selected publications academicarticle Dutta, S., Lee, J., Banu, S. K., & Arosh, J. A. (2024). Dual inhibition of AKT and ERK1/2 Pathways Restores the Expression of Progesterone Receptor-B in Endometriotic Lesions through Epigenetic Mechanisms. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 112290-112290. Dutta, S., Banu, S. K., & Arosh, J. A. (2023). Endocrine disruptors and endometriosis. Reproductive Toxicology. 115, 56-73. Arosh, J. A., Lee, J., & Banu, S. K. (2022). Effects of dual inhibition of AKT and ERK1/2 pathways on endometrial pro-inflammatory, hormonal, and epigenetic microenvironment in endometriosis. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 539, 111446-111446. Arosh, J. A., Sivakumar, K. K., Lee, J., & Banu, S. K. (2022). Effects of selective inhibition of prostaglandin E2 receptors EP2 and EP4 on the miRNA profile in endometriosis. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 558, 111728-111728. Arosh, J. A., & Banu, S. K. (2019). Dual inhibition of ERK1/2 and AKT pathways is required to suppress the growth and survival of endometriotic cells and lesions. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 484, 78-92. Stanley, J. A., Arosh, J. A., Hoyer, P. B., & Banu, S. K. (2019). Ex Vivo Fetal Whole Ovarian Culture Model: An Essential Tool for Studies in Reproductive Toxicology and Pharmacology. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1965, 107-127. Arosh, J. A., & Banu, S. K. (2018). Molecular, Cellular, and Epigenetic Signatures of Prostaglandin E2 in Endometriosis. 14(2), 127-146. Banu, S. K., Stanley, J. A., Taylor, R. J., Sivakumar, K. K., Arosh, J. A., Zeng, L., Pennathur, S., & Padmanabhan, V. (2018). Sexually Dimorphic Impact of Chromium Accumulation on Human Placental Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis. Toxicological Sciences. 161(2), 375-387. Arosh, J. A. (2018). Clinical, Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Endometriosis. Current Women's Health Reviews. 14(2), 87-87. Arosh, J. A., Banu, S. K., & McCracken, J. A. (2016). Novel concepts on the role of prostaglandins on luteal maintenance and maternal recognition and establishment of pregnancy in ruminants. Journal of Dairy Science. 99(7), 5926-5940. Lee, J., Banu, S. K., McCracken, J. A., & Arosh, J. A. (2016). Early pregnancy modulates survival and apoptosis pathways in the corpus luteum in sheep. 151(3), 187-202. Arosh, J. A., Lee, J., Starzinski-Powitz, A., & Banu, S. K. (2015). Selective inhibition of prostaglandin E2 receptors EP2 and EP4 modulates DNA methylation and histone modification machinery proteins in human endometriotic cells. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 409(C), 51-58. Bruner-Tran, K. L., Ding, T., Yeoman, K. B., Archibong, A., Arosh, J. A., & Osteen, K. G. (2014). Developmental exposure of mice to dioxin promotes transgenerational testicular inflammation and an increased risk of preterm birth in unexposed mating partners. PLoS ONE. 9(8), e105084-e105084. Lee, J., Stanley, J. A., McCracken, J. A., Banu, S. K., & Arosh, J. A. (2014). Intrauterine coadministration of ERK1/2 inhibitor U0126 inhibits interferon TAU action in the endometrium and restores luteolytic PGF2alpha pulses in sheep. Biology of Reproduction. 91(2), 46-9. Lebovic, D. I., Kavoussi, S. K., Lee, J., Banu, S. K., & Arosh, J. A. (2013). PPAR activation inhibits growth and survival of human endometriotic cells by suppressing estrogen biosynthesis and PGE2 signaling. ENDOCRINOLOGY. 