publication venue for
- Two-Photon Polymerized Shape Memory Microfibers: A New Mechanical Characterization Method in Liquid.. 33:2206739-2206739. 2023
- Continuous Nanoparticle Patterning Strategy in Layer-Structured Nanocomposite Fibers. 32:2204731-2204731. 2022
- Conversion of 2D MXene to Multi-Low-Dimensional GerMXene Superlattice Heterostructure.. 32:2108495-2108495. 2022
- Best of Both Worlds: Synergistically Derived Material Properties via Additive Manufacturing of Nanocomposites. 31. 2021
- Best of Both Worlds: Synergistically Derived Material Properties via Additive Manufacturing of Nanocomposites (Adv. Funct. Mater. 46/2021). 31:2170343-2170343. 2021
- Large Cumulative Capacity Enabled by Regulating Lithium Plating with Metal-Organic Framework Layers on Porous Carbon Nanotube Scaffolds. 31:2104899-2104899. 2021
- Biocompatible Electrodes: Development of FluorineFree Tantalum Carbide MXene Hybrid Structure as a Biocompatible Material for Supercapacitor Electrodes (Adv. Funct. Mater. 30/2021). 31:2170219-2170219. 2021
- Development of Fluorine-Free Tantalum Carbide MXene Hybrid Structure as a Biocompatible Material for Supercapacitor Electrodes.. 31:2100015-2100015. 2021
- Embedding Aligned Graphene Oxides in Polyelectrolytes to Facilitate Thermo-Diffusion of Protons for High Ionic Thermoelectric Figure-of-Merit. 31:2011016-2011016. 2021
- Biocompatible Light Guide-Assisted Wearable Devices for Enhanced UV Light Delivery in Deep Skin. 31. 2021
- Multiresponsive Emissions in Luminescent Ions Doped Quaternary Piezophotonic Materials for Mechanical-to-Optical Energy Conversion and Sensing Applications. 31. 2021
- SideChain Engineering for HighPerformance Conjugated Polymer Batteries. 31:2009263-2009263. 2021
- Nitride MXenes: Basal Plane Hydrogen Evolution Activity from Mixed Metal Nitride MXenes Measured by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (Adv. Funct. Mater. 47/2020). 30:2070313-2070313. 2020
- A Tailorable Family of Elastomeric-to-Rigid, 3D Printable, Interbonding Polymer Networks. 30. 2020
- Fast Reversible Phase Change Silicon for Visible Active Photonics. 30:1910784-1910784. 2020
- Enhanced Fluorescence for Bioassembly by Environment-Switching Doping of Metal Ions.. 30:1909614-1909614. 2020
- Creating Physicochemical Gradients in Modular Microporous Annealed Particle Hydrogels via a Microfluidic Method.. 30:1907102-1907102. 2020
- High-Performance Thermoresponsive Dual-Output Dye System for Smart Textile Application. 30:1906463-1906463. 2020
- Ultrafast Nanoscale Polymer Coating on Porous 3D Structures Using Microwave Irradiation. 28:1704877-1704877. 2018
- Effect of Alkyl Chain Branching Point on 3D Crystallinity in High N-Type Mobility Indolonaphthyridine Polymers. 27:1704069-1704069. 2017
- Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Serpentine Interconnects on Ultrathin Elastomers for Stretchable Electronics. 27. 2017
- Flexible and Stretchable 3 Sensors for Thermal Characterization of Human Skin. 27. 2017
- Sensors: Flexible and Stretchable 3 Sensors for Thermal Characterization of Human Skin (Adv. Funct. Mater. 26/2017). 27. 2017
- AFM Identification of Beetle Exocuticle: Bouligand Structure and Nanofiber Anisotropic Elastic Properties. 27:1603993-1603993. 2017
- Versatile Thermochromic Supramolecular Materials Based on Competing Charge Transfer Interactions. 26:8604-8612. 2016
- Ultrafast and Highly Reversible Sodium Storage in Zinc-Antimony Intermetallic Nanomaterials. 26:543-552. 2016
- Identification of multiple dityrosine bonds in materials composed of the Drosophila protein Ultrabithorax.. 25:5988-5998. 2015
- The Effect of Protein Fusions on the Production and Mechanical Properties of Protein-Based Materials. 25:1442-1450. 2015
- The Effect of Protein Fusions on the Production and Mechanical Properties of Protein-Based Materials 2015
- Extraordinary Macroscale Wear Resistance of One Atom Thick Graphene Layer. 24:6640-6646. 2014
- Enzymatic Writing to Soft Films: Potential to Filter, Store, and Analyze Biologically Relevant Chemical Information. 24:480-491. 2014
- Graphene: Extraordinary Macroscale Wear Resistance of One Atom Thick Graphene Layer (Adv. Funct. Mater. 42/2014). 24:6639-6639. 2014
- Carbon Nanotubes: Atomistic Investigation of Load Transfer Between DWNT Bundles Crosslinked by PMMA Oligomers (Adv. Funct. Mater. 15/2013). 23:1976-1976. 2013
