Public Participation, Social Equity, and Technology in Urban Governance
Public Policy and the Black Hospital From Slavery to Segregation to Integration
Public Service Performance
Public Space Design with Citizens' Participation: Creative Collaboration of Citizens, Municipalities, and Specialists in Himeji City
Puerto Ricans in Illinois
Pushkin and the Creative Process
Qualitative Inquiry in Higher Education Organization and Policy Research
Quality by Design for Biopharmaceutical Drug Product Development
Quantitative Analysis for Management
Quantitative Analysis for Management,12th Edition
Quantum Graphs and Their Applications Proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Quantum Graphs and Their Applications, June 19-23, 2005, Snowbird, Utah
Quantum Mechanics for Beginners With Applications to Quantum Communication and Quantum Computing
Quantum Optics
Quantum Optics
Queer times, queer becomings
Queer Victorian Families, Curious Relations in Literature
Quiero escribir, pero me sale Espina
Race and Gender Discrimination at Work
Race, Equity, and the Learning Environment The Global Relevance of Critical and Inclusive Pedagogies in Higher Education
Rachilde and French Women's Authorship From Decadence to Modernism
Racial and Ethnic Relations
Racial and Ethnic Relations
Racial and Ethnic Relations
Racial and Ethnic Relations
Racial and Ethnic Relations (3rd edition)
Racial Theories in Social Science, A Systemic Racism Critique
Racial Violence in Kentucky, 1865--1940 Lynchings, Mob Rule, and "Legal Lynchings"
Racism In The Irish Experience
Racisms: An Introduction