154(12), 4803-4813. Lee, J., McCracken, J. A., Banu, S. K., & Arosh, J. A. (2013). Intrauterine inhibition of prostaglandin transporter protein blocks release of luteolytic PGF2alpha pulses without suppressing endometrial expression of estradiol or oxytocin receptor in ruminants. Biology of Reproduction. 89(2), 27-9. Lee, J., McCracken, J. A., Stanley, J. A., Nithy, T. K., Banu, S. K., & Arosh, J. A. (2012). Intraluteal prostaglandin biosynthesis and signaling are selectively directed towards PGF2alpha during luteolysis but towards PGE2 during the establishment of pregnancy in sheep. Biology of Reproduction. 87(4), 97-14. McCracken, J. A., Custer, E. E., Schreiber, D. T., Tsang, P., Keator, C. S., & Arosh, J. A. (2012). A new in vivo model for luteolysis using systemic pulsatile infusions of PGF(2). Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators. 97(3-4), 90-96. Lee, J., Banu, S. K., Nithy, T. K., Stanley, J. A., & Arosh, J. A. (2012). Early pregnancy induced expression of prostaglandin E2 receptors EP2 and EP4 in the ovine endometrium and regulated by interferon tau through multiple cell signaling pathways. Biology of Reproduction. 348(1), 211-223. Arosh, J. A., Lee, J., Burghardt, R. C., & Banu, S. K. (2012). Selective Inhibition of Prostaglandin E2 Receptors EP2 and EP4 Inhibits Adhesion of Human Endometriotic Epithelial and Stromal Cells through Integrin-Mediated Mechanisms. REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES. 19(S3), 138A-138A. Lee, J., Banu, S. K., Nithy, T. K., Stanley, J. A., & Arosh, J. A. (2012). Early pregnancy induced expression of prostaglandin E2 receptors EP2 and EP4 in the ovine endometrium and regulated by interferon tau through multiple cell signaling pathways. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 348(1), 211-223. McConaha, M. E., Ding, T., Lucas, J. A., Arosh, J. A., Osteen, K. G., & Bruner-Tran, K. L. (2011). Preconception omega-3 fatty acid supplementation of adult male mice with a history of developmental 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin exposure prevents preterm birth in unexposed female partners. REPRODUCTION. 142(2), 235-241. Lee, J., Banu, S. K., Subbarao, T., Starzinski-Powitz, A., & Arosh, J. A. (2011). Selective inhibition of prostaglandin E2 receptors EP2 and EP4 inhibits invasion of human immortalized endometriotic epithelial and stromal cells through suppression of metalloproteinases. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 332(1-2), 306-313. Banu, S. K., Lee, J., Stephen, S. D., Nithy, T. K., & Arosh, J. A. (2010). Interferon tau regulates PGF2alpha release from the ovine endometrial epithelial cells via activation of novel JAK/EGFR/ERK/EGR-1 pathways. Molecular Endocrinology. 24(12), 2315-2330. Lee, J., McCracken, J. A., Banu, S. K., Rodriguez, R., Nithy, T. K., & Arosh, J. A. (2010). Transport of prostaglandin F(2alpha) pulses from the uterus to the ovary at the time of luteolysis in ruminants is regulated by prostaglandin transporter-mediated mechanisms. ENDOCRINOLOGY. 151(7), 3326-3335. Lee, J., Banu, S. K., Rodriguez, R., Starzinski-Powitz, A., & Arosh, J. A. (2010). Selective blockade of prostaglandin E2 receptors EP2 and EP4 signaling inhibits proliferation of human endometriotic epithelial cells and stromal cells through distinct cell cycle arrest. Fertility and Sterility. 93(8), 2498-2506. Banu, S. K., Lee, J., Speights, V. O., Starzinski-Powitz, A., & Arosh, J. A. (2009). Selective inhibition of prostaglandin E2 receptors EP2 and EP4 induces apoptosis of human endometriotic cells through suppression of ERK1/2, AKT, NFkappaB, and beta-catenin pathways and activation of intrinsic apoptotic mechanisms. Molecular Endocrinology. 