance neurogenesis in response to kainate-induced injury is lost by middle age. Aging Cell. 7(2), 207-224. Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2008). Aging does not alter the number or phenotype of putative stem/progenitor cells in the neurogenic region of the hippocampus. Neurobiology of Aging. 29(1), 129-147. Shetty, A. K., & Hattiangady, B. (2007). Restoration of calbindin after fetal hippocampal CA3 cell grafting into the injured hippocampus in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Hippocampus. 17(10), 943-956. Shetty, A. K., & Hattiangady, B. (2007). Concise review: prospects of stem cell therapy for temporal lobe epilepsy. Stem Cells. 25(10), 2396-2407. Rai, K. S., Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2007). Enhanced production and dendritic growth of new dentate granule cells in the middle-aged hippocampus following intracerebroventricular FGF-2 infusions. European Journal of Neuroscience. 26(7), 1765-1779. Hattiangady, B., Shuai, B., Cai, J., Coksaygan, T., Rao, M. S., & Shetty, A. K. (2007). Increased dentate neurogenesis after grafting of glial restricted progenitors or neural stem cells in the aging hippocampus. Stem Cells. 25(8), 2104-2117. Rao, M. S., Hattiangady, B., Rai, K. S., & Shetty, A. K. (2007). Strategies for promoting anti-seizure effects of hippocampal fetal cells grafted into the hippocampus of rats exhibiting chronic temporal lobe epilepsy. NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE. 27(2), 117-132. Rao, M. S., Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2006). The window and mechanisms of major age-related decline in the production of new neurons within the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. Aging Cell. 5(6), 545-558. Rao, M. S., Hattiangady, B., Reddy, D. S., & Shetty, A. K. (2006). Hippocampal neurodegeneration, spontaneous seizures, and mossy fiber sprouting in the F344 rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 83(6), 1088-1105. Rao, M. S., Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2006). Fetal hippocampal CA3 cell grafts enriched with FGF-2 and BDNF exhibit robust long-term survival and integration and suppress aberrant mossy fiber sprouting in the injured middle-aged hippocampus. NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE. 21(2), 276-290. Hattiangady, B., Rao, M. S., Zaman, V., & Shetty, A. K. (2006). Incorporation of embryonic CA3 cell grafts into the adult hippocampus at 4-months after injury: effects of combined neurotrophic supplementation and caspase inhibition. Neuroscience. 139(4), 1369-1383. Hattiangady, B., Rao, M. S., Shetty, G. A., & Shetty, A. K. (2005). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, phosphorylated cyclic AMP response element binding protein and neuropeptide Y decline as early as middle age in the dentate gyrus and CA1 and CA3 subfields of the hippocampus. Experimental Neurology. 195(2), 353-371. Shetty, A. K., Zaman, V., & Hattiangady, B. (2005). Repair of the injured adult hippocampus through graft-mediated modulation of the plasticity of the dentate gyrus in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Journal of Neuroscience. 25(37), 8391-8401. Shetty, A. K., Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, G. A. (2005). Stem/progenitor cell proliferation factors FGF-2, IGF-1, and VEGF exhibit early decline during the course of aging in the hippocampus: role of astrocytes. Glia. 51(3), 173-186. Rao, M. S., Hattiangady, B., Abdel-Rahman, A., Stanley, D. P., & Shetty, A. K. (2005). Newly born cells in the ageing dentate gyrus display normal migration, survival and neuronal fate choice but endure retarded early maturation. European Journal of Neuroscience. 21(2), 464-476. Hattiangady, B., Rao, M. S., & Shetty, A. K. (2004). Chronic temporal lobe epilepsy is associated with severely declined dentate neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus. NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE. 17(3), 473-490. Shetty, A. K., Rao, M. S., Hattiangady, B., Zaman, V., & Shetty, G. A. (2004). Hippocampal neurotrophin levels after injury: Relationship to the age of the hippocampus at the time of injury. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 78(4), 520-532. Shetty, A. K., & Hattiangady, B. Grafted Subventricular Zone Neural Stem Cells Display Robust Engraftment and Similar Differentiation Properties and Form New Neurogenic Niches in the Young and Aged Hippocampus. Stem cells translational medicine. 