selected publications academicarticle Darouichi, A., Kunisch, S., Menz, M., & Cannella, A. (2021). CEO tenure: An integrative review and pathways for future research. Corporate Governance (Oxford): an international review. 29(6), 661-683. Wagstaff, M. F., Flores, G. L., Cannella, A., Sarkar, S., & Choirat, C. (2021). Construct Validity of Unobtrusive Measures of Organizational Ethical Climates. Corporate Reputation Review: an international journal. 24(3), 158-177. Darouichi, A., Kunisch, S., & Cannella, A. (2021). MONEY VERSUS LEGACY: PRE-SUCCESSION BEHAVIOR OF VOLUNTARILY DEPARTING CEOs. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2021(1), 10789-10789. Guo, W., & Cannella, A. (2021). No Need to Know It All: Implications of COVID-19 for Corporate Communication Research. Journal of Management Studies. 58(5), 1421-1425. Darouichi, A., Cannella, A., Kunisch, S., & Menz, M. (2020). Mission Accomplished? An Aspirations-Based Theory of Voluntary CEO Departure. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2020(1), 17814-17814. Gee, I. H., & Cannella, A. (2020). Outside Director to Executive: A New View of the Resource-Provision Role of Directors. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2020(1), 21868-21868. Woo, H., Cannella, A., & Mesquita, L. (2019). How intra and interfirm agglomeration affect newunit geographic distance decisions of multiunit firms. Strategic Management Journal. 40(11), 1757-1790. Caiazza, R., Cannella, A., Phan, P. H., & Simoni, M. (2019). An Institutional Contingency Perspective of Interlocking Directorates. International Journal of Management Reviews. 21(3), 277-293. Kunisch, S., Menz, M., & Cannella, A. (2019). The CEO as a key microfoundation of global strategy: Task demands, CEO origin, and the CEO's international background. Global Strategy Journal. 9(1), 19-41. Jiang, H., Cannella, A. A., & Jiao, J. (2018). Does Desperation Breed Deceiver? A Behavioral Model of New Venture Opportunism. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. 42(5), 769-796. Li, J., Cannella, A., & Zhao, Y. (2018). How Fraudulent Behavior Diffuses Through Board Interlocks. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2018(1), 13140-13140. Zardkoohi, A., Kang, E., Fraser, D., & Cannella, A. A. (2018). Managerial Risk-Taking Behavior: A Too-Big-To-Fail Story. Journal of Business Ethics. 149(1), 221-233. Cannella, A., & Sy, V. (2018). The two sides of CEO pay injustice: a commentary. Management Research: the journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management. 16(1), 90-96. Jiang, H., Xia, J., Cannella, A. A., & Xiao, T. (2018). Do ongoing networks block out new friends? Reconciling the embeddedness constraint dilemma on new alliance partner addition. Strategic Management Journal. 39(1), 217-241. Cannella, A., & Georgakakis, D. (2017). DECISION DIVERSION: THE ROLES OF LEADERSHIP CONTEXT AND OTHER CONTINGENCIES. Academy of Management Discoveries. 3(4), 428-430. Steinbach, A. L., Holcomb, T. R., Holmes, R., Devers, C. E., & Cannella, A. (2017). TOP MANAGEMENT TEAM INCENTIVE HETEROGENEITY, STRATEGIC INVESTMENT BEHAVIOR, AND PERFORMANCE: A CONTINGENCY THEORY OF INCENTIVE ALIGNMENT. Strategic Management Journal. 38(8), 1701-1720. Kalm, M., Cannella, A., & Gonzalez-Leon, A. C. (2017). The Roles of Regional Intercorporate Networks in Firm Failure Among Colombian SMEs. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2017(1), 14237-14237. Jiang, H., Cannella, A., Xia, J., & Semadeni, M. (2017). Choose to Fight or Choose to Flee? A Network Embeddedness Perspective of Executive Ship Jumping in Declining Firms. Strategic Management Journal. 38(10), 2061-2079. Gao, H. e., Yu, T., & Cannella, A. (2017). UNDERSTANDING WORD RESPONSES IN COMPETITIVE DYNAMICS. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW. 42(1), 129-144. Cannella, A. A., & McFadyen, M. A. (2016). Changing the Exchange. Journal of Management. 