selected publications academicarticle Chin, S. A. (2006). Special issue - 13th International Conference on Recent Progress in many-body theories - Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 5-9, 2005 - Preface. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B. 20(30-31), VII-VIII. Chin, S. A. (2006). Structure of positive decompositions of exponential operators (vol 71, art no 016703, 2005). Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 73(4), Chin, S. A. (2004). Quantum statistical calculations and symplectic corrector algorithms. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 69(4 2), CHIN, S. A., & KROTSCHECK, E. (1990). EXCITATION SPECTRUM AND DYNAMIC STRUCTURE-FUNCTION OF HE-4 CLUSTERS. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 165, 531-532. Ciftja, O., Chin, S. A., & Pederiva, F. 4He shadow wave function with an inverse seventh power particle-particle correlation function. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 122(5-6), 605-616. CHIN, S. A., & KROTSCHECK, E. A MICROSCOPIC CALCULATION OF THE DYNAMIC STRUCTURE-FUNCTION OF HE-4 CLUSTERS. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 178(4), 435-440. Chin, S. A. A Unified Derivation of Finite-Difference Schemes from Solution Matching. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. 32(1), 243-265. Auer, J., Krotscheck, E., & Chin, S. A. A fourth-order real-space algorithm for solving local Schrodinger equations. Journal of Chemical Physics. 115(15), 6841-6846. Chin, S. A. A fundamental theorem on the structure of symplectic integrators. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 354(5-6), 373-376. Chin, S. A. A truly elementary proof of Bertrand's theorem. American Journal of Physics. 83(4), 320-323. Chin, S. A., Janecek, S., & Krotscheck, E. An arbitrary order diffusion algorithm for solving Schrodinger equations. Computer Physics Communications. 180(9), 1700-1708. Chin, S. A., & Hu, C. Analytic wave functions for understanding the spectrum of the three-anyon problem. Physical Review Letters. 69(2), 229-232. Chin, S. A. Analytical evaluations of the path integral Monte Carlo thermodynamic and Hamiltonian energies for the harmonic oscillator. Journal of Chemical Physics. 159(24), 244104. Chin, S. A. Anatomy of path integral Monte Carlo: Algebraic derivation of the harmonic oscillator's universal discrete imaginary-time propagator and its sequential optimization. Journal of Chemical Physics. 159(13), 134109. Chin, S. A., Ashour, O. A., & Beli, M. R. Anatomy of the Akhmediev breather: Cascading instability, first formation time, and Fermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrence. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 92(6), 063202. Chin, S. A., Janecek, S., & Krotscheck, E. Any order imaginary time propagation method for solving the Schrodinger equation. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 470(4-6), 342-346. Svidzinsky, A., Chen, G., Chin, S., Kim, M., Ma, D., Murawski, R., ... Herschbach, D. Bohr model and dimensional scaling analysis of atoms and molecules. International Reviews in Physical Chemistry. 27(4), 665-723. Nikolic, S. N., Ashour, O. A., Aleksic, N. B., Belic, M. R., & Chin, S. A. Breathers, solitons and rogue waves of the quintic nonlinear Schrodinger equation on various backgrounds. Nonlinear Dynamics. 95(4), 2855-2865. BAYM, G., & CHIN, S. A. CAN A NEUTRON STAR BE A GIANT MIT BAG. Physics Letters B. 62(2), 241-244. CHIN, S. A., & MILLER, G. A. CHIRAL SYMMETRY-BREAKING LENGTH SCALE AND GA IN CHIRAL BAG MODELS. Physics Letters B. 121(4), 232-234. CHIN, S. A. CLASSICAL QUARK MATTER IN ONE DIMENSION - ABELIAN APPROXIMATION. 17(2), 565-573. CHIN, S. A., & KROTSCHECK, E. COLLECTIVE EXCITED-STATES OF A MODEL O-16 NUCLEUS. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A. 560(1), 151-165. CHIN, S. A. CORRECTION. Physical Review Letters. 69(7), 1148-1148. Chin, S. A. Comment on "A magnetic velocity Verlet method" [Am. J. Phys. 88, 1075 (2020)]. American Journal of Physics. 89(8), 817-817. Chin, S. A. Complete characterization of fourth-order symplectic integrators with extended-linear coefficients. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 73(2 Pt 2), 026705. CHIN, S. A. DILEPTON PRODUCTION FROM HOT QUARK MATTER IN AN ULTRA-RELATIVISTIC HEAVY-ION COLLISION. Physics Letters B. 119(1-3), 51-56. Chin, S. A. Dynamical multiple-time stepping methods for overcoming resonance instabilities. Journal of Chemical Physics. 120(1), 8-13. CHIN, S. A., & WALECKA, J. D. EQUATION OF STATE FOR NUCLEAR AND HIGHER-DENSITY MATTER BASED ON A RELATIVISTIC MEAN-FIELD THEORY. Physics Letters B. B 52(1), 24-28. Aichinger, M., Chin, S. A., Krotscheck, E., & Raesaenen, E. Effects of geometry and impurities on quantum rings in magnetic fields. Physical review B (PRB). 73(19), 195310. Chin, S. A., & Scuro, S. R. Exact evolution of time-reversible symplectic integrators and their phase errors for the harmonic oscillator. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 342(5-6), 397-403. Chin, S. A., Long, C., & Robson, D. Exact ground-state properties of SU(3) Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory. 37(10), 3001-3005. Chin, S. A., van Roosmalen OS, .., Umland, E. A., & Koonin, S. E. Exact ground-state properties of the SU(2) Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory. 31(12), 3201-3212. Chin, S. A. Explicit symplectic integrators for solving nonseparable Hamiltonians. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 80(3 Pt 2), 037701. Zillich, R. E., Mayrhofer, J. M., & Chin, S. A. Extrapolated high-order propagators for path integral Monte Carlo simulations. Journal of Chemical Physics. 132(4), 044103. Chin, S. A. Forward and non-forward symplectic integrators in solving classical dynamics problems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 84(6), 729-747. Scuro, S. R., & Chin, S. A. Forward symplectic integrators and the long-time phase error in periodic motions. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 71(5 Pt 2), 056703. Chin, S. A., & Chen, C. R. Forward symplectic integrators for solving gravitational few-body problems. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy. 91(3-4), 301-322. Chin, S. A., & Chen, C. R. Fourth order gradient symplectic integrator methods for solving the time-dependent Schrodinger equation. Journal of Chemical Physics. 114(17), 7338-7341. Aichinger, M., Chin, S. A., & Krotscheck, E. Fourth-order algorithms for solving local Schrodinger equations in a strong magnetic field. Computer Physics Communications. 171(3), 197-207. Chin, S. A., & Krotscheck, E. Fourth-order algorithms for solving the imaginary-time Gross-Pitaevskii equation in a rotating anisotropic trap. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 72(3 Pt 2), 036705. Forbert, H. A., & Chin, S. A. Fourth-order algorithms for solving the multivariable Langevin equation and the Kramers equation. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 63(1 Pt 2), 016703-7. Forbert, H. A., & Chin, S. A. Fourth-order diffusion Monte Carlo algorithms for solving quantum many-body problems. Physical review B (PRB). 63(14), 144518-1445188. Chin, S. A. Fundamental derivation of two Boris solvers and the Ge-Marsden theorem. Physical Review E. 104(5-2), 055301. CHIN, S. A., NEGELE, J. W., & KOONIN, S. E. GUIDED RANDOM-WALKS FOR SOLVING HAMILTONIAN LATTICE GAUGE-THEORIES. ANNALS OF PHYSICS. 157(1), 140-165. Chin, S. A., & Karliner, M. Glueball masses as a test of the 1/N expansion. Physical Review Letters. 58(18), 1803-1806. Chin, S. A., & Chen, C. R. Gradient symplectic algorithms for solving the Schrodinger equation with time-dependent potentials. Journal of Chemical Physics. 117(4), 1409-1415. Chin, S. A., & Anisimov, P. Gradient symplectic algorithms for solving the radial Schrodinger equation. Journal of Chemical Physics. 124(5), 054106. CHIN, S., HANAYAMA, Y., HARA, T., HIGASHI, S., KITAMURA, T., MIONO, S., ... SHIBATA, H. HIGH-ENERGY MUON FLUX AT SEA LEVEL UP TO 8 TEV DERIVED FROM OBSERVED BURST SIZE SPECTRUM. Il Nuovo Cimento B (1971-1996). B 4(2), 177-+. Chin, S. A. High-order path-integral Monte Carlo methods for solving quantum dot problems. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 91(3), 031301. Ashour, O. A., Chin, S. A., Nikolic, S. N., & Belic, M. R. Higher-order breathers as quasi-rogue waves on a periodic background. Nonlinear Dynamics. 107(4), 3819-3832. Chin, S. A., & Kidwell, D. W. Higher-order force gradient symplectic algorithms. Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics. 62(6 Pt B), 8746-8752. Chin, S. A. Higher-order splitting algorithms for solving the nonlinear Schrdinger equation and their instabilities. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 76(5 Pt 2), 056708. Long, C., Robson, D., & Chin, S. A. Improved variational wave functions for SU(3) Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory. 37(10), 3006-3009. BAYM, G., & CHIN, S. A. LANDAU THEORY OF RELATIVISTIC FERMI LIQUIDS. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A. 262(3), 527-538. CHIN, S. A. MANY-BODY THEORY OF CONFINED QUARKS AND EXCLUDED PIONS - A PERTURBATIVE STUDY OF THE CHIRAL BAG. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A. 382(3), 355-377. VARSHNEYA, A. K., COOPER, A. R., DIEGLE, R. B., & CHIN, S. A. MEASUREMENT OF SELF-DIFFUSION IN SOLIDS BY NEUTRON-ACTIVATION OF MASKED SAMPLES. Journal of The American Ceramic Society. 56(5), 245-247. Chin, S. A., Ashour, O. A., Nikolic, S. N., & Belic, M. R. Maximal intensity higher-order Akhmediev breathers of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation and their systematic generation. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 380(43), 3625-3629. Chin, S. A., & Krotscheck, E. Microscopic calculation of collective excitations in 4He clusters. Physical Review Letters. 65(21), 2658-2661. Svidzinsky, A. A., Chin, S. A., & Scully, M. O. Model of molecular bonding based on the Bohr-Sommerfeld picture of atoms. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 355(4-5), 373-377. Chin, S. A. Modern light on ancient feud: Robert Hooke and Newton's graphical method. Historia Mathematica. 60, 1-14. Nikolic, S. N., Alwashahi, S., Ashour, O. A., Chin, S. A., Aleksic, N. B., & Belic, M. R. Multi-elliptic rogue wave clusters of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation on different backgrounds. Nonlinear Dynamics. 108(1), 479-490. Chin, S. A., & Geiser, J. Multi-product operator splitting as a general method of solving autonomous and nonautonomous equations. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 31(4), 1552-1577. Chin, S. A. Multi-product splitting and Runge-Kutta-Nystrom integrators. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy. 106(4), 391-406. Chin, S. A. No sign problem in one-dimensional path integral Monte Carlo simulation of fermions: A topological proof. Physical Review E. 107(3-2), 035305. VIOLLIER, R. D., CHIN, S. A., & KERMAN, A. K. ON THE SPHEROIDAL BAG. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A. 407(3), 269-296. Chin, S. A. Operator analysis of the langevin algorithm. Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings. 9(C), 498-502. CHIN, S. A., & KERMAN, A. K. POSSIBLE LONG-LIVED HYPERSTRANGE MULTIQUARK DROPLETS. Physical Review Letters. 43(18), 1292-1295. Chin, S. A., Ashour, O. A., Nikoli, S. N., & Beli, M. R. Peak-height formula for higher-order breathers of the nonlinear Schrdinger equation on nonuniform backgrounds. Physical Review E. 95(1-1), 012211. Chin, S. A. Physics of symplectic integrators: perihelion advances and symplectic corrector algorithms. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 75(3 Pt 2), 036701. CHIN, S. A. QUARK SELF-ENERGY IN THE CHIRAL BAG. Physics Letters B. 109(3), 161-163. Chin, S. A. Quadratic diffusion Monte Carlo algorithms for solving atomic many-body problems. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 42(12), 6991-7005. Chin, S. A., & Forbert, H. A. Quantum expulsion of impurities from a Bose-Einstein condensate. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 272(5-6), 402-407. Chin, S. A. Quantum statistical calculations and symplectic corrector algorithms (vol 69, 046118, 2004). Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 73(1), 019903. Chin, S. A. Quantum statistical calculations and symplectic corrector algorithms. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 69(4 Pt 2), 046118. CHIN, S. A. RELATIVISTIC MANY-BODY STUDIES OF HIGH-DENSITY MATTER. Physics Letters B. 62(3), 263-267. CHIN, S. A. RELATIVISTIC MANY-BODY THEORY OF HIGH-DENSITY MATTER. ANNALS OF PHYSICS. 108(2), 301-367. Campbell, C. E., Chin, S. A., & Clark, J. W. Raymond Bishop and Hermann Kummel: Feenberg medalists 2005 the coupled cluster method. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B. 20(30-31), 4973-4981. Chin, S. A. Relativistic motion in a constant electromagnetic field. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 50(1), 012904. Chin, S. A., Long, C., & Robson, D. Scaling of the 0sup++ glueball mass in SU(N) Hamiltonian lattice calculations. Physical Review Letters. 57(22), 2779-2782. Ciftja, O., & Chin, S. A. Short-time-evolved wave functions for solving quantum many-body problems. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 68(13), 134510. Chin, S. A. Simple proof that there is no sign problem in path integral Monte Carlo simulations of fermions in one dimension. Physical Review E. 109(6), Chin, S. A. Solving fermion problems without solving the sign problem: Symmetry-breaking wave functions from similarity-transformed propagators for solving two-dimensional quantum dots. Physical Review E. 101(4-1), 043304. Chin, S. A., & Krotscheck, E. Structure and collective excitations of 4He clusters. Physical Review B (Condensed Matter). 45(2), 852-874. Chin, S. A. Structure of numerical algorithms and advanced mechanics. American Journal of Physics. 88(10), 883-894. Chin, S. A. Structure of positive decompositions of exponential operators. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 71(1 Pt 2), 016703. Chin, S. A., & Krotscheck, E. Surface excitations of helium droplets. Physical Review Letters. 74(7), 1143-1146. Chin, S. A. Symplectic and energy-conserving algorithms for solving magnetic field trajectories. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 77(6 Pt 2), 066401. Chin, S. A. Symplectic integrators from composite operator factorizations. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 226(6), 344-348. Nikolic, S. N., Aleksic, N. B., Ashour, O. A., Belic, M. R., & Chin, S. A. Systematic generation of higher-order solitons and breathers of the Hirota equation on different backgrounds. Nonlinear Dynamics. 89(3), 1637-1649. Chin, S. A., & Krotscheck, E. Systematics of pure and doped 4He clusters. Physical Review B (Condensed Matter). 52(14), 10405-10428. KROTSCHECK, E., & CHIN, S. A. THE DELOCALIZATION OF SF6 IN HELIUM CLUSTERS. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 227(1-2), 143-148. CHIN, S. A. TRANSITION TO HOT QUARK MATTER IN RELATIVISTIC HEAVY-ION COLLISION. Physics Letters B. 78(5), 552-555. Nikolic, S. N., Ashour, O. A., Aleksic, N. B., Zhang, Y., Belic, M. R., & Chin, S. A. Talbot carpets by rogue waves of extended nonlinear Schrodinger equations. Nonlinear Dynamics. 97(2), 1215-1225. Chin, S. A., Long, C., & Robson, D. Tensor-scalar glueball mass ratio in lattice gauge theory. Physical Review Letters. 60(15), 1467-1470. Siemens, P. J., & Chin, S. A. Testing of QCD plasma formation by dilepton spectra in relativistic nuclear collisions. Physical Review Letters. 55(12), 1266-1268. Chin, S. A., & Cator, D. The anatomy of Boris type solvers and the Lie operator formalism for deriving large time-step magnetic field integrators. Journal of Computational Physics. 466, 111422-111422. Aichinger, M., Chin, S. A., Krotscheck, E., & Schuessler, H. A. The geometric structure and optical response of gaseous endohedral magnesium-fullerenes. Journal of Modern Optics. 50(15-17), 2691-2704. Aichinger, M., Chin, S. A., Krotscheck, E., & Schuessler, H. A. The geometric structure and optical response of gaseous endohedral magnesiumfullerenes. Journal of Modern Optics. 50(15-17), 2691-2704. Chin, S. A., & Massey, J. The hardwall method of solving the radial Schrodinger equation and unmasking hidden symmetries. American Journal of Physics. 