The Promise and Performance of American Democracy, 8th Edition
The Protection of Non-Traditional Trademarks Critical Perspectives
The Proximate Principle The Impact of Parks, Open Space and Water Features on Residential Property Values and the Property Tax Base
The Pursuit of Fairness A History of Affirmative Action
The Quest for Responsive Government An Introduction to State and Local Politics
The Relation of Approach and Avoidance Goals to Persistence, Affective Judgments, and Health
The Religious Slaughter of Animals A US Perspective on Regulations and Animal Welfare Guidelines
The Responsibility to Understand: Hermeneutical Contours of Ethical Life
The Rhetoric of Fascism: Rhetoric, Culture, and Social Critique
The rhetoric of heroic expectations: Establishing the Obama presidency
The role of animals in biological cycling of forest-steppe ecosystems
The Role of Government in Water Markets (Book Excerpt)
The role of Helen Purdy Beale in the early development of plant serology and virology.
The Role of Language Teacher Associations in Professional Development
The Rosa Luxemburg reader
The Routledge Handbook of Sport and Sustainable Development
The Routledge Introduction to American Renaissance Literature
The Russian Imperial Army 1796-1917
The Russian Imperial Army, 1796-1917
The SAGE Handbook of Tourism Studies
The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change
The Science of Basic Health and Fitness
The Science of Basic Health and Fitness - EBook
The Sea of Galilee Boat, An Extraordinary 2000 Year Old Discovery
The Sixties
The Sixties
The Sixties 3rd Edition
The Sixties, 2nd Edition
The Sixties, 4th Edition
The Social Impacts of Urban Containment