23(8), 1291-1305. Banu, S. K., Lee, J., Speights, V. O., Starzinski-Powitz, A., & Arosh, J. A. (2008). Cyclooxygenase-2 regulates survival, migration, and invasion of human endometriotic cells through multiple mechanisms. ENDOCRINOLOGY. 149(3), 1180-1189. Banu, S. K., Lee, J., Starzinski-Powitz, A., & Arosh, J. A. (2008). Gene expression profiles and functional characterization of human immortalized endometriotic epithelial and stromal cells. Fertility and Sterility. 90(4), 972-987. Banu, S. K., Lee, J., Satterfield, M. C., Spencer, T. E., Bazer, F. W., & Arosh, J. A. (2008). Molecular cloning and characterization of prostaglandin (PG) transporter in ovine endometrium: role for multiple cell signaling pathways in transport of PGF2alpha. ENDOCRINOLOGY. 149(1), 219-231. Banu, S. K., Arosh, J. A., Chapdelaine, P., & Fortier, M. A. (2005). Expression of prostaglandin transporter in the bovine uterus and fetal membranes during pregnancy. Biology of Reproduction. 73(2), 230-236. Arosh, J. A., Banu, S. K., Kimmins, S., Chapdelaine, P., Maclaren, L. A., & Fortier, M. A. (2004). Effect of interferon-tau on prostaglandin biosynthesis, transport, and signaling at the time of maternal recognition of pregnancy in cattle: evidence of polycrine actions of prostaglandin E2. ENDOCRINOLOGY. 145(11), 5280-5293. Arosh, J. A., Banu, S. K., Chapdelaine, P., Madore, E., Sirois, J., & Fortier, M. A. (2004). Prostaglandin biosynthesis, transport, and signaling in corpus luteum: a basis for autoregulation of luteal function. ENDOCRINOLOGY. 145(5), 2551-2560. Emond, V., MacLaren, L. A., Kimmins, S., Arosh, J. A., Fortier, M. A., & Lambert, R. D. (2004). Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in the endometrial epithelium of the cow is up-regulated during early pregnancy and in response to intrauterine infusions of interferon-tau. Biology of Reproduction. 70(1), 54-64. Arosh, J. A., Banu, S. K., Chapdelaine, P., & Fortier, M. A. (2004). Temporal and tissue-specific expression of prostaglandin receptors EP2, EP3, EP4, FP, and cyclooxygenases 1 and 2 in uterus and fetal membranes during bovine pregnancy. ENDOCRINOLOGY. 145(1), 407-417. Banu, S. K., Arosh, J. A., Chapdelaine, P., & Fortier, M. A. (2003). Molecular cloning and spatio-temporal expression of the prostaglandin transporter: a basis for the action of prostaglandins in the bovine reproductive system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100(20), 11747-11752. Arosh, J. A., Banu, S. K., Chapdelaine, P., Emond, V., Kim, J. J., MacLaren, L. A., & Fortier, M. A. (2003). Molecular cloning and characterization of bovine prostaglandin E2 receptors EP2 and EP4: expression and regulation in endometrium and myometrium during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy. ENDOCRINOLOGY. 144(7), 3076-3091. Madore, E., Harvey, N., Parent, J., Chapdelaine, P., Arosh, J. A., & Fortier, M. A. (2003). An aldose reductase with 20 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity is most likely the enzyme responsible for the production of prostaglandin f2 alpha in the bovine endometrium. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278(13), 11205-11212. Arosh, J. A., Parent, J., Chapdelaine, P., Sirois, J., & Fortier, M. A. (2002). Expression of cyclooxygenases 1 and 2 and prostaglandin E synthase in bovine endometrial tissue during the estrous cycle. Biology of Reproduction. 67(1), 161-169. Banu, S. K., Arosh, J. A., Govindarajulu, P., & Aruldhas, M. M. (2001). Testosterone and estradiol differentially regulate thyroid growth in Wistar rats from immature to adult age. Endocrine Research. 