selected publications academicarticle Sahu, A., Bell, A., Ridley, C. R., & Tran, V. y. (2024). Multicultural Counseling Skills Evaluation Form: A Tool for Clinical Supervision. Counseling Psychologist. 52(6), 842-873. Evans, T. S., Ridley, C., Baek, E., Elliott, T., & Elbert, C. (2024). The relationship of early therapeutic alliance, baseline client symptom severity, and client race to duration in therapy and post client symptom severity. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. 52(3), 189-200. Sahu, A., & Ridley, C. R. (2024). Effects of Training on Multicultural Case Conceptualization Skills. Training and Education in Psychology. 18(2), 130-141. Ridley, C. R., Console, K., Sahu, A., Yin, C., & Mollen, D. (2021). A Call to the Profession: Rejuvenating the Multicultural Conversation. Counseling Psychologist. 49(4), 610-618. Sahu, A., Console, K., Tran, V. y., Xie, S., Yin, C., Meng, X., & Ridley, C. R. (2021). A Case Using the Process Model of Multicultural Counseling Competence. Counseling Psychologist. 49(4), 568-585. Ridley, C. R., Mollen, D., Console, K., & Yin, C. (2021). Multicultural Counseling Competence: A Construct in Search of Operationalization. Counseling Psychologist. 49(4), 504-533. Mollen, D., & Ridley, C. R. (2021). Rethinking Multicultural Counseling Competence: An Introduction to the Major Contribution. Counseling Psychologist. 49(4), 490-503. Ridley, C. R., Sahu, A., Console, K., Surya, S., Tran, V. y., Xie, S., & Yin, C. (2021). The Process Model of Multicultural Counseling Competence. Counseling Psychologist. 49(4), 534-567. Jeffrey, C. E., & Ridley, C. R. (2017). A Case Conceptualization Using Thematic Mapping. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY. 73(4), 410-424. Ridley, C. R., Jeffrey, C. E., & Roberson, R. B. (2017). Case Mis-Conceptualization in Psychological Treatment: An Enduring Clinical Problem. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY. 73(4), 359-375. Ridley, C. R., & Jeffrey, C. E. (2017). The Conceptual Framework of Thematic Mapping in Case Conceptualization. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY. 73(4), 376-392. Ridley, C. R., Jeffrey, C. E., & Roberson, R. B. (2017). The Process of Thematic Mapping in Case Conceptualization. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY. 73(4), 393-409. Ridley, C. R., & Jeffrey, C. E. (2017). Thematic Mapping in Case Conceptualization: An Introduction to the Special Section. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY. 73(4), 353-358. Ridley, C., & Laird, V. (2015). The scientistpractitioner model in counseling psychology programs: a survey of training directors. Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 28(3), 235-263. Ridley, C. R., & Mollen, D. (2012). An Examination of Newness in Emerging Approaches to Counseling Intervention. Counseling Psychologist. 40(7), 1070-1077. Ridley, C. R., Mollen, D., & Kelly, S. M. (2011). Beyond Microskills: Toward a Model of Counseling Competence. 39(6), 825-864. Ridley, C. R., Mollen, D., & Kelly, S. M. (2011). Counseling Competence: Application and Implications of a Model. Counseling Psychologist. 39(6), 865-886. Ridley, C. R., Kelly, S. M., & Mollen, D. (2011). Microskills Training: Evolution, Reexamination, and Call for Reform. Counseling Psychologist. 39(6), 800-824. Mollen, D., Kelly, S. M., & Ridley, C. R. (2011). Therapeutic Change: The Raison D'etre for Counseling Competence. Counseling Psychologist. 39(6), 918-927. Ridley, C. R., & Mollen, D. (2011). Training in Counseling Psychology: An Introduction to the Major Contribution. Counseling Psychologist. 39(6), 793-799. Ridley, C. R., & Shaw-Ridley, M. (2011). Multicultural counseling competencies: an analysis of research on clients' perceptions: comment on Owen, Leach, Wampold, and Rodolfa (2011). JOURNAL OF COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY. 58(1), 16-21. Shaw-Ridley, M., & Ridley, C. R. (2010). The health disparities industry: is it an ethical conundrum?. Health Promotion Practice. 11(4), 454-464. Ridley, C. R., & Shaw-Ridley, M. (2009). Clinical Judgment Accuracy From Meta-Analysis to Metatheory. 37(3), 400-409. Mollen, D., Ethington, L. L., & Ridley, C. R. (2006). Positive Psychology. Counseling Psychologist. 34(2), 304-312. Sexton, T. L., Ridley, C. R., & Kleiner, A. J. (2004). Beyond common factors: multilevel-process models of therapeutic change in marriage and family therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 30(2), 131-149. Sexton, T. L., & Ridley, C. R. (2004). Implications of a moderated common factors approach: does it move the field forward?. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 30(2), 159-163. Ridley, C. R., Baker, D. M., & Hill, C. L. (2001). Critical Issues Concerning Cultural Competence. 29(6), 822-832. Hill, C. L., & Ridley, C. R. (2001). Diagnostic Decision Making: Do Counselors Delay Final Judgments?. 79(1), 98-104. Johnson, W. B., Ridley, C. R., & Nielsen, S. L. (2000). Religiously Sensitive Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Elegant Solutions and Ethical Risks. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 31(1), 14-20. Nielsen, S. L., Johnson, W. B., & Ridley, C. R. (2000). Religiously Sensitive Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Theory, Techniques, and Brief Excerpts From a Case. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 31(1), 21-28. Ridley, C. R., Chih, D. W., & Olivera, R. J. (2000). Training in cultural schemas: an antidote to unintentional racism in clinical practice. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 70(1), 65-72. Ridley, C. R., & Hill, C. L. (1999). Categorization as Primary-Process Cognition in Racism. Counseling Psychologist. 27(2), 245-255. Ridley, C. R., Li, L. C., & Hill, C. L. (1998). Multicultural Assessment:. Counseling Psychologist. 26(6), 827-910. Ridley, C. R., Hill, C. L., & Li, L. C. (1998). Revisiting and Refining the Multicultural Assessment Procedure. Counseling Psychologist. 26(6), 939-947. Eastburg, M. C., Williamson, M., Gorsuch, R., & Ridley, C. (1994). Social Support, Personality, and Burnout in Nurses. 24(14), 1233-1250. Ridley, C. R., Mendoza, D. W., & Kanitz, B. E. (1994). Multicultural Training. Counseling Psychologist. 22(2), 227-289. Ridley, C. R., Mendoza, D. W., Kanitz, B. E., Angermeier, L., & Zenk, R. (1994). Cultural Sensitivity in Multicultural Counseling: A Perceptual Schema Model. JOURNAL OF COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY. 41(2), 125-136. JOHNSON, W. B., & RIDLEY, C. R. (1992). Brief Christian and NonChristian RationalEmotive Therapy With Depressed Christian Clients: An Exploratory Study. 36(3), 220-229. Johnson, W. B., & Ridley, C. R. (1992). Sources of Gain in Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy. Counseling Psychologist. 20(1), 159-175. Commander, M., Corbett, J., Prendergast, M., & Ridley, C. (1991). Reflex tics in two patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. British Journal of Psychiatry. 159(6), 877-879. Ridley, C. R. (1989). The Interaction Sequence in Counseling. Counseling Psychologist. 17(3), 463-465. TAN, S., & RIDLEY, C. R. (1989). Conceptions and Misconceptions About the Ethics of Paradoxical Therapy: Response to Hunsley. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 20(3), 139-140. Meara, N. M., Schmidt, L. D., Carrington, C. H., Davis, K. L., Dixon, D. N., Fretz, B. R., ... Suinn, R. M. (1988). Training and Accreditation in Counseling Psychology. Counseling Psychologist. 16(3), 366-384. Ridley, C. R. (1986). Diagnosis as a Function of Race Pairing and Client Self-Disclosure. Journal of Cross - Cultural Psychology. 17(3), 337-351. Ridley, C. R., & Tan, S. (1986). Unintentional Paradoxes and Potential Pitfalls in Paradoxical Psychotherapy. Counseling Psychologist. 14(2), 303-308. Ridley, C. R. (1986). Optimum Service Delivery to the Black Client. American Psychologist. 41(2), 226-227. RIDLEY, C. R. (1985). Imperatives for Ethnic and Cultural Relevance in Psychology Training Programs. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 16(5), 611-622. Ridley, C. R. (1985). Pseudo-transference in interracial psychotherapy: An operant paradigm. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. 15(1), 29-36. Ridley, C. R. (1984). Clinical treatment of the nondisclosing black client. A therapeutic paradox. American Psychologist. 39(11), 1234-1244. Ridley, C. R., & Hellervik, L. W. (1982). Counseling Psychology in the Corporate Environment. Counseling Psychologist. 10(3), 53-54. book Logan, R. E., & Ridley, C. R. (2015). The Discipleship Difference Making Disciples While Growing As Disciples Johnson, W. B., & Ridley, C. R. (2015). The Elements of Mentoring The 65 Key Elements of Coaching. St. Martin's Press. Johnson, W. B., & Ridley, C. R. (2008). The Elements of Ethics for Professionals. St. Martin's Press. Ridley, C. R. (2005). Overcoming Unintentional Racism in Counseling and Therapy A Practitioner's Guide to Intentional Intervention. SAGE. chapter Ridley, C., Ethington, L., & Heppner, P. (2008). Cultural Confrontation: A Skill of Advanced Cultural Empathy. Counseling Across Cultures. (pp. 377-394). SAGE Publications. Ridley, C. R. (2007). Multicultural Competence Examined. New Horizons in Multicultural Counseling. (pp. 429-448). SAGE Publications, Inc.. Delgado-Romero, E. A., Mollen, D., & Ridley, C. R. (2004). Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Counseling of. Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology. (pp. 211-215). Elsevier.
teaching activities CPSY636 Psyc Consult To Orgs Instructor CPSY662 Prof Issues Ethics In Cou Psy Instructor CPSY662 Prof Issues In Cou Psy Instructor CPSY664 Couns Practicum Ii Instructor CPSY672 Theories Of Couns & Ps Instructor CPSY673 Advanced Psych Skills Instructor CPSY679 Multicultural Counseling Instructor CPSY683 Field Practicum Instructor CPSY685 Directed Studies Instructor CPSY691 Research Instructor CPSY691 Research Instructor EPSY485 Directed Studies Instructor EPSY644 History Of Psychology Instructor EPSY647 Lifespan Development Instructor PSYC306 Abnormal Psychology Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Chang, Bonny (2014-07). Parental Psychological Control, Religious Coping, and Psychological Distress in Chinese American Christian Adolescents. Nelson, Courtney D (2014-09). Religious and Non-religious Therapist Clinical Engagement as a Function of Selected Therapist and Client Variables. Thompson, Keisha Venicia (2012-10). Validation of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure for Afro-Caribbean-American College Students.
education and training Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, University of Minnesota - (Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States) 1978
mailing address Texas A&M University Educational Psychology 4225 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4225 USA