42(4), 1005-1029. McAlister, L., Srinivasan, R., Jindal, N., & Cannella, A. A. (2016). Advertising Effectiveness: The Moderating Effect of Firm Strategy. Journal of Marketing Research. 53(2), 207-224. Yu, T., Li, D., & Cannella, A. (2016). Sex in the Board Room: Board Gender Diversity and Firm Competitive Behavior. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2016(1), 17837-17837. Hambrick, D. C., Beckman, C., Cannella, A., Joshi, A., Misangyi, V. F., Shapiro, D. L., Shropshire, C., & Westphal, J. (2016). Sex in the Boardroom: Does Gender Really Matter in the Upper Echelons? - A Debate. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2016(1), 11153-11153. Gao, H. e., Yu, T., & Cannella, A. A. (2016). The Use of Public Language in Strategy. Journal of Management. 42(1), 21-54. Cannella, A., Adler, N. J., Stahl, G. K., Waldman, D. A., Withers, M. C., Fenters, V., & Peterson, S. J. (2016). Understanding Executive Leadership in Global Roles: What We Know and What We Need to Know. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2016(1), 11471-11471. Jones, C. D., Li, M., & Cannella, A. A. (2015). Responses to a Governance Mandate. Journal of Management. 41(7), 1873-1897. Cannella, A., Jones, C. D., & Withers, M. C. (2015). FAMILY- VERSUS LONE-FOUNDER-CONTROLLED PUBLIC CORPORATIONS: SOCIAL IDENTITY THEORY AND BOARDS OF DIRECTORS. Academy of Management Journal. 58(2), 436-459. Yu, T., Li, D., Cannella, A., & Zhou, J. (2015). Female Influence in Top Management Team and Firm Competitive Behavior. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2015(1), 17567-17567. Cannella, A. (2015). Revolution in the C-Suite: The Rise of the Functional Top Management Team Member. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2015(1), 13494-13494. Krause, R., Semadeni, M., & Cannella, A. A. (2014). CEO Duality: A Review and Research Agenda. Journal of Management. 40(1), 256-286. Woo, H., & Cannella, A. (2014). Rivalry in Both Upstream and Downstream Markets: A Multimarket Competition Approach. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2014(1), 11262-11262. Orozco, L. E., & Cannella, A. (2014). The Impact of Multimarket Contact on Efficiency and Profitability. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2014(1), 17347-17347. Gao, H. e., Yu, T., & Cannella, A. (2014). Understanding Verbal Response in Competitive Dynamics. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2014(1), 14293-14293. Krause, R., Semadeni, M., & Cannella, A. A. (2013). External COO/presidents as expert directors: A new look at the service role of boards. Strategic Management Journal. 34(13), 1628-1641. Jiang, H., Cannella, A., Gao, L., & Jiao, J. (2013). Inwardoutward guanxi contagion and employees responses to managerial guanxi practices. Journal of Management and Organization. 19(5), 613-634. Yu, T., Subramaniam, M., & Cannella Jr, A. A. (2013). Competing globally, allying locally: Alliances between global rivals and host-country factors. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES. 44(2), 117-137. Yu, T., & Cannella, A. A. (2013). A Comprehensive Review of Multimarket Competition Research. Journal of Management. 39(1), 76-109. Jiang, H., Cannella, A., & Gao, L. (2013). Embracing Friends and Embracing Strangers: The Evolution of Firms Ego Alliance Networks. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2013(1), 14968-14968. Liu, K., Li, J., Hesterly, W., & Cannella, A. (2012). Top management team tenure and technological inventions at post-IPO biotechnology firms. Journal of Business Research. 65(9), 1349-1356. Withers, M. C., Hillman, A. J., & Cannella, A. (2012). A Multidisciplinary Review of the Director Selection Literature. Journal of Management. 38(1), 243-277. Semadeni, M., & Cannella, A. A. (2011). Examining the performance effects of post spinoff links to parent firms: should the apron strings be cut?. Strategic Management Journal. 