Zhang, Yunlong
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co-principal investigator on
Works By Students
chaired theses and dissertations
Bibeka, Apoorba (2016-07). Evaluation of CACC Vehicles Clustering on Freeway Performance.
Chen, Zhi (2013-07). An Optimization Model for Eco-Driving at Signalized Intersection.
Cho, Kyoung Min (2010-10). Modeling the Capacity of Left-Turn and Through Movement Considering Left-Turn Blockage and Spillback at Signalized Intersection with Short Left-Turn Bay.
Dai, Yizhen (2015-11). Assessment of the Operational Impacts of Comprehensive Waiting Areas at Signalized Intersections.
Ge, Hancheng (2012-10). Determination of the Presence Conditions of Pavement Markings using Image Processing.
Gu, Chaoyi (2013-07). Emission Estimation of Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles by Developing Texas Specific Drive Cycles with Moves.
Jiao, Jian (2015-12). Signal Coordination Based on Distribution of Platoon Variables.
Lee, Sunghoon (2009-06). Study on the relationship between left-turn traffic operations and safety at signalized intersections.
Li, Linhua (2009-06). A GIS-based Bayesian approach for analyzing spatial-temporal patterns of traffic crashes.
Li, Siqi (2012-07). Investigation of Operations of Hawk Pedestrian Treatment.
Lin, Lu (2015-08). Platoon Identification System in Connected Vehicle Environment.
Lv, Jinpeng 1983- (2012-12). Signal Timing Optimization to Improve Air Quality.
Madiri, Sam (2011-08). An Asset Management Framework Based on Field Performance of Pavement Markings.
Palekar, Trishul Ajit (2006-08). Signal optimization at isolated intersections using pre-signals.
Park, Minchul (2005-12). The effect of weaving maneuvers on operation of a free right-turn lane at ramp terminals.
Shollar, Brian 1988- (2012-11). Arterial Performance and Evaluation using Bluetooth and GPS Data.
Sun, Xin (2014-12). Person-based Adaptive Priority Signal Control with Connected-vehicle Information.
Tiaprasert, Kamonthep (2016-01). Queue Length Estimation and Platoon Recognition Using Connected Vehicle Technology for Adaptive Signal Control.
Tong, Jiaxin (2009-06). Using finite element structural analysis to study retroreflective raised pavement markers.
Wan, Feng (2012-02). Analysis of Platoon Impacts on Left-Turn Delay at Unsignalized Intersections.
Wang, Bo (2013-06). Investigation of the Implementation of Ramp Reversal at a Diamond Interchange.
Wang, Xiduo (2015-12). A State Dependent Lane-Changing Model for Urban Arterials with Hidden Markov Model Method.
Xie, Yuanchang (2007-12). Development and evaluation of an arterial adaptive traffic signal control system using reinforcement learning.
Ye, Zhirui (2007-12). Speed estimation using single loop detector outputs.
Zeng, Xiaosi (2011-02). Dynamically Predicting Corridor Travel Time Under Incident Conditions Using a Neural Network Approach.
Zeng, Xiaosi (2014-12). Development and Evaluation of An Adaptive Transit Signal Priority System Using Connected Vehicle Technology.
Zhang, Tao (2013-06). Using System Partition Method to Improve Arterial Signal Coordination.
Zhang, Yanru (2012-10). Freeway Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting by Considering Traffic Volatility Dynamics and Missing Data Situations.
Zou, Yajie (2013-11). A Multivariate Analysis of Freeway Speed and Headway Data.