Dr. Boutton is interested in the ecology of grassland and savanna ecosystems, particularly the impacts of land cover/land use changes on ecosystem processes (productivity, decomposition, biogeochemistry, hydrology). At present, most of his work is oriented towards understanding the influence of woody plant invasion into grasslands and savannas on biogeochemistry and soil biology. He is also interested in understanding ecosystem responses to global changes predicted for the future. The effects of climate, land use, and atmospheric composition on ecosystem structure and function are being investigated at time scales ranging from a few years (contemporary ecosystems) to thousands of years (paleo ecosystems), and spatial scales ranging from the soil aggregate to the landscape. Dr. Boutton also serves as Director of the Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Laboratory, and teaches two graduate level courses (ESSM 600 - Principles of Ecosystem Science and Management, and ESSM 622 - Biogeochemistry of Terrestrial Ecosystems).