32(10), 1083-1098. McFadyen, M. A., Semadeni, M., & Cannella, A. A. (2009). Value of Strong Ties to Disconnected Others: Examining Knowledge Creation in Biomedicine. Organization science. 20(3), 552-564. Tieying, Y. u., Subramaniam, M., & Cannella, A. A. (2009). Rivalry Deterrence In International Markets: Contingencies Governing The Mutual Forbearance Hypothesis. Academy of Management Journal. 52(1), 127-147. Zhou, J., Shin, S. J., & Cannella, A. A. (2008). Employee Self-Perceived Creativity After Mergers and Acquisitions. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 44(4), 397-421. CANNELLA, A. A., PARK, J., & LEE, H. (2008). TOP MANAGEMENT TEAM FUNCTIONAL BACKGROUND DIVERSITY AND FIRM PERFORMANCE: EXAMINING THE ROLES OF TEAM MEMBER COLOCATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL UNCERTAINTY. Academy of Management Journal. 51(4), 768-784. Cannella, A. A., Park, J., & Lee, H. (2008). Top Management Team Functional Background Diversity and Firm Performance: Examining The Roles of Team Member Colocation and Environmental Uncertainty. Academy of Management Journal. 51(4), 768-784. Kim, Y., & Cannella, A. (2008). Toward a social capital theory of director selection. Corporate Governance (Oxford): an international review. 16(4), 282-293. Semadeni, M., Cannella, A., Fraser, D. R., & Lee, D. S. (2008). Fight or flight: Managing stigma in executive careers. Strategic Management Journal. 29(5), 557-567. Lester, R. H., Hillman, A., Zardkoohi, A., & Cannella, A. (2008). FORMER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS AS OUTSIDE DIRECTORS: THE ROLE OF HUMAN AND SOCIAL CAPITAL. Academy of Management Journal. 51(5), 999-1013. Kim, Y., & Cannella, A. A. (2008). Social capital among corporate upper echelons and its impacts on executive promotion in Korea. Journal of World Business. 43(1), 85-96. Hillman, A. J., Shropshire, C., & Cannella, A. A. (2007). Organizational Predictors of Women on Corporate Boards. Academy of Management Journal. 50(4), 941-952. Yu, T., & Cannella, A. A. (2007). Rivalry Between Multinational Enterprises: An Event History Approach. Academy of Management Journal. 50(3), 665-686. Miller, D., Le Breton-Miller, I., Lester, R. H., & Cannella, A. (2007). Are family firms really superior performers?. Journal of Corporate Finance. 13(5), 829-858. Devers, C. E., Cannella, A., Reilly, G. P., & Yoder, M. E. (2007). Executive compensation: A multidisciplinary review of recent developments. Journal of Management. 33(6), 1016-1072. Farh, J., Cannella, A. A., & Lee, C. (2006). Approaches to Scale Development in Chinese Management Research. Management and Organization Review. 2(3), 301-318. Grossman, W., & Cannella, A. A. (2006). The Impact of Strategic Persistence on Executive Compensation. Journal of Management. 32(2), 257-278. Lester, R. H., & Cannella, A. (2006). Interorganizational familiness: How family firms use interlocking directorates to build community-level social capital. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. 30(6), 755-775. Lester, R. H., Certo, S. T., Dalton, C. M., Dalton, D. R., & Cannella, A. A. (2006). Initial public offering investor valuations: An examination of top management team prestige and environmental uncertainty. JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. 44(1), 1-26. Cannella, A. A. (2005). Social Capital and Information Technology. Administrative Science Quarterly. 50(2), 308-310. McFadyen, M. A., & Cannella, A. A. (2005). Knowledge creation and the location of university research scientists interpersonal exchange relations: within and beyond the university. Strategic Organization. 3(2), 131-155. Rowe, W. G., Cannella, A. A., Rankin, D., & Gorman, D. (2005). Leader succession and organizational performance: Integrating the common-sense, ritual scapegoating, and vicious-circle succession theories. The Leadership Quarterly. 