5(9), 1204-1215. Kodali, M., Megahed, T., Mishra, V., Shuai, B., Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, A. K. Voluntary Running Exercise-Mediated Enhanced Neurogenesis Does Not Obliterate Retrograde Spatial Memory. Journal of Neuroscience. 36(31), 8112-8122. chapter Shetty, A. K., & Hattiangady, B. (2017). Neural Stem Cells in the Adult Brain: Altered Activity in Aging, Alzheimers Disease, Mood Disorders and Epilepsy. Neural Cell Biology. (pp. 86-124). Taylor & Francis. Shetty, A. K., & Hattiangady, B. (2017). Neural Cell Biology. Wang, C., & Slikker, W. (Eds.), Neural Cell Biology. (pp. 86-124). CRC Press. Shetty, A. K., & Hattiangady, B. (2015). Neural Stem Cell Therapy for Easing Status Epilepticus Induced Hippocampus Dysfunction and Chronic Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Neural Stem Cells in Health and Disease. (pp. 409-438). World Scientific Publishing. conference paper Upadhya, D., Hattiangady, B., Shuai, B., Bates, A., & Shetty, A. K. (2016). Grafting of GABAergic Progenitors From Human iPSCs Into the Hippocampus After Status Epilepticus Curbs Spontaneous Seizures and Prevents Cognitive, Memory, and Mood Impairments. Cell Transplantation. 775-775. Kodali, M., Shuai, B., Mishra, V., Attaluri, S., Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2016). Moderate Running Exercise Improves Cognitive, Memory, and Mood Function With Increased Neurogenesis in a Gulf War Illness Model. Cell Transplantation. 764-765. Mishra, V., Hattiangady, B., Robbins, A. B., Shuai, B., Moreno, M. R., Prockop, D. J., & Shetty, A. K. (2014). Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Induced Through an Exposure to Blast Shock Waves Causes Lasting Hippocampus-Dependent and Hippocampus-Independent Memory Dysfunction and Depression. Cell Transplantation. 778-778. Hattiangady, B., Kuruba, R., Shuai, B., Waldau, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2012). Efficacy of Intrahippocampal Grafting of Subventricular Zone-Derived Neural Stem Cells for Easing Status Epilepticus-Induced Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Related Comorbidities. Cell Transplantation. 780-780. Hattiangady, B., Shuai, B., Parihar, V., & Shetty, A. K. (2011). Medial Ganglionic Eminence Precursor Cell Grafting Diminishes Spontaneous Seizures and Improves Memory Function in a Rat Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Cell Transplantation. 562-563. Parihar, V. K., Hattiangady, B., Shuai, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2010). Declined Hippocampal Neurogenesis Is Associated With Learning & Memory Impairments and Depression in a Rat Model of Gulf War Illness. Cell Transplantation. 356-356. Grier, R., Hattiangady, B., Parihar, V. K., Shuai, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2010). Links Between Loss of Reelin+ Interneurons, Frequency of Spontaneous Seizures, and Memory Impairments in Chronic Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Cell Transplantation. 342-342. Hattiangady, B., Rao, M. S., Rai, K. S., & Shetty, A. K. (2007). Efficacy of striatal precursor cell grafting into the hippocampus for suppressing the progression of status epilepticus into chronic epilepsy. Cell Transplantation. 325-325. Reddy, D. S., Zeng, Y. C., Dhanushkodi, A., Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, A. K. (2007). Hippocampal interneuron damage, spontaneous recurrent seizures, mossy fiber sprouting, and neurosteroid efficacy in the rat pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy. EPILEPSIA. 291-292. Hattiangady, B., Rao, M. S., Rai, K. S., & Shetty, A. K. (2005). Enduring survival of new neurons born at early post-status epilepticus and during chronic epilepsy in the rat dentate gyrus. EPILEPSIA. 106-106. Rao, M. S., Hattiangady, B., Reddy, D. S., & Shetty, A. K. (2005). Neurodegeneration, spontaneous recurrent motor seizures and aberrant mossy fiber sprouting in a model of temporal lobe epilepsy using F344 rats. EPILEPSIA. 301-301. Shetty, A. K., Hattiangady, B., & Shetty, G. A. (2004). Stem/progenitor cell proliferation factors FGF-2, IGF-1 and VEGF exhibit early decline in the hippocampus during aging. Journal of Neurochemistry. 34-34.
education and training Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Manipal University - (Manipala, Karnataka, India) 2003 M.Sc. in Human Physiology, Kasturba Medical College - (Manipala, Karnataka, India) 1995
mailing address Texas A&M Health Science Center Regenerative Medicine 1114 TAMUS College Station, TX 77845 USA