Vertical reefs: Life on oil and gas platforms in the gulf of Mexico
Veterinary Aspects of Feline Behavior
Vibration and Damping in Distributed Systems Vol. I: Analysis, Estimation, Attenuation and Design
Vibration and Damping in Distributed Systems, Volume II: WKB and Wave Methods, Visualization and Experimentation
Vibrations of Linear Piezostructures
Vichy An Ever-present Past
Vichy's Afterlife History and Counterhistory in Postwar France
Views of Seventeenth-century Vietnam Christoforo Borri on Cochinchina & Samuel Baron on Tonkin
Virtual Gender Fantasies of Subjectivity and Embodiment
Viruses: From understanding to investigation
Viruses: Intimate Invaders
Volume 358: NanTroSEIZE Plate Boundary Deep Riser 4: Nankai Seismogenic/Slow Slip Megathrust
Volume 378 South Pacific Paleogene Climate
Von Heuerleuten und Farmern die Auswanderung aus dem Osnabrcker Land nach Nordamerika im 19. Jahrhundert : Emigration from the Osnabrck region to North America in the 19th century
War Party in Blue Pawnee Scouts in the U.S. Army
Warm-Mix Asphalt Moisture Susceptibility Evaluation for Mix Design and Quality Assurance
Water for Texas
Water Quality Monitoring Network Design
Water Resource Economics and Policy An Introduction
Water Treatment
Water-Energy-Food Nexus: A Platform for Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals
Waterborne coatings with an emphasis on synthetic aspects: An overview
Watershed Modeling
Wavelets and Renormalization
Wavelets in Functional Data Analysis
Waves in Periodic and Random Media Proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Waves in Periodic and Random Media, June 22-28, 2002, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
We Are All Americans, Pure and Simple Theodore Roosevelt and the Myth of Americanism
We Are in This Dance Together
Well Testing