United States Department of Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States)
External Organization
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award or honor given
W.O. Atwater Memorial Lecturer,
conferred on Stover, Patrick,
Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences/Regional Teaching Award,
conferred on Smith, Patricia,
Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences/New Teacher Award,
conferred on Strong, Jennifer,
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Partnership Award,
conferred on Perry, George,
Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences/Regional Teaching Award,
conferred on Savell, Jeffrey,
Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences/National Teaching Award,
conferred on Crompton, John,
Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences/National Teaching Award,
conferred on Lyle, Stacey,
Cotton Genetics Award,
conferred on Stelly, David,
Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences/New Teacher Award,
conferred on Harlin, Julie,
Cotton Genetics Award,
conferred on Stelly, David,
awards grant
2014 BFP, TAMU, Climate Change #4, GHANA
2014 BFP, TEXAS A&M, Animal AI #5, MOROCCO
35th Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics
36th Conference of the Int'l Society for Animal Genetics
36th Conference of the Int'l Society for Animal Genetics
36th Conference of the Int'l Society for Animal Genetics
37th Conference Of The International Society For Animal Genetics
A Host-Pathogen Approach to GWAS for Enhanced Resistance to Bacterial Mastitis in Dairy Cattle
A Population-Genetic Inventory of the Invasive Weed, Imperta Cylindrica To Expedite the Development of Viable Biological
A Water and Risk Management Tool for Sustainable Production of Bioenergy Feedstocks--
A scalable bioassay for culturing CLas and high-throughput screening of novel antimicrobials for HLB management
Actionable Links Between Soil Function, Ecosystem Services, and Stakeholder Perceptions to Overcome Barriers to Improved Soil Management
Added Value to Farm-to-Food Bank
Aerial and Ground Phenotyping Analytical Tool Development for Plant Breeders Using the Maize G2F project
Agricultural Policy/Resource Management
An IPM Response to the Invasive Sugarcane Aphid on Sorghum: Developing and Integrating Thresholds, Plant Resistance, and Biocontrol Tactics
Analysis Of Fiber Traits And Development Of Toolkits Enabling Enhanced Fiber Breeding In Cotton Using An Integrated Rad-Seq And Rna-Seq Approach
Analysis of Crop Insurance Premium Subsidies, Generic Base Acre Allocation, Forced Base Updating, and Costs of Production for Representative Crop Farms
Animal Disease Surveillance - Tunisia
Application Of A Viral Vector For R Gene Interrogation In Nicotiana Tabacum
Applying Structural Genomics and Drug Discovery to Understanding Drug Resistance
Arginine and Secreted Phosphoprotein 1 Mediate Cell Signaling to Enhance Conceptus Development and Survival
Arginine and Secreted Phosphoprotein 1 Mediate Motor Cell Signaling for Conceptus Development and Survival
Assessing and Mitigating Risk Associated with Antimicrobial Resistance Determinants in Cattle Feedyard Dust
BFP 15 - Tanzania - Mengele - FS
BFP FY16 Malawi Malaidza TAMU
BFP FY16 Uganda OBA Brucellosis TAMU
BFP15 Bangladesh Selim_Animal Nutri@TAMU
BFP15 India (Darmala) Animal Nutrition @ TAMU
BFP16 Thailand (Nonejuie, G) MarkInfo@TAMU
BFP17 Vietnam (CHAU,A)Biotech@TAMU
BFP19 Egypt (Anas)Biotechnology@TAMU
BFP19 Masindi(South Africa)Bio-Tech@TAMU
Bacteria Super-Repellent and Water-efficient, Self-Cleaning Surfaces for Vegetable Washing, Grading, and Packing Machinery and Equipment
Biotechnology communications for journalists - Indonesia
Borlaug Fellowship for M.S. Rahman (BNGL)
Borlaug Ukraine 2015 - Danylenko - TAMU
Borlaug Ukraine-Irrigation Management
Borlaug Vietnam (V.N. Trung)
Broadening Students' Experiences and Expanding Their Career Competencies through International Experiential Learning Opportunities
Broadening Students' Experiences and Expanding Their Career Competencies through International Experiential Learning Opportunities
Broadening Students' Experiences and Expanding Their Career Competencies through International Experiential Learning Opportunities
Broadening Students' Experiences and Expanding Their Career Competencies through International Experiential Learning Opportunities
Building Capacity of A Usda-Supported Agricultural Credit Institution In Armenia
CESU - CEAP Cropland and Grazing Land Modeling
CFP Kazakhstan US Systems Audits
CFP Ukraine/Moldova Animal Products
CFP17 Serbia Crop Insurance @TAMU-
CFP17 Thailand Plant Variety Prot @TAMU
CFP18 South Africa - Meat Inspection
CFP19 Colombia SPS/TBT @TAMU
CFP19 Mexico Rendered Products @ TAMU
CFP: FY16 FS -TAMU - Philippines
Canisius College: Insect sterol requirements: a novel target for controlling insect herbivore pests
Characterization Of Cis-Regulatory Elements Associated With Mammary Gland Function
Characterization of antiviral defense mechanisms in C3 and C4 grasses
Characterization of estrogen responsive genes in the endometrium that contribute to pregnancy success in beef cattle.
