selected publications academic article Gaukler, G. M., Zuidwijk, R. A., & Ketzenberg, M. E. (2023). The value of time and temperature history information for the distribution of perishables. European Journal of Operational Research. 310(2), 627-639. Abdulla, H., Abbey, J. D., & Ketzenberg, M. (2022). How consumers value retailer's return policy leniency levers: An empirical investigation. Production and Operations Management. 31(4), 1719-1733. Akturk, M. S., & Ketzenberg, M. (2022). Impact of Competitor Store Closures on a Major Retailer. 31(2), 715-730. Akturk, M. S., & Ketzenberg, M. (2022). Exploring the Competitive Dimension of Omnichannel Retailing. Management science. 68(4), 2732-2750. Akturk, M. S., Ketzenberg, M., & Yldz, B. (2021). Managing consumer returns with technology-enabled countermeasures. OMEGA International Journal of Management Science. 102, 102337-102337. Ketzenberg, M. E., Abbey, J. D., Heim, G. R., & Kumar, S. (2020). Assessing customer return behaviors through data analytics. Journal of Operations Management. 66(6), 622-645. Ertekin, N., Ketzenberg, M. E., & Heim, G. R. (2020). Assessing Impacts of Store and Salesperson Dimensions of Retail Service Quality on Consumer Returns. Production and Operations Management. 29(5), 1232-1255. Ketzenberg, M. E., & Metters, R. D. (2020). Adapting operations to new information technology: A failed "internet of things" application. OMEGA International Journal of Management Science. 92, 102152-102152. Abdulla, H., Ketzenberg, M., & Abbey, J. D. (2019). Taking stock of consumer returns: A review and classification of the literature. Journal of Operations Management. 65(6), 560-605. Abbey, J., Ketzenberg, M., & Metters, R. (2018). A more profitable approach to product returns. MIT SLOAN MANAGEMENT REVIEW. 60(1), 71-74. Choi, S., & Ketzenberg, M. (2018). An inverse newsvendor model to set the optimal number of customers in a capacitated environment. International Journal of Production Economics. 196, 188-197. Akturk, M. S., Ketzenberg, M., & Heim, G. R. (2018). Assessing impacts of introducing ship-to-store service on sales and returns in omnichannel retailing: A data analytics study. Journal of Operations Management. 61(1), 15-45. Ketzenberg, M., Gaukler, G., & Salin, V. (2018). Expiration dates and order quantities for perishables. European Journal of Operational Research. 266(2), 569-584. Gaukler, G., Ketzenberg, M., & Salin, V. (2017). Establishing dynamic expiration dates for perishables: An application of rfid and sensor technology. International Journal of Production Economics. 193, 617-632. Menezes, M., Ketzenberg, M., Oliva, R., & Metters, R. (2015). Service delivery to moving demand points using mobile servers. International Journal of Production Economics. 168, 158-166. Ketzenberg, M., Bloemhof, J., & Gaukler, G. (2015). Managing Perishables with Time and Temperature History. Production and Operations Management. 24(1), 54-70. Ruiz-Bentez, R., Ketzenberg, M., & van der Laan, E. A. (2014). Managing consumer returns in high clockspeed industries. OMEGA International Journal of Management Science. 43, 54-63. Ketzenberg, M. E., Geismar, N., Metters, R., & van der Laan, E. (2013). The Value of Information for Managing Retail Inventory Remotely. Production and Operations Management. 22(4), 811-825. Heim, G. R., & Ketzenberg, M. E. (2011). Learning and relearning effects with innovative service designs: An empirical analysis of top golf courses. Journal of Operations Management. 29(5), 449-461. Ketzenberg, M. (2009). The value of information in a capacitated closed loop supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research. 198(2), 491-503. Ketzenberg, M. E., & Zuidwijk, R. A. (2009). Optimal Pricing, Ordering, and Return Policies for Consumer Goods. 18(3), 344-360. Ketzenberg, M., & Ferguson, M. E. (2008). Managing SlowMoving Perishables in the Grocery Industry. Production and Operations Management. 17(5), 513-521. Ketzenberg, M. E., Rosenzweig, E. D., Marucheck, A. E., & Metters, R. D. (2007). A framework for the value of information in inventory replenishment. European Journal of Operational Research. 182(3), 1230-1250. Ketzenberg, M. E., Laan, E., & Teunter, R. H. (2006). Value of Information in Closed Loop Supply Chains. Production and Operations Management. 