publication venue for
- Preparation of ATO Thin Films from SPS-Derived Large Size ATO Ceramic Targets by PVD Methods. 783-786:1973-1978. 2014
- Influence of Cryomilling on Microstructure, Phase Stability and Oxidation Behavior of NiCrAlY Bond Coat in Thermal Barrier Coatings: Experimentation and Mechanistic Investigation. 654-656:1940-1943. 2010
- Effect of Ppm Level Dopant on Ductility of Ultrafine Grained Gold Wires. 633-634:449-457. 2010
- Strategies for Improving Ductility of Cryomilled Nanostructured Titanium. 633-634:459-469. 2010
- Strain Rate Sensitivity Studies of Cryomilled Al Alloy Performed by Nanoindentation. 584-586:221-226. 2008
- 10.4028/0-87849-384-0.75. 579:75-90. 2008
- Characterization of high strength alloy formed by ion irradiation of metallic glasses. 561-565:1737-+. 2007
- Synthesis of Diamond Reinforced Al-Mg Nanocrystalline Composite Powder Using Ball Milling. 416-418:213-218. 2003
- Microstructural Investigation of Grain Stability in Cryomilled Inconel 625. 386-388:403-408. 2002
- Thermally Stable Nanocrystalline Al-Mg Alloy Powders Produced by Cryomilling. 386-388:409-414. 2002
- Synthesis and Characterization of Cryomilled SiC Reinforced Al Coatings. 343-346:267-274. 2000
- Thermal Stability of Nanostructured Cr3C2-NiCr Coatings. 343-346:261-266. 2000
- Reactive Spray Deposited and Thermomechanically Processed Al-Mg-Mn Alloys. 331-337:461-466. 2000
- Synthesis and Processing of Nanostructured Cr3C2-NiCr Coatings using Mechanical Milling and HVOF. 312-314:237-246. 1999
- Effect of plasticizer on free volume and permeability in cellulose acetate pseudolatex membranes studied by positron annihilation and tracer diffusion methods. 255-257:333-335. 1997
- A Case Study on Metal-Ceramic Interfaces: Wetting of Alumina by Molten Aluminum 2018
- Influence of H-Content on Thermo-Mechanical Properties of NiAl Alloys 2018
- Micromechanical Modeling of Precipitation Hardened NiTiHf 2018
- Constitutive Modeling of Near-Equiatomic NiTi Shape Memory Alloys Considering Composition and Heat Treatment 2016
- Effect of Cu Atoms on the Band Structure of CdTe 2016
- Shockwave Response of Polymer and Polymer Nanocomposites 2016
- Thermomechanical Properties of Anti-Parallel -Sheets with Bombyx mori Silk Nanostructures [Gly-Ser-Gly-Ala-Gly-Ala]n and [Gly-Ala]n 2016
- Thermophysical Properties of Anti-Parallel -Sheets with Bombyx mori Silk Nanostructures [Gly-Ser-Gly-Ala-Gly-Ala]n and [Gly-Ala]n 2016
- Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Piezoelectric Materials for Energy Harvesting Applications 2014
- Finite Element Analysis of Precipitation Effects on Ni-Rich NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Response 2014
- An Overview of the Effect of Nb in Strengthening Castrip Steel 2013
- High Temperature Stability of Oxygen Functionalized Epitaxial Graphene/Metal Contact Interfaces 2013
- Tension - Compression Asymmetry in Co49Ni21Ga30 High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloy Single Crystals 2013
- Superplastic Forming Response of a Friction Stir Processed Mg Alloy Sheet - A Numerical Approach 2013
- Electrical Characterization of the Graphene-SiC Heterojunction 2012
- Plasma-based chemical modification of epitaxial graphene 2012
- Positive Temperature Coefficient SiC PiN Diodes 2012
- Deformation Temperature Effects on Microstructure and Texture Evolution in High Strain Rate Extrusion-Machining of Mg-AZ31B 2012
- Growth of 4H-and 3C-SiC Epitaxial Layers on 4H-SiC Step-Free Mesas 2011
- Observations on C-face SiC Graphene Growth in Argon 2011
- Nitriding of a Nb-microalloyed Thin Strip Cast Steel at 525C 2010
- EBSD Characterization of Pure Iron Deformed by ECAE 2010
- Evaluation of reshaping methods for multi-pass Equal Channel Angular Extrusion 2008
- The effect of texture on the fatigue properties of ultrafine-grained interstitial-free steel 2008
- Equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) of Ni-Ti based shape memory alloy systems 2007
- Recrystallized grain size in severely deformed pure copper 2006
- Microstructure and thermal stability of lamellar Cr-silicides 2003
- Thermo-mechanical fatigue and transformation behavior of TiNiCuSMA 2001
- A thermodynamic framework for the superplastic response of materials 2001