Climate Change
Cochran Fellowship Program: Ethiopia – Meat and Poultry Safety
Cochran Fellowship Program: Vietnam US Food Safety on Meat, Poultry
Cochran Program for Dominican Republic - Trade Policy
Collection Support for USDA APHIS PPQ Entomologist Associated with the Texas A&M University Insect Collection
Collection Support for USDA APHIS PPQ Entomologist Associated with the Texas A&M University Insect Collection
Collection Support for USDA APHIS PPQ Entomologist Associated with the Texas A&M University Insect Collection
Combatting Rose Rosette Disease: Short and Long Term Approaches
Consumer Demand for Greek Yogurt and its Implications to the Dairy Industry in the United States
Cooperative Forest Genomics - Enhancing and Conserving Tree Populations for a Changing Climate
Cotton Classification
Cotton Functional Genomics In Biotic and Abiotic Stress Responses
Cover crops and cropping system sustainability in a changing global climate
Dangerous Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) in the beef chain: assessing and mitigating the risk by translational science, education, and outreach
Defining the molecular mechanisms of competitive exclusion to reduce Salmonella burden in poultry
Definition of targets to inhibit Salmonella colonization of the intestine
Demonstration of Water Purification/Treatment/Recycling and Power Generation with Net Metering in a Commercial-Sized University Dairy Operated by the Dairy Industry
Developing Analytical Systems And Evaluation Of Prevalence Of The Emerging Human Pathogen Escherichia Albertii
Developing Global-Ready Agriculturist through Experiential Learning Modules (ELMs): Solving Problems of Food Insecurity and Human Suffering in Haiti and Beyond
Developing Gridded Soil Moisture Maps using NRCS SSURGO
Developing Hard Winter Wheat Germplasm with New Resistance to Multiple Arthropods Using Primary Synthetics and Exome Capture
Developing a Behaviorally-Anchored Critical Thinking Assessment (BACTA) for faculty utilization in the classroom
Developing and Delivering a Bio-Economic Decision-Support Tool for Guiding Integrated Management of Palmer Amaranth
Developing smart molecular insecticide (RNAi-based) control method targeting Mormon crickets (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Development and Validation of Genetic Analytical Tools for Polyploid Crop Plants
Development of Rapid Diagnostic Tools for Anthonomus grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Subspecies and its Congenerics
Development of Rapid Diagnostic Tools for Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and its Non-pest Variants
Development of an On-line Digital Database for Within-tree Population of the Southern Pine Beetle
Disability, Food Security, and Assistance Programs
Dissecting the Ecological and Molecular Interactions Between the Pathogen Causing Zebra Chip Disease, Its Potato Psyllid Vector
Diversifying the Water Portfolio for Agriculture in the Rio Grande Basin
Early Detection of Foodborn Pathogens via Crossflow Nano/Microfiltration from Leafy Greens, Soil, and Irrigation Water
Effect of Prenatal Stress on DNA Methylation and Correspondence with Gene Expression in Cattle
Effects of Electron Beam on Potato/Tomato Psyllid and Disease Transmission
Effects of Sugar and Bioenergy Policies on Potential Production of Advanced Fuel Alcohols in the Southeast U.S.