16(2), 197-219. Farh, J., Cannella, A. A., Lee, C., & Yang, K. (2005). Management and Organization Review Special Issue on Developing Valid Measures for Chinese Management Research. Management and Organization Review. 1(1), 155-156. McFadyen, M. A., & Cannella, A. A. (2004). SOCIAL CAPITAL AND KNOWLEDGE CREATION: DIMINISHING RETURNS OF THE NUMBER AND STRENGTH OF EXCHANGE RELATIONSHIPS. Academy of Management Journal. 47(5), 735-746. McFadyen, M. A., & Cannella, A. A. (2004). Social Capital and Knowledge Creation: Diminishing Returns of the Number and Strength of Exchange Relationships. Academy of Management Journal. 47(5), 735-746. Hambrick, D. C., & Cannella, A. A. (2004). CEOs who have COOs: Contingency analysis of an unexplored structural form. Strategic Management Journal. 25(10), 959-979. Hoskisson, R. E., Cannella, A. A., Tihanyi, L., & Faraci, R. (2004). Asset restructuring and business group affiliation in French affiliation in French civil law countries. Strategic Management Journal. 25(6), 525-539. Ortnngel, P., & Cannella, A. A. (2004). Executive Turnover Revisited From an Efficiency Wage Perspective. Management Research: the journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management. 2(1), 7-23. Cannella, A. A. (2004). Academy of Management Review: Editorial Note. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW. 29(1), 73. Certo, S. T., Daily, C. M., Cannella, A. A., & Dalton, D. R. (2003). Giving Money to Get Money: How CEO Stock Options and CEO Equity Enhance IPO Valuations. Academy of Management Journal. 46(5), 643-653. Certo, S. T., Daily, C. M., Cannella, A. A., & Dalton, D. R. (2003). Giving money to get money: How CEO stock options and CEO equity enhance IPO valuations. Academy of Management Journal. 46(5), 643-653. Rowe, W. G., Harris, I. C., Cannella, A. A., & Francolini, T. (2003). In search of meaning: Does the Fortune reputation survey alter performance expectations?. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. 20(3), 187-195. Daily, C. M., Dalton, D. R., & Cannella, A. A. (2003). Corporate Governance Special Topic Forum Acknowledgements. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW. 28(3), 477-477. Daily, C. M., Dalton, D. R., & Cannella, A. A. (2003). Corporate Governance Special Topic Forum Acknowledgements. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW. 28(3), 477-477. Daily, C. M., Dalton, D. R., & Cannella, A. A. (2003). Corporate Governance: Decades of Dialogue and Data. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW. 28(3), 371-382. Daily, C. M., Dalton, D. R., & Cannella, A. A. (2003). Corporate Governance: Decades of Dialogue and Data. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW. 28(3), 371-371. Shen, W., & Cannella, A. A. (2003). Will succession planning increase shareholder wealth? Evidence from investor reactions to relay CEO successions. Strategic Management Journal. 24(2), 191-198. Daily, C. M., Dalton, D. R., & Cannella, A. A. (2003). Introduction to special topic forum corporate governance: Decades of dialogue and data. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW. 28(3), 371-382. Shen, W., & Cannella, A. A. (2002). Power Dynamics Within Top Management and Their Impacts on CEO Dismissal Followed by Inside Succession. Academy of Management Journal. 45(6), 1195-1206. Shen, W., & Cannella, A. A. (2002). Power dynamics within top management and their impacts on CEO dismissal followed by inside succession. Academy of Management Journal. 45(6), 1195-1206. Hillman, A. J., Cannella, A. A., & Harris, I. C. (2002). Women and racial minorities in the boardroom: How do directors differ?. Journal of Management. 28(6), 747-763. CANNELLA, A., FRASER, D., LEE, D. S., & SEMADENI, M. (2002). FIGHT OR FLIGHT: MANAGING STIGMA IN EXECUTIVE CAREERS. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2002(1), n1-n6. Shen, W., & Cannella, A. A. (2002). Revisiting the Performance Consequences of CEO Succession: The Impacts of Successor Type, Postsuccession Senior Executive Turnover, and Departing CEO Tenure. Academy of Management Journal. 45(4), 717-733. Shen, W., & Cannella, A. A. (2002). Revisiting the performance consequences of CEO succession: The impacts of successor type, postsuccession senior executive turnover, and departing CEO tenure. Academy of Management Journal. 45(4), 717-733. Cannella, A. A., & Hambrick, D. (2001). Upper echelons: Donald Hambrick on executives and strategy. 15(3), 36-44. Cannella, A. A., & Shen, W. (2001). So Close and Yet So Far: Promotion Versus Exit for CEO Heirs Apparent. Academy of Management Journal. 44(2), 252-270. Cannella, A. A., & Shen, W. (2001). So close and yet so far: Promotion versus exit for CEO heirs apparent. Academy of Management Journal. 44(2), 252-270. Hillman, A. J., Cannella, A. A., & Paetzold, R. L. (2000). The resource dependence role of corporate directors: Strategic adaptation of board composition in response to environmental change. Journal of Management Studies. 37(2), 235-255. Lane, P. J., Cannella, A. A., & Lubatkin, M. H. (1999). Ownership structure and corporate strategy: One question viewed from two different worlds. Strategic Management Journal. 20(11), 1077-1086. Klein, K. J., Tosi, H., & Cannella, A. A. (1999). Multilevel Theory Building: Benefits, Barriers, and New Developments. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW. 24(2), 248-253. Klein, K. J., Tosi, H., & Cannella, A. A. (1999). Multilevel theory building: Benefits, barriers, and new developments. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW. 24(2), 243-248. Lane, P. J., Cannella, A. A., & Lubatkin, M. H. (1998). Agency problems as antecedents to unrelated mergers and diversification: Amihud and Lev reconsidered. Strategic Management Journal. 19(6), 555-578. Gray, S. R., & Cannella, A. A. (1997). The role of risk in executive compensation. Journal of Management. 23(4), 517-540. Cannella, A. A., & Monroe, M. J. (1997). Contrasting perspectives on strategic leaders: Toward a more realistic view of top managers. Journal of Management. 23(3), 213-237. CANNELLA, A. A., FRASER, D. R., & LEE, D. S. (1995). FIRM FAILURE AND MANAGERIAL LABOR-MARKETS - EVIDENCE FROM TEXAS BANKING. Journal of Financial Economics. 38(2), 185-210. CANNELLA, A. A., & ROWE, W. G. (1995). LEADER CAPABILITIES, SUCCESSION, AND COMPETITIVE CONTEXT - A STUDY OF PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL TEAMS. The Leadership Quarterly. 6(1), 69-88. CANNELLA, A. A. (1995). EXECUTIVES AND SHAREHOLDERS - A SHIFT IN THE RELATIONSHIP. Human Resource Management. 34(1), 165-184. CANNELLA, A. A., & PAETZOLD, R. L. (1994). PFEFFER BARRIERS TO THE ADVANCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL SCIENCE - A REJOINDER. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW. 19(2), 331-341. Cannella, A. A., & Paetzold, R. L. (1994). PFEFFER'S Barriers to The Advance Of Organizational Science: A Rejoinder. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW. 19(2), 331-341. HAMBRICK, D. C., & CANNELLA, A. A. (1993). RELATIVE STANDING - A FRAMEWORK FOR UNDERSTANDING DEPARTURES OF ACQUIRED EXECUTIVES. Academy of Management Journal. 36(4), 733-762. Hambrick, D. C., & Cannella, A. A. (1993). Relative Standing: A Framework for Understanding Departures of Acquired Executives. Academy of Management Journal. 36(4), 733-762. CANNELLA, A. A., & LUBATKIN, M. (1993). SUCCESSION AS A SOCIOPOLITICAL PROCESS - INTERNAL IMPEDIMENTS TO OUTSIDER SELECTION. Academy of Management Journal. 36(4), 763-793. Cannella, A. A., & Lubatkin, M. (1993). Succession as A Sociopolitical Process: Internal Impediments to Outsider Selection. Academy of Management Journal. 36(4), 763-793. CANNELLA, A. A., & HAMBRICK, D. C. (1993). EFFECTS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTURES ON THE PERFORMANCE OF ACQUIRED FIRMS. Strategic Management Journal. 