- Hierarchical Assembly of Complex Block Copolymer Nanoparticles into Multicompartment Superstructures through Tunable Interparticle Associations. 23:1767-1773. 2013
- Hot Spot-Localized Artificial Antibodies for Label-Free Plasmonic Biosensing.. 23:1789-1797. 2013
- Charge Disproportionation and VoltageInduced MetalInsulator Transitions Evidenced in PbxV2O5 Nanowires. 23:153-160. 2013
- Synthesis and Fabrication of Multifunctional Nanocomposites: Stable Dispersions of Nanoparticles Tethered with Short, Dense and Polydisperse Polymer Brushes in Poly(methyl methacrylate). 22:3614-3624. 2012
- Level Set Photonic Quasicrystals with Phase Parameters. 22:1150-1157. 2012
- Functionalization and Patterning of Protein-Based Materials Using Active Ultrabithorax Chimeras. 21:2633-2640. 2011
- Influence of Ion Induced Local Coulomb Field and Polarity on Charge Generation and Efficiency in Poly(3-Hexylthiophene)-Based Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. 21:2571-2579. 2011
- Control of Optical Hysteresis in Block Copolymer Photonic Gels: A Step Towards Wet Photonic Memory Films. 20:1728-1732. 2010
- Solid-State NMR Investigations of the Unusual Effects Resulting from the Nanoconfinement of Water within Amphiphilic Crosslinked Polymer Networks. 19:3404-3410. 2009
- Printable Ferroelectric PVDF/PMMA Blend Films with Ultralow Roughness for Low Voltage Non-Volatile Polymer Memory. 19:2812-2818. 2009
- Bifurcated Mechanical Behavior of Deformed Periodic Porous Solids. 19:1426-1436. 2009
- Plastic Dissipation Mechanisms in Periodic Microframe-Structured Polymers. 19:1343-1350. 2009
- Magnetic Field-induced Phase Transformation in NiMnColn Magnetic Shape-Memory Alloys-A New Actuation Mechanism with Large Work Output. 19:983-998. 2009
- A Spring-Like Behavior of Chiral Block Copolymer with Helical Nanostructure Driven by Crystallization. 19:448-459. 2009
- Directed Helical Growth: A SpringLike Behavior of Chiral Block Copolymer with Helical Nanostructure Driven by Crystallization (Adv. Funct. Mater. 3/2009). 19:na-na. 2009
- Hierarchical Inorganic-Organic Nanocomposites Possessing Amphiphilic and Morphological Complexities: Influence of Nanofiller Dispersion on Mechanical Performance. 18:2733-2744. 2008
- Novel strategies for the deposition of -COOH functionalized conducting copolymer films and the assembly of inorganic nanoparticles on conducting polymer platforms. 18:1929-1938. 2008
- Facile formation of uniform shell-crosslinked nanoparticles with built-in functionalities from N-hydroxysuccinimide-activated amphiphilic block copolymers. 18:551-559. 2008
- 3D micro- and nanostructures via interference lithography. 17:3027-3041. 2007
- Towards an understanding of nanoparticle-chiral nematic liquid crystal co-assembly. 17:2717-2721. 2007
- Clay assisted dispersion of carbon nanotubes in conductive epoxy nanocomposites. 17:2343-2348. 2007
- Molecular barbed wire: Threading and interlocking for the mechanical reinforcement of polymers. 17:1595-1602. 2007
- Forces between surfactant-coated ZnS nanoparticles in dodecane: Effect of water. 16:2127-2134. 2006
- Inside Front Cover: The Elastic Properties and Plastic Behavior of TwoDimensional Polymer Structures Fabricated by Laser Interference Lithography (Adv. Funct. Mater. 10/2006). 16:na-na. 2006
- The elastic properties and plastic behavior of two-dimensional polymer structures fabricated by laser interference lithography. 16:1324-1330. 2006
- Assembly of Wiseana iridovirus: Viruses for colloidal photonic crystals. 16:1086-1094. 2006
- Cover Picture: Assembly of Wiseana Iridovirus: Viruses for Colloidal Photonic Crystals (Adv. Funct. Mater. 8/2006). 16:na-na. 2006
- Biomimetic pattern transfer. 15:189-195. 2005
- Phospholipid-based catalytic nanocapsules. 15:267-272. 2005
- Structural modifications to polystyrene via self-assembling molecules. 15:487-493. 2005
- Orientational switching of mesogens and microdomains in hydrogen-bonded side-chain liquid-crystalline block copolymers using AC electric fields. 14:364-370. 2004
- Temperature-dependent photonic bandgap in a self-assembled hydrogen-bonded liquid-crystalline diblock copolymer. 12:753-758. 2002
- 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks for Biomedical Applications. 30.