Endogenous Synthesis and Nutritional Needs of Glycine in Sow-Reared Piglets
Enhancement of flooding tolerance: Physiological and molecular characterization of qSUB8.1 and its interaction with SUB1-
Enhancing Livestock Production from Rangelands in the Great Plains
Enhancing Resistance in Upland Cotton by Dissecting the Disease Mechanism of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Vasinfectum race 4
Epigenetic Regulation of Progesterone Receptor-B in the Endometrium during Luteolysis in Ruminants
Evaluating disease prevention methods for organic American ginseng production in Appalachia, an integrated research, education, and extension approach
Evaluation of a combined treatment using minimum levels of irradiation and cold on citrus fruit quality
Evolutionary Insights from Host-Parasite Interactions: Systematics, Population Genetics, and Coevolution
FACT: Future of Data Analytics in Nutrition: Knowledge Gaps, Data Collection and Quality, and the Role of Supporting Tools for Sustainable Development
FY 17 Collection Support for USDA APHIS PPQ Entomologist Associated with the Texas A&M University Insect Collection
FY18 Mexico TBT BFP(GuevaraLuna,M)@TAMU
Farm Level Analysis of Crop Insurance Options
Farm Level Analysis of Farm Policy and Crop Insurance, 2016-17
Farm Level Analysis of Farm Policy and Crop Insurance, 2017-2018
Farm Level Analysis of Farm Policy and Crop Insurance, 2018-19
Farm Level Policy Analyses of Implementation Options for the 2013 Farm Bill
Farm Level Policy Analyses of Implementation Options for the 2015 Farm Bill
Federal Milk Marketing Order Econometric Pricing Model
Fellow 2 - THAILAND - Cadmium Food Contamination
Fire management in temperate mixed-grass savanna: Effects on soil carbon sequestration
Food Security Educational Partnership: The Intersection of Sustainability, Hunger, Nutrition and Health
Food for Progress Monitoring and Evaluation Sustainability
Food for Progress Monitoring and Evaluation Sustainability
Food/Feed Safety and Renewable Energy Summer Hands-on (FRESH) Research Experience
From education and experiential learning to employment: Cultivating the nextgen of natural resource and food science leaders.
Fueling the mind, feeding the world: Delivering communication and decision making curricula.
Gene Drive Applications to Agriculture in Texas: Knowledge, Perceptions, and Values
Genomic Selection for Improved Fertility of Dairy Cows With Emphasis On Cyclicity and Pregnancy
Genomic and functional basis of wooden breast in broiler chicken
Grow and lead together: Developing healthy youth through school-community partnerships
HICD in Jordan
Harnessing Precision Livestock Farming to Support Smart Agriculture for Sustainable Beef Cattle Production
Health and Well-being of Beef Calves: Prenatal Stress Modulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis and Telomere Length--
Historic changes in tree/grass abundance: Implications for C and N storage
Hormonal and immunological influences on the uterine microbiome in cattle.
Hydrologic influences on soil organic carbon loss monitoring using stable isotopes
Hydrologic mechanisms determining plant species interactions in grazed savannas
IPA - Seth Murray
IRTA for Integrative Graduate Fellowships in Animal and Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics
Impact of Continuous Flow High Pressure Processing on Nutritional and Sensory Qualities of Fruit Juices During Cold Storage
Impact of Perinatal Nutrition on Reproductive Neuroendocrine Phenotype in Sexually Mature Heifers
Impact of timing of vaccination on reproductive success in beef cattle.
