Book RDF
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- Overreach: Leadership in the Obama presidency
- Overtraining in Sport
- Oxidation of Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins
- p53 Suppressor Gene
- Packets with Deadlines
- Paideia and Cult Christian Initiation in Theodore of Mopsuestia
- Pajarito Canta Tu...I'm Listening
- Paleoamerican Odyssey
- Paleoamerican Origins Beyond Clovis
- Paleoclimatology
- Paleoseismology study northwest of the New Madrid seismic zone
- Palladium-Catalyzed Coupling Reactions
- Parameterized and Exact Computation: Preface
- Participatory Accountability and Collective Action
- Participatory Accountability and Collective Action: Evidence from Field Experiments in Albanian Schools
- Parties and their environments limits to reform?
- Party Polarization in America
- Pascal Bruckner and the Politics of the Moraliste: Realism or Reaction?
- Pat the great cat : a jaguar's journey : children of the Americas tell a true story of a very noble jaguar.
- Patent and Trade Disparities in Developing Countries
- Pathophysiology: Concepts of Human Disease
- Pathways to Academic Success in Higher Education, Expanding Opportunity for Underrepresented Students
- Pathways to Adolescent Male Violent Offending
- Paulo Freire and the Cold War Politics of Literacy
- Pavement Design and Materials
- Pediatric Neurotoxicology Academic and Psychosocial Outcomes
- Peer review of teaching a sourcebook
- Pensar en/la postdictadura
- Perception and Agency in Shared Spaces of Contemporary Art