publication venue for
- Multi-point FLEET velocimetry in a Mach 4 Ludwieg tube using a diffractive optical element. 63:1087-1087. 2024
- Optical truss interferometer for the LISA telescope. 62:5675-5682. 2023
- Nonparaxial scalar diffraction theory modifications for improved efficiency estimation. 60:2695-2703. 2021
- On colors of stainless-steel surfaces polished with magnetic abrasives. 60:2549-2549. 2021
- Knife-edge interferogram analysis for corrosive wear propagation at sharp edges.. 60:1373-1379. 2021
- Enhancing the luminescence performance in germanosilicate glasses controlled by ZnF2.. 58:3174-3178. 2019
- Spectroscopic investigation of high-pressure femtosecond two-photon laser-induced fluorescence of carbon monoxide up to 20bar.. 58:C23-C29. 2019
- Temperature perturbation related to the invisible ink vibrationally excited nitric oxide monitoring (VENOM) technique: a simulation study.. 58:2702-2712. 2019
- Ultrashort-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for detecting airborne metals during energetic reactions.. 58:C79-C83. 2019
- Laser-induced-breakdown-spectroscopy-based detection of metal particles released into the air during combustion of solid propellants.. 57:1910-1917. 2018
- Enhanced 3m luminescence properties based on effective energy transfer Yb3+:2F5/2Dy3+:6H5/2 in fluoaluminate glass modified by TeO2.. 56:H24-H29. 2017
- Laser applications to chemical, security, and environmental analysis: introduction to the feature issue.. 56:LAC1-LAC3. 2017
- Optical ray tracing method for simulating beam-steering effects during laser diagnostics in turbulent media.. 56:E106-E115. 2017
- Thermography and machine learning techniques for tomato freshness prediction.. 55:D131-D139. 2016
- Development of a fast and accurate PCRTM radiative transfer model in the solar spectral region.. 55:8236-8247. 2016
- Ultraviolet (250-550nm) absorption spectrum of pure water.. 55:7163-7172. 2016
- High-speed (20kHz) digital in-line holography for transient particle tracking and sizing in multiphase flows.. 55:2892-2903. 2016
- Ho/Yb codoped silicate glasses for 2m emission performances.. 55:2065-2070. 2016
- Robust commercial diffuse reflector for UV-VIS-NIR applications.. 54:7542-7545. 2015
- Mid-infrared emission and Raman spectra analysis of Er(3+)-doped oxyfluorotellurite glasses.. 54:3345-3352. 2015
- Mother-of-pearl cloud particle size and composition from aircraft-based photography of coloration and lidar measurements.. 54:B140-B153. 2015
- Diffuse reflecting material for integrating cavity spectroscopy, including ring-down spectroscopy.. 54:334-346. 2015
- Enhancement of 1.53m emission in erbium/cerium-doped germanosilicate glass pumped by common 808nm laser diode.. 53:6148-6154. 2014
- Optically recording velocity interferometer system configurations and impact of target surface reflectance properties [invited].. 53:F21-F30. 2014
- Coherent broadband light generation with a double-path configuration.. 53:2866-2869. 2014
- Mueller matrix holographic method for small particle characterization: theory and numerical studies.. 52:5289-5296. 2013
- Chemical-specific imaging of shallowly buried objects using femtosecond laser pulses.. 52:4792-4796. 2013
- Investigation of optical fibers for high-repetition-rate, ultraviolet planar laser-induced fluorescence of OH.. 52:3108-3115. 2013
- Monitoring adsorption and sedimentation using evanescent-wave cavity ringdown ellipsometry.. 52:1086-1093. 2013
- Studies on some of the inherent optical properties of natural waters [invited].. 52:930-939. 2013
- Modeling the scattering properties of mineral aerosols using concave fractal polyhedra.. 52:640-652. 2013
- Investigation of optical fibers for gas-phase, ultraviolet laser-induced-fluorescence (UV-LIF) spectroscopy.. 51:4047-4057. 2012
- Generalized data reduction approach for aspheric testing in a non-null interferometer.. 51:1598-1604. 2012