Impacts of Biofuel Induced Land Use Change On Energy, Water, Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Balances of the Southwestern U.S. Belt
Impacts of Biomass Sorghum Feedstock Production On Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Emissions In the Southcentral
Improve outreach to improve soils: Combining data, economics, and communication to improve soil health across the South Central United States
Increasing Sales by Promoting the Attributes of Pecan through a Systematic Science-Based Marketing Strategy
Innovative Sorghum-based Production Systems with Biological Nitrification Inhibition Property to Enhance Sustainability of Agroecosystems
Integrated High Impact Extentsion, Research, and Education Program for Undergraduate Students in Water Quality
Integrated Program for Reducing Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex In Beef and Dairy Cattle
Integrated studies of poly- -hydroxybutyrate production and dietary administration to improve health and resistance of hybrid striped bass and Nile tilapia to bacterial pathogens
Integrating Genomic Data and Physiological Measurements To Identify Fast Growing, Drought-Tolerant Loblolly Pine Varieties
Integrating Harvest-Time and Post-Harvest Non-Chemical Tactics for Diversified Management of Italian Ryegrass and Johnsongrass
Integrative Graduate Fellowships in Animal and Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics
Investigating Biological Nitrification Inhibition (BNI) in Sorghum
Jordan Badia Restoration Program
Laboratory Analysis of Soil Related to Soil Health Projects Conducted in Texas
Laboratory Capacity GAP's Assessment
Laboratory Capacity GAP's Assessment
Laboratory Capacity GAP's Assessment
Laboratory Capacity GAP's Assessment
Laboratory Capacity GAP's Assessment
Laboratory Capacity GAP's Assessment
Laboratory Capacity GAP's Assessment
Laboratory Capacity GAP's Assessment
Laboratory Capacity GAP's Assessment
Laboratory analysis of soil related to soil projects conducted in Texas
Leveling up produce safety knowledge among underserved communities by building local capacity and creating a dynamic peer network
Linking Management Decisions With Ecological and Economic Outcomes In Grazed Systems
Macedonia Meat Processing
Macedonia Veterinary Border Inspection
Managing Rangeland Watersheds for Enhanced Ecosystem Services: Learning From the Past and Planning for the Future
Maximizing voluntary compliance in antimicrobial stewardship programs: a critical factor for effective intervention
Mechanisms Associated with Late Embryonic Mortality in Cattle
Mechanisms for synergistic interactions of combined cereal flavones and legume 3-hydroxyflavones against inflammation
Mechanisms of Hypoxic Adaptation in Storage Insect Pests
Mechanisms of Lipid-mediated Signaling in Drought Tolerance in Maize
Mechanisms of fungal endophyte-mediated resistance to insects in cotton
Milkordii - Federal Mild Marketing Order Econometric Pricing Model
Molecular Cytogenetics to Support Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding
Molecular diagnostics development for intercepted Lepidoptera larvae
Molecular mapping of genes for drought and heat tolerance in cowpea
Molecular-based initiatives to support the Old World Bollworm Strategic Management Plan
Molecular-based initiatives to support the Old World Bollworm Strategic Management Plan (FY2016)
Molecular-based initiatives to support the Old World Bollworm Strategic Management Plan (FY2017)
NBAF Scientist Training Program (NSTP)
NCPN Rose Program
NCPN Rose Program
National Clean Plant Network Rose Program
Next-generation smart surfaces and coatings to improve food safety and water-efficiency of U.S. specialty crops
Non-Quarantine and Quarantine of Pest Management at Ports II
Novel merging of heifer reproductive and management systems efficiencies to expand small and medium-sized farm business profit
Nutritionally-mediated variation in Helicoverpa zea susceptibility to Bt transgenic crops
Paracrine and Autocrine Signaling Between the Conceptus and Uterus in Pigs
Pathway to Organic: A Research, Extension, and Education Project in the Southeast US on Transitioning Cropping Systems
Pest Detection: Collection Support -
Philippines: Agricultural Credit and Finance
Plant Genetics and Genomics To Improve Drought and Salinity Tolerance for Sustainable Turfgrass Production In the Southern
Plant-Virus interactions that control antiviral RNA silencing
Potato Breeding and Cultivar Development in the Southwest
Practical Issues in Empirical Analysis of National Level Farm Risk
Probiotic modulation of appetite to improve breeder pullet welfare
Programmable elimination of gene drive transgenes from an agricultural pest insect
Promotion Of Lipid Accumulation In Adipose Tissue By Gpr43 And Oleic Acid
Pyrogenic controls on grass-shrub persistence in the Great Plains
Queen Superedure in Honey Bees: How Do Agricultural Pesticides Impair Fertility in Queens and Drones?