15(3), 393-406. Ketzenberg, M., Metters, R., & Semple, J. (2006). A heuristic for multi-item production with seasonal demand. IIE Transactions. 38(3), 201-211. Ferguson, M., & Ketzenberg, M. E (2006). Information Sharing to Improve Retail Product Freshness of Perishables. Production and Operations Management. 15(1), 57-73. FERRER, G., & KETZENBERG, M. E. (2004). Value of information in remanufacturing complex products. IIE Transactions. 36(3), 265-277. KETZENBERG, M. E., SOUZA, G. C., & GUIDE, V. (2003). MIXED ASSEMBLY AND DISASSEMBLY OPERATIONS FOR REMANUFACTURING. Production and Operations Management. 12(3), 320-335. SOUZA, G. C., KETZENBERG, M. E., & GUIDE, V. (2002). CAPACITATED REMANUFACTURING WITH SERVICE LEVEL CONSTRAINTS*. Production and Operations Management. 11(2), 231-248. Ketzenberg, M., Metters, R., & Vargas, V. (2002). Quantifying the benefits of breaking bulk in retail operations. International Journal of Production Economics. 80(3), 249-263. Souza, G. C., & Ketzenberg, M. E. (2002). Two-stage make-to-order remanufacturing with service-level constraints. International Journal of Production Research. 40(2), 477-493. Ketzenberg, M., Metters, R., & Vargas, V. (2000). Inventory policy for dense retail outlets. Journal of Operations Management. 18(3), 303-316. Metters, R., & Ketzenberg, M. (2000). Small Is Beautiful: The Re-Emergence of The Convenience Strategy. Journal of Business Strategies. 17(1), 25-35. conference paper Heim, G. R., & Ketzenberg, M. E. (2010). Learning and Relearning Effects with Innovative Service Designs: An Empirical Analysis of Top Golf Courses. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPERATIONS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (ICOSCM 2010). 584-585. institutional repository document Abdulla, H., Abbey, J., Ketzenberg, M., & Heim, G. R. (2021). The Point of No Return? Restrictive Changes to Lenient Return Policies and Consumer Reactions to Them
co-principal investigator on VALUE OF TIME AND TEMPERATURE HISTORY RFID TECHNOLOGY TO LEVERAGE RETURN ON TRACEABILITY INVESTMENTS awarded by National Institute of Food and Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2014 - 2015
teaching activities FINC485 Directed Studies Instructor FINC489 Sptp: Quant Invstg & Trading Instructor FINC489 Sptp: System. Trdg. Strategie Instructor FINC489 Sptp:quant Invst&sys Tradng Instructor FINC685 Directed Studies Instructor FINC689 Sptp: Quant Invstg & Trading Instructor FINC689 Sptp: System. Trdg. Strategies Instructor FINC689 Sptp:quant Invst & Sys Trading Instructor ISTM360 Applied Predictive Analytics Instructor ISTM485 Directed Studies Instructor ISTM489 Sptp: Comp Trading Non-finc Instructor ISTM489 Sptp: Computer Trading Strat Instructor ISTM489 Sptp:app Pred Anly For Bus Instructor ISTM660 Applied Predictive Analytics Instructor ISTM685 Directed Studies Instructor ISTM689 Sptp: Comp Trading Non-finc Instructor ISTM689 Sptp: Comp Trading Strategies Instructor SCMT345 Business Process Design Instructor SCMT489 Sptp: App Pred Ana For Bus Instructor SCMT650 Applied Predictive Analytics Instructor SCMT681 Seminar Instructor SCMT685 Directed Studies Instructor SCMT688 Doctoral Seminar In Instructor SCMT689 Sptp: Applied Predictive Analy Instructor SCMT691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Abdulla, Huseyn (2022-03). Essays on Consumer Return Policy Design. Akturk, Mustafa Serkan (2017-05). Essays on Consumer Returns and Retail Operations. Ertekin, Necati (2016-02). Consumer Returns in Retailing.
education and training Ph.D. in Operations Management, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - (Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States) 2000 M.B.A. in Operations Management, Vanderbilt University - (Nashville, Tennessee, United States) 1995 B.S. in Information Decision Systems, Carnegie Mellon University - (Adelaide, South Australia, Australia) 1987
awards and honors Wickham Skinner Awards: Best Unpublished Paper Award, conferred by Production and Operations Management Society, 2003
mailing address Texas A&M University Dept Of Information & Operations Management 4217 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4217 USA