- 3D Printed Electronic Skin for Strain, Pressure and Temperature Sensing. 34.
- 4D Printing of Engineered Living Materials. 32.
- Anti-Oxygen Leaking LiCoO2. 29.
- Biodegradable Thin Metal Foils and SpinOn Glass Materials for Transient Electronics. 25:1789-1797.
- Biomimetics: PlateletInspired Nanocells for Targeted Heart Repair After Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury (Adv. Funct. Mater. 4/2019). 29.
- Creating Effective Nanoreactors on Carbon Nanotubes with Mechanochemical Treatments for High-Areal-Capacity Sulfur Cathodes and Lithium Anodes. 28.
- Development of a Novel, AllAromatic High Tensile Modulus Liquid Crystalline Polyimide for Fused Filament Fabrication Applications
- Effect of Nanotube Functionalization on the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Nanocomposites. 17:87-92.
- Fabrication of Responsive, Softening Neural Interfaces. 22:3470-3479.
- High Thermal Conductivity Polyelectrolyte Nanocomposite Electrical Insulation Thin Films
- High-Strain Shape-Memory Polymers. 20:162-171.
- Highly Extensible Bio-Nanocomposite Films with Direction-Dependent Properties. 20:429-436.
- Intelligently Actuating Liquid Crystal Elastomer-Carbon Nanotube Composites. 29.
- Microfabrication: Rapid and Continuous Hydrodynamically Controlled Fabrication of Biohybrid Microfibers (Adv. Funct. Mater. 6/2013). 23:697-697.
- Microstructures: Structure and Energetics of Dislocations at MicroStructured Complementary Interfaces Govern Adhesion (Adv. Funct. Mater. 27/2013). 23:3452-3452.
- Molecularly-Engineered, 4D-Printed Liquid Crystal Elastomer Actuators. 29.
- Nanoengineered Light-Activatable Polybubbles for On-Demand Therapeutic Delivery.. 30:2003579.
- Optically Deformable Materials: Photoinduced Topographical Feature Development in Blueprinted AzobenzeneFunctionalized Liquid Crystalline Elastomers (Adv. Funct. Mater. 32/2016). 26:5818-5818.
- Photoinduced Topographical Feature Development in Blueprinted Azobenzene-Functionalized Liquid Crystalline Elastomers. 26:5819-5826.
- Platelet-Inspired Nanocells for Targeted Heart Repair After Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury.. 29:1803567.
- Rapid and Continuous Hydrodynamically Controlled Fabrication of Biohybrid Microfibers. 23:698-704.
- Reversible Crosslinked Polymer Binder for Recyclable Lithium Sulfur Batteries with High Performance. 30.
- Reversible Enhancement of Electronic Conduction Caused by Phase Transformation and Interfacial Segregation in an EntropyStabilized Oxide
- Self-assembled Hydrogel Fiber Bundles from Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolytes Mimic Micro-/nanoscale Hierarchy of Collagen.. 27:1606273.
- Structure and Energetics of Dislocations at Micro-Structured Complementary Interfaces Govern Adhesion. 23:3453-3462.
- Synergistic Effect of Graphene Oxide for Impeding the Dendritic Plating of Li. 28.