publication venue for
- Digital monitoring of the microchannel filling flow dynamics using a non-contactless smartphone-based nano-liter precision flow velocity meter.. 252:116130-116130. 2024
- Foldable low-cost point-of-care device for testing blood coagulation using smartphones.. 242:115755-115755. 2023
- A review of biosensor technologies for blood biomarkers toward monitoring cardiovascular diseases at the point-of-care.. 171:112621-112621. 2021
- Textile-based wearable solid-contact flexible fluoride sensor: Toward biodetection of G-type nerve agents.. 182:113172-113172. 2021
- On the intersection of molecular bioelectronics and biosensors: 20 Years of C3B. 176:112889-112889. 2020
- High-throughput and label-free multi-outlet cell counting using a single pair of impedance electrodes.. 166:112458-112458. 2020
- A flow-proteometric platform for analyzing protein concentration (FAP): Proof of concept for quantification of PD-L1 protein in cells and tissues.. 117:97-103. 2018
- In-droplet cell concentration using dielectrophoresis.. 97:41-45. 2017
- Iron-sulfur-based single molecular wires for enhancing charge transport in enzyme-based bioelectronic systems.. 78:477-482. 2016
- Overcoming the aggregation problem: a new type of fluorescent ligand for ConA-based glucose sensing.. 63:53-60. 2015
- Bioplasmonic calligraphy for multiplexed label-free biodetection.. 59:208-215. 2014
- A nanobeads amplified QCM immunosensor for the detection of avian influenza virus H5N1.. 26:4146-4154. 2011
- Role of porosity in tuning the response range of microsphere-based glucose sensors.. 26:2478-2483. 2011
- MEMS biosensors for detection of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus.. 29:1-12. 2011
- Air-cathode microbial fuel cell array: a device for identifying and characterizing electrochemically active microbes.. 26:2680-2684. 2011
- Enhancing the longevity of microparticle-based glucose sensors towards 1 month continuous operation.. 25:1075-1081. 2010
- Rapid antibiotic efficacy screening with aluminum oxide nanoporous membrane filter-chip and optical detection system.. 26:289-294. 2010
- Towards the silicon nanowire-based sensor for intracellular biochemical detection.. 22:2065-2070. 2007
- Modeling of spherical fluorescent glucose microsensor systems: design of enzymatic smart tattoos.. 21:1760-1769. 2006
- Encapsulation of glucose oxidase and an oxygen-quenched fluorophore in polyelectrolyte-coated calcium alginate microspheres as optical glucose sensor systems.. 21:212-216. 2005
- Biosensors for identification of biological warfare agents. 14:749-749. 2000
- 3D hydrodynamic focusing microfluidics for emerging sensing technologies.. 67:25-34.
- A comparison of imaging methods for use in an array biosensor.. 17:719-725.
- A cowpea mosaic virus nanoscaffold for multiplexed antibody conjugation: application as an immunoassay tracer.. 21:1668-1673.
- A liquid crystal pixel array for signal discrimination in array biosensors.. 15:417-421.
- A membrane-based displacement flow immunoassay.. 13:939-944.
- Antibody immobilization using heterobifunctional crosslinkers.. 12:1101-1106.
- Array biosensor for detection of biohazards.. 14:785-794.
- Attachment of plastic fluidic components to glass sensing surfaces.. 17:105-110.
- Automated processing integrated with a microflow cytometer for pathogen detection in clinical matrices.. 40:10-16.
- Common and uncommon sense for sensing R.PoryrailoIntegrated Analytical Systems2009Springer. 25:537-537.
- Comparison of chemical cleaning methods of glass in preparation for silanization. 14:683-688.
- Detecting staphylococcal enterotoxin B using an automated fiber optic biosensor.. 14:163-170.
- Detection of bacterial toxins with monosaccharide arrays.. 21:1195-1201.
- Detection of multiple toxic agents using a planar array immunosensor.. 13:407-415.
- Effectiveness of protein A for antibody immobilization for a fiber optic biosensor.. 12:329-336.
- Evanescent wave fluorescence biosensors.. 20:2470-2487.
- Evanescent wave fluorescence biosensors: Advances of the last decade.. 76:103-112.
- Fabrication of a capillary immunosensor in polymethyl methacrylate.. 17:95-103.
- Fiber optic-based biosensor for ricin.. 12:937-945.
- Hydrodynamic focusing of conducting fluids for conductivity-based biosensors.. 25:1363-1369.
- In celebration of Professor Anthony Turner's 70th birthday and his service and achievement as the chair of the World Congress on biosensors 1990-2021.. 177:112950-112950.
- Microflow Cytometer for optical analysis of phytoplankton.. 26:4263-4269.
- Multiplexed measurement of serum antibodies using an array biosensor.. 21:1880-1886.
- Point-of-care biosensor systems for cancer diagnostics/prognostics.. 21:1932-1942.
- REACT: A microfluidic system for rapid evaluation of trans-kingdom interactions.. 267:116838-116838.
- Real-time analysis of protein adsorption to a variety of thin films.. 19:1045-1055.
- Regeneration of immobilized antibodies on fiber optic probes.. 9:585-592.
- Simplified single neuron model for robust local pulse wave velocity sensing using a tetherless bioimpedance device.. 267:116793-116793.
- Simultaneous detection of six biohazardous agents using a planar waveguide array biosensor.. 15:579-589.
- Simultaneous determination of kinetic parameters for the binding of cholera toxin to immobilized sialic acid and monoclonal antibody using an array biosensor.. 22:124-130.
- Target delivery in a microfluidic immunosensor.. 22:2763-2767.
- Use of the USDT flow immunosensor for quantitation of benzoylecgonine in urine.. 11:725-734.
- Voltage-induced inhibition of antigen-antibody binding at conducting optical waveguides.. 17:489-494.
- Wearable fabric-based ZnO nanogenerator for biomechanical and biothermal monitoring.. 242:115739-115739.
- Microsystems for isolation and electrophysiological analysis of breast cancer cells from blood. 2006