- Simultaneous velocity and temperature measurements in gaseous flowfields using the vibrationally excited nitric oxide monitoring technique: a comprehensive study.. 51:1216-1228. 2012
- Tomographic reconstruction of three-dimensional refractive index fields by use of a regularized phase-tracking technique and a polynomial approximation method.. 50:6495-6504. 2011
- Instrumentation to measure the backscattering coefficient b(b) for arbitrary phase functions.. 50:4134-4147. 2011
- Nonnull interferometer simulation for aspheric testing based on ray tracing.. 50:3559-3569. 2011
- Simulation of the optical properties of plate aggregates for application to the remote sensing of cirrus clouds.. 50:1065-1081. 2011
- Gas-phase thermometry using delayed-probe-pulse picosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectra of H2.. 50:A38-A48. 2011
- Edge-effect contribution to the extinction of light by dielectric disks and cylindrical particles.. 49:4641-4646. 2010
- Reflection interference contrast microscopy of arbitrary convex surfaces.. 49:3701-3712. 2010
- Application of a discontinuous Galerkin time domain method to simulation of optical properties of dielectric particles.. 49:2827-2840. 2010
- Equivalent path lengths in an integrating cavity: comment.. 49:575-577. 2010
- Modeling optical properties of mineral aerosol particles by using nonsymmetric hexahedra.. 49:334-342. 2010
- Demodulation of a single complex fringe interferogram with a path-independent regularized phase-tracking technique.. 49:170-179. 2010
- Polarized radiance fields under a dynamic ocean surface: a three-dimensional radiative transfer solution.. 48:3019-3029. 2009
- Propagation of femtosecond laser pulses through water in the linear absorption regime.. 48:1828-1836. 2009
- Flow-through integrating cavity absorption meter: experimental results.. 48:3596-3602. 2009
- Two-component molecular tagging velocimetry utilizing NO fluorescence lifetime and NO2 photodissociation techniques in an underexpanded jet flowfield.. 48:4414-4423. 2009
- Mueller matrix imaging of targets under an air-sea interface.. 48:250-260. 2009
- Single-scattering properties of triaxial ellipsoidal particles for a size parameter range from the Rayleigh to geometric-optics regimes.. 48:114-126. 2009
- Comparison of nanosecond and picosecond excitation for interference-free two-photon laser-induced fluorescence detection of atomic hydrogen in flames.. 47:4672-4683. 2008
- Impulse response solution to the three-dimensional vector radiative transfer equation in atmosphere-ocean systems. I. Monte Carlo method.. 47:1037-1047. 2008
- Impulse response solution to the three-dimensional vector radiative transfer equation in atmosphere-ocean systems. II. The hybrid matrix operator--Monte Carlo method.. 47:1063-1071. 2008
- Design of retrodiffraction gratings for polarization-insensitive and polarization-sensitive characteristics by using the Taguchi method.. 47:3246-3253. 2008
- Detection of atomic hydrogen in flames using picosecond two-color two-photon-resonant six-wave-mixing spectroscopy.. 46:3921-3927. 2007
- In situ measurements of nitric oxide in coal-combustion exhaust using a sensor based on a widely tunable external-cavity GaN diode laser.. 46:3946-3957. 2007
- Investigations of the attenuation coefficient of a narrow-bandwidth pulsed laser beam in water.. 46:6804-6808. 2007
- Internal dipole radiation as a tool for particle identification.. 45:9115-9124. 2006
- Design and analysis of a flow-through integrating cavity absorption meter.. 45:8990-8998. 2006
- Integrating cavities: temporal response.. 45:9053-9065. 2006
- Narrow-linewidth, multi-Watt Yb-doped fiber amplifier at 1014.8 nm.. 45:7908-7911. 2006
- Narrowband Bragg reflectors in Ti:LiNbO3 optical waveguides.. 45:4927-4932. 2006
- Scattering and absorption property database for nonspherical ice particles in the near- through far-infrared spectral region.. 44:5512-5523. 2005
- Application of the symplectic finite-difference time-domain method to light scattering by small particles.. 44:1650-1656. 2005