14(S1), 137-152. FARH, J. L., CANNELLA, A. A., & BEDEIAN, A. G. (1991). PEER RATINGS - THE IMPACT OF PURPOSE ON RATING QUALITY AND USER ACCEPTANCE. Group & Organization Management. 16(4), 367-386. Cannella, A., Lubatkin, M., & Kapouch, M. (1991). ANTECEDENTS OF EXECUTIVE SELECTIONS: ADDITIONAL EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE. Academy of Management Proceedings. 1991(1), 11-15. Hambrick, D. C., & Cannella, A. A. (1989). Strategy Implementation as Substance and Selling. Academy of Management Perspectives. 3(4), 278-285. Hambrick, D. C., & Cannella, A. A. (1989). Strategy Implementation as Substance and Selling. The Academy of Management Perspectives. 3(4), 278-285. book Cannella, A., & Holcomb, T. R. (2005). A MULTI-LEVEL ANALYSIS OF THE UPPER-ECHELONS MODEL: PLANTING SEEDS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH. Ed. 4. Emerald. Cannella, A. A., & Holcomb, T. R. (2005). A Multi-Level Analysis of the Upper-Echelons Model. Ed. 4. Emerald. chapter Cannella, A., & Sy, V. A. (2019). Human capital resource emergence: a commentary. HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH ON STRATEGIC HUMAN CAPITAL RESOURCES. (pp. 130-142). Edward Elgar Publishing. Jones, C. D., & Cannella, A. A. (2011). Alternate configurations in strategic decision making. The Handbook of Research on Top Management Teams. (pp. 15-34). conference paper Woo, H., Cannella, A., & Mesquita, L. F. (2017). Intra- and Inter-Firm Agglomeration: The Location Decisions of Multi-Unit Firms. Academy of Management Proceedings. 11208-11208. LESTER, R. H., CANNELLA, A. A., & CERTO, S. T. (2008). KEEP CLOSE TO HOME OR VENTURE OUT: THE INFLUENCE OF STATUS AND CONNECTIONS FOR OUTSIDE DIRECTORSHIPS. Academy of Management Proceedings. 1-6. Devers, C. E., Holcomb, T. R., Holmes, R. M., & Cannella, A. A. (2006). INSIDE THE BLACK BOX: THE CONTRASTING EFFECTS OF TMT LONG-TERM INCENTIVES ON INTEREST ALIGNMENT. Academy of Management Proceedings. hh1-hh6. Yu, T., & Cannella, A. A. (2005). The antecedents of competitive aggressiveness among multinational enterprises: A study of the global automobile industry Lester, R. H., & Cannella, A. A. (2005). The road to directorship: How corporate executives secure positions on other firm's boards
teaching activities MGMT680 Business & Corp Strategy Instructor MGMT685 Directed Studies Instructor MGMT691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Jeong, Eui Kyo (2004-09). Divisionalization, product cannibalization and product location choice: Evidence from the U.S. automobile industry. Lester, Richard H. (2004-09). A road less traveled: Investigating the outside directors of America's corporate boards. Li, Jun (2005-11). A power model of management team restructuring and executive exit in IPO-stage firms: antecedents and performance effects. Reutzel, Christopher Ray (2009-05). Managerial prestige and post-IPO firm performance: a partially mediated model. Semadeni, Matthew Briggs (2004-09). Leaving the corporate fold: examining spin-off actions and performance. Yu, Tieying (2004-11). Dynamics of multinational rivalry.
education and training Ph.D., Columbia University - (New York, New York, United States) 1991 M.Phil., Columbia University - (New York, New York, United States) 1989 M.B.A., University of Northern Iowa - (Cedar Falls, Iowa, United States) 1984 B.S., Tennessee Technological University - (Cookeville, Tennessee, United States) 1974
awards and honors Organization and Management Theory Division/Above and Beyond the Call of Duty Award, conferred by Academy of Management - (Briarcliff Manor, New York, United States), 2011 Fellow, conferred by Academy of Management - (Briarcliff Manor, New York, United States), 2008 Fish Camp Namesake Recognition Award for Student Service, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 1997