87(8), 682-686. Chen, G., Chin, S. A., Dou, Y. S., Kapale, K. T., Kim, M., Svidzinsky, A. A., ... Scully, M. O. The two electron molecular bond revisited: From Bohr orbits to two-center orbitals. Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 51, 93-238. Chin, S. A. Understanding Saul'yev-Type Unconditionally Stable Schemes from Exponential Splitting. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. 30(6), 1961-1983. chapter CHIN, S. A., JANECEK, S., KROTSCHECK, E., & LIEBRECHT, M. TOWARDS DFT CALCULATIONS OF METAL CLUSTERS IN QUANTUM FLUID MATRICES. Condensed Matter Theories. (pp. 37-48). World Scientific Publishing. conference paper Janecek, S., Aichinger, M., Raesaenen, E., Krotscheck, E., & Chin, S. A. (2007). Geometric effects and magnetic phases in quantum rings. 117-+. Chin, S. A. (2006). Forward fourth-order and correctable algorithms for solving physical evolution equations. 301-315. Krotscheck, E., Auer, J., & Chin, S. A. (2003). A fast method for solving Kohn-Sham and Gross-Pitaevskii equations in 3D. Condensed Matter Theories. 193-205. Chin, S. A., & Forbert, H. A. (2000). Impurity dynamics in a Bose condensate. Condensed Matter Theories. 53-60. Chin, S. A. (1997). Hamiltonian lattice calculations on gauge and chiral meson field theories. Lecture Notes in Physics. 110-126. Krotscheck, E., & Chin, S. A. (1996). Theoretical description of helium clusters. 213-224. CHIN, S. A., & KROTSCHECK, E. (1995). Impurity distribution in helium droplets. 85-92. CHIN, S. A., & KROTSCHECK, E. (1992). MICROSCOPIC CALCULATIONS OF THE GROUND-STATE STRUCTURES, COLLECTIVE EXCITATIONS, AND THE DYNAMIC STRUCTURE-FUNCTION OF HE-4 CLUSTERS. 35-46. CHIN, S. A., & KROTSCHECK, E. (1992). MONTE-CARLO CALCULATION OF THE GROUND AND EXCITED-STATE STRUCTURES OF HE-4 CLUSTERS. 421-430. Forbert, H. A., & Chin, S. A. A fourth order diffusion Monte Carlo algorithm for solving quantum many-body problems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B. 1752-1755. Krotscheck, E., Auer, J., & Chin, S. A. A fourth order real-space algorithm for solving local Schrodinger equations. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B. 5459-5463. Chin, S. A. Hamiltonian lattice studies of chiral meson field theories. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B. 721-729. Aichinger, M., Chin, S. A., Krotscheck, E., & Raesaenen, E. Magnetization of two-dimensional quantum rings. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1401-+. Chin, S. A., & Forbert, H. A. Quantum expulsion of impurities from a Bose condensate. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 13-14. Campbell, C. E., Chin, S. A., & Clark, J. W. Raymond Bishop and Hermann Kummel: Feenberg medalists 2005 the coupled cluster method. 3-+. CHIN, S. A. THE ONE-BODY DENSITY-MATRIX IN HELIUM DROPLETS. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 921-934. Chin, S. A., Janecek, S., Krotscheck, E., & Liebrecht, M. TOWARDS DFT CALCULATIONS OF METAL CLUSTERS IN QUANTUM FLUID MATRICES. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B. 4923-4934.
teaching activities PHYS201 College Physics Instructor PHYS202 College Physics Instructor PHYS206 Newtonian Mechanics Engr & Sci Instructor PHYS207 Elec & Magnetism Engr & Sci Instructor PHYS285 Directed Studies Instructor PHYS291 Research Instructor PHYS401 Computational Physics Instructor PHYS485 Directed Studies Instructor PHYS491 Hnr-research Instructor PHYS601 Analytical Mechanics Instructor PHYS606 Quantum Mechanics Instructor PHYS619 Mod Computational Phys Instructor PHYS685 Directed Studies Instructor PHYS691 Research Instructor
education and training Ph.D., Stanford University - (Stanford, California, United States) 1975 B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology - (Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) 1971
awards and honors Outstanding Referee, conferred by American Physical Society - (College Park, Maryland, United States), 2011 Fellow, conferred by American Physical Society - (College Park, Maryland, United States), 2006
mailing address Texas A&M University Physics And Astronomy 4242 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4242 USA