Dr. Hill-Jackson has over 50 scholarly publications, including white papers, book chapters, and peer-reviewed articles to her credit. Dr. Hill-Jackson's has written 5 books and the latest one is titled, What Makes a Star Teacher: 7 Dispositions That Support Student Learning (2019) by the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. Her research interests include: critical teacher education, servant leadership, black women educators, and grow-your-own (GYO) teacher programs for community education. Dr. Hill-Jackson received the prestigious American Educational Research Association / Spencer Fellowship and was conferred with the LEAD Poisoning Star Award for her research in community education. In 2013, Hill-Jackson won a Fulbright Traditional Core Award and was hosted by the Center for Critical and Cultural Theory at the School of English Communication and Philosophy at Cardiff University in Cardiff, Wales. Further, Dr. Hill-Jackson received a 2018-2019 Melbern G. Glasscock NTT Faulty Research Fellowship. Dr. Hill-Jackson is the grant writer and principal investigator (PI) of three grants. In 2020 Hill-Jackson was awarded a $13.3 million-dollar five-year grant funded by the US Department of Education (USDoE). In 2022, Hill-Jackson was awarded $12.2 million-dollar LEADERS grant, funded by the USDoE, alongside Dr. Beverly Sande. In addition, Dr. Hill-Jackson is the PI and grant writer for the Brazos Valley Teach program, which is a $729 thousand-dollar grant-funded project supported by the Greater Texas Foundation. The BVTeach program is a GYO program that provides guidance, resources, and support for high school students in the Brazos Valley seeking a college and career readiness support for the field of teaching and training. Finally, Dr. Hill-Jackson is the co-editor for the Journal of Teacher Education--one of the leading journals in the field of teacher education.