Reducing pre-harvest losses from aflatoxin in maize production through integrated breeding and pest management strategies
Refining the sequence and annotation of complex regions in the horse sex chromosomes to enhance knowledge of functionally important genes
Regulation of tomato cell death by the protein kinase Adi3 during resistance to Pseudomonas syringae
Regulation of water and ion transport by arginine in porcine conceptuses
Research and Extension to Address Herbicide Resistance Epidemic in Annual Bluegrass in Managed Turf Systems
Research and Outreach to Support Transitioning to Organic Cotton Production in Central and Gulf Coast Texas
Review of Fire History in the Appalachian Region
Role of surface-related factors on contamination and survival of pathogens in fresh produce grown in Texas and Mexico
Roles of Produce Surface Topography and Physico-Chemistry On Development and Application of Novel Interventions To Inhibit Pathogen Attachment
Roles of fructose and glucose in growth and development of ovine and porcine conceptuses
SESP Eygpt TAMU Fellow #6 Bostros
SPS Distance Learning
SPS International Training Program
SPS International Training Programs
Scientific Cooperation Exchange Program with PRC: Institutional Building and Talent Cultivation of Agricultural International Cooperation Organizations
Seasonal fire regimes for restoration of biodiversity and enhancement of whole-ecosystem carbon sequestration in Rolling Plains rangelands
Sequencing and Functional Analysis of the Horse Y Chromosome
Signaling integration in endothelial and vascular morphogenesis
Signals, metabolites and transcriptional networks in maize symbiosis with a beneficial root colonizing fungus Trichoderma virens
Social Carrying Capacity Assessment
Socioeconomic, Demographic and Geographic Factors Affecting Household Food Purchase and Acquisition Decisions in the United States as a Complex Economic System
Soil carbon storage and dynamics in the western Gulf Coastal Plain as impacted by forest management.
South Africa Biosecurity
Southern regional center for food safety training
Strengthening Communication Skills of Agricultural Students: Using Real-World Examples to Meet Industry Employment Needs
Strengthening communication skills of agricultural students: Using real-world examples to meet industry employment needs
Studies of Maternal Recognition of Pregnancy
Sub w/TAMU: Table to Farm: A sustainable, systems-based approach for a safer and healthier melon supply chain in the U.S.
Support to African Union SPS Efforts
Supporting small-scale, underserved, and limited resources farmers for climate-smart commodities
Sustainable and Profitable Strategies for Integrated Pest Management in Southern Organic Rice
Systemic oxylipin signals (SOS) for herbivory-induced defense
Table to Farm: A sustainable, systems-based approach for a safer and healthier melon supply chain in the U.S.
Texas A&M NCPN-Roses Program
Texas A&M NCPN-Roses Program
Texas A&M NCPN-Roses Program
Texas A&M University Tech-transfer Team to monitor honey bee colony health in Texas
Texas Panhandle and Plains Rural Veterinary Practice Revitalization
Thailand FS and Feed Ingredients
The south Regional Perennial Grain Research and Education Center at MTSU-Pathways towards sustainable food production and soil health
Towards Understanding and Mitigating Gene Flow Between Crop Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and Its Wild Relative Johnsongrass (S. halepense)
Towards novel acaricide development against cattle fever tick: GPCR target validation and identification of chemical leads
Transcriptome Sequencing of Mormon Cricket in Preparation for FY19 Farm Bill on Smart Molecular Insecticide (RNAi-Based)
Transcriptomic analysis of varying immune response in BVDV challenged cattle
Translating the Genomic and Environmental Landscape of BRDC for Genetic Improvement of U.S. Dairy Cattle-
Translation of SPS Distance (French)
Tree/shrub influence on the nitrogen cycle of a subtropical savanna ecosystem
Tunisia Cooperative Training Evaluation
Tunisian Cooperatives Project
U.S. Beef Industry / China
U.S. Meat Processing and Marketing for Mexico
USDA/HSINP Future Scientist Program: Sowing the Seeds of Science Success
USDA/HSINP Future Scientist Program: Sowing the Seeds of Science Success
USDA/HSINP Future Scientists Program: Sowing the Seeds of Science Success
Understanding Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum haplotype distribution and pathogenicity
Use of Algae in the Production of Biofuels - Bulgaria
Use of non-invasive near infrared reflectance spectroscopy of bovine feces to optimize animal health in the management of tick infestations
Validation of a Genetic Predicative Mmod
Validation of microbial pathogen control on dried RTE sausages by novel antimicrobial and mathematical approaches
Validation, characterization and deployment of QTL for grain yield components in wheat
Venezuela - Information Intelligence for Farm Managers
Vulnerability Assessment of Great Plains Agriculture to Climate Variability and Change
WTO SPS National Notification Authority and Enquiry Point - Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Woody plant encroachment in grasslands: Implications of increased primary production for soil carbon sequestration
• Empowering Rural Communities and Families: Preventing Chronic Disease Through Experiential Nutrition Education
• Salud Para Usted y Su Familia [Health for You and Your Family]:Family-Focused Childhood Obesity Prevention