27(4), 447-463. Stanley, J. A., Arosh, J. A., Burghardt, R. C., & Banu, S. K. A fetal whole ovarian culture model for the evaluation of CrVI-induced developmental toxicity during germ cell nest breakdown. TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY. 289(1), 58-69. Banu, S. K., Stanley, J. A., Sivakumar, K. K., Arosh, J. A., Taylor, R. J., & Burghardt, R. C. Chromium VI - Induced developmental toxicity of placenta is mediated through spatiotemporal dysregulation of cell survival and apoptotic proteins. Reproductive Toxicology. 68, 171-190. Stanley, J. A., Lee, J., Nithy, T. K., Arosh, J. A., Burghardt, R. C., & Banu, S. K. Chromium-VI arrests cell cycle and decreases granulosa cell proliferation by down-regulating cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) and cyclins and up-regulating CDK-inhibitors. Reproductive Toxicology. 32(1), 112-123. Stanley, J. A., Sivakumar, K. K., Arosh, J. A., Burghardt, R. C., & Banu, S. K. Edaravone mitigates hexavalent chromium-induced oxidative stress and depletion of antioxidant enzymes while estrogen restores antioxidant enzymes in the rat ovary in F1 offspring. Biology of Reproduction. 91(1), 12-12. Banu, S. K., Stanley, J. A., Sivakumar, K. K., Taylor, R. J., Arosh, J. A., & Burghardt, R. C. Editor's Highlight: Exposure to CrVI during Early Pregnancy Increases Oxidative Stress and Disrupts the Expression of Antioxidant Proteins in Placental Compartments. Toxicological Sciences. 155(2), 497-511. Banu, S. K., Stanley, J. A., Sivakumar, K. K., Taylor, R. J., Arosh, J. A., & Burghardt, R. C. Editor's Highlight: Exposure to CrVI during Early Pregnancy Increases Oxidative Stress and Disrupts the Expression of Antioxidant Proteins in Placental Compartments. Toxicological Sciences. 155(2), 497-511. Banu, S. K., Stanley, J. A., Lee, J., Stephen, S. D., Arosh, J. A., Hoyer, P. B., & Burghardt, R. C. Hexavalent chromium-induced apoptosis of granulosa cells involves selective sub-cellular translocation of Bcl-2 members, ERK1/2 and p53. TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY. 251(3), 253-266. Banu, S. K., Stanley, J. A., Sivakumar, K. K., Arosh, J. A., Barhoumi, R., & Burghardt, R. C. Identifying a novel role for X-prolyl aminopeptidase (Xpnpep) 2 in CrVI-induced adverse effects on germ cell nest breakdown and follicle development in rats. Biology of Reproduction. 92(3), 67-18. Banu, S. K., Starzinski-Powitz, A., Speights, V. O., Burghardt, R. C., & Arosh, J. A. Induction of peritoneal endometriosis in nude mice with use of human immortalized endometriosis epithelial and stromal cells: a potential experimental tool to study molecular pathogenesis of endometriosis in humans. Fertility and Sterility. 91(5 Suppl), 2199-2209. Banu, S. K., Samuel, J. B., Arosh, J. A., Burghardt, R. C., & Aruldhas, M. M. Lactational exposure to hexavalent chromium delays puberty by impairing ovarian development, steroidogenesis and pituitary hormone synthesis in developing Wistar rats. TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY. 232(2), 180-189. Arosh, J. A., Lee, J., Balasubbramanian, D., Stanley, J. A., Long, C. R., Meagher, M. W., ... Banu, S. K. Molecular and preclinical basis to inhibit PGE2 receptors EP2 and EP4 as a novel nonsteroidal therapy for endometriosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112(31), 9716-9721. Stanley, J. A., Sivakumar, K. K., Nithy, T. K., Arosh, J. A., Hoyer, P. B., Burghardt, R. C., & Banu, S. K. Postnatal exposure to chromium through mother's milk accelerates follicular atresia in F1 offspring through increased oxidative stress and depletion of antioxidant enzymes. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 61, 179-196. Sivakumar, K. K., Stanley, J. A., Arosh, J. A., Pepling, M. E., Burghardt, R. C., & Banu, S. K. Prenatal exposure to chromium induces early reproductive senescence by increasing germ cell apoptosis and advancing germ cell cyst breakdown in the F1 offspring. Developmental Biology. 388(1), 22-34. Banu, S. K., Stanley, J. A., Sivakumar, K. K., Arosh, J. A., & Burghardt, R. C. Resveratrol protects the ovary against chromium-toxicity by enhancing endogenous antioxidant enzymes and inhibiting metabolic clearance of estradiol. TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY. 303, 65-78. Lee, J., Banu, S. K., Burghardt, R. C., Starzinski-Powitz, A., & Arosh, J. A. Selective inhibition of prostaglandin E2 receptors EP2 and EP4 inhibits adhesion of human endometriotic epithelial and stromal cells through suppression of integrin-mediated mechanisms. Biology of Reproduction. 88(3), 77-11. conference paper Arosh, J. A., Lee, J., Meagher, M., Osteen, K., Bruner-Tran, K., & Banu, S. (2013). UNRAVELING THE MOLECULR INTERACTIONS BETWEEN PGE2 SIGNALING AND PAIN PATHWAYS IN ENDOMETRIOSIS. Fertility and Sterility. S103-S103. Kavoussi, S. K., Stephen, S. D., Lee, J., Banu, S. K., Arosh, J. A., & Lebovic, D. I. (2010). PPAR-GAMMA ACTIVATION INHIBITS PROLIFERATION OF ENDOMETRIOTIC EPITHELIAL AND STROMAL CELLS AND IS PRO-APOPTOTIC IN ENDOMETRIOTIC STROMAL CELLS IN VITRO. Fertility and Sterility. S40-S40.
principal investigator on Epigenetic Regulation of Progesterone Receptor-B in the Endometrium during Luteolysis in Ruminants awarded by United States Department of Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2019 - 2023 Role of miR15a and miR34c in PGE2 Signaling in the Pathogenesis of Endometriosis awarded by National Institutes of Health - (Bethesda, Maryland, United States) 2015 - 2020 THE ROLE OF INTRALUTEAL PROSTAGLANDINS IN LUTEOLYSIS AND-LUTEAL PROTECTION IN SHEEP awarded by United States Department of Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2013 - 2018 Molecular Basis of Treating Endometriosis By Prostaglandin E2 Receptor Inhibitors awarded by National Institutes of Health - (Bethesda, Maryland, United States) 2011 - 2015 Prostaglandin E2 Signaling In Growth and Pains of Endometriosis awarded by National Institutes of Health - (Bethesda, Maryland, United States) 2011 - 2015
investigator on Texas A&M Center for Environmental Health Research awarded by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences - (Durham, North Carolina, United States) 2019 - 2024 Mechanism of Prenatal Chromium-VI Exposure and Germ Cell Apoptosis in the Ovary awarded by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences - (Durham, North Carolina, United States) 2016 - 2021
teaching activities BIMS491 Hnr-research Instructor VIBS424 Hnr-biomed Endocrin Disordrs Instructor VIBS485 Directed Studies Instructor VIBS604 Bio Neuro Endo Disorders Instructor VIBS685 Directed Studies Instructor VIBS691 Research Instructor VIBS948 Anatomy Elective Instructor VTPB948 2vm Elective Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Lee, Je Hoon (2013-05). Cellular Transport of Prostaglandins in the Ovine Uterus.
education and training Ph.D. in Reproductive Physiology-Endocrinology, Universite Laval - (Québec, Quebec, Canada) 2004 D.V.M. in Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Sciences, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University - (Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India) 1995
mailing address Texas A&M University Veterinary Integrative Biosciences 4458 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4458 USA