- Combustion exhaust measurements of nitric oxide with an ultraviolet diode-laser-based absorption sensor.. 44:1491-1502. 2005
- Polarization dependence of the coupling ratio in LiTaO3 directional couplers.. 44:1156-1159. 2005
- Comparison of Cartesian grid configurations for application of the finite-difference time-domain method to electromagnetic scattering by dielectric particles.. 43:4611-4624. 2004
- Effect of particle asphericity on single-scattering parameters: comparison between Platonic solids and spheres.. 43:4427-4435. 2004
- Effect of varying electric potential on surface-plasmon resonance sensing.. 43:3426-3432. 2004
- Implementing the near- to far-field transformation in the finite-difference time-domain method.. 43:3738-3746. 2004
- Geometrical-optics solution to light scattering by droxtal ice crystals.. 43:2490-2499. 2004
- Fourier analysis near-field polarimetry for measurement of local optical properties of thin films.. 42:3864-3881. 2003
- Sensitivity of the backscattering Mueller matrix to particle shape and thermodynamic phase.. 42:4389-4395. 2003
- Use of circular cylinders as surrogates for hexagonal pristine ice crystals in scattering calculations at infrared wavelengths.. 42:2653-2664. 2003
- Digital and analog readout systems for fiber-optic strain sensors as applied to the monitoring of roller element bearing systems.. 42:6276-6283. 2003
- Inherent and apparent scattering properties of coated or uncoated spheres embedded in an absorbing host medium.. 41:2740-2759. 2002
- Gas temperature measurements in weakly ionized glow discharge with filtered Rayleigh scattering. 41:3753-3762. 2002
- Polarization dependence in Ti-diffused LiNbO3 directional couplers.. 41:74-77. 2002
- High-power continuous-wave cr(4+):forsterite laser.. 40:6034-6037. 2001
- Calculation of the single-scattering properties of randomly oriented hexagonal ice columns: a comparison of the T-matrix and the finite-difference time-domain methods.. 40:4376-4386. 2001
- Asymptotic solutions for optical properties of large particles with strong absorption.. 40:1532-1547. 2001
- Generation of Fourier-transform-limited 35-ns pulses with a ramp-hold-fire seeding technique in a Ti:sapphire laser.. 40:3046-3050. 2001
- Efficient finite-difference time-domain scheme for light scattering by dielectric particles: application to aerosols.. 39:3727-3737. 2000
- Surface-plasmon resonance spectrometry and characterization of absorbing liquids.. 39:3314-3320. 2000
- On the etalon effect generated by a Pockels cell with high-quality antireflection coatings.. 39:1600-1601. 2000
- Reply to criticisms of the Pope and Fry paper on pure water absorption made in a comment by Quickenden et al.. 39:5843-5846. 2000
- Visible and near-ultraviolet absorption spectrum of liquid water: comment.. 39:2743-2744. 2000
- Guided wave acousto-optic and electro-optic tunable filter designs with relaxed beam-splitter requirements.. 39:124-128. 2000
- Excitation of capillary waves in strongly absorbing liquids by a modulated laser beam.. 38:6357-6364. 1999
- Angle-tuned type II external-cavity frequency doubling without temperature stabilization.. 38:972-975. 1999
- Light backscattering polarization patterns from turbid media: theory and experiment.. 38:3399-3408. 1999
- Polarization discrimination of coherently propagating light in turbid media.. 38:4252-4261. 1999
- Ultranarrow-linewidth, efficient amplification of low-power seed sources by a fiber amplifier.. 38:1784-1787. 1999
- Mapping of Birefringence and Thermal Damage in Tissue by use of Polarization-Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography.. 37:6026-6036. 1998
- Absorption spectrum (380-700 nm) of pure water. II. Integrating cavity measurements.. 36:8710-8723. 1997
- Sensitivity and detection limit of concentration and adsorption measurements by laser-induced surface-plasmon resonance.. 36:6539-6547. 1997
- Absorption spectrum (340-640 nm) of pure water. I. Photothermal measurements.. 36:8699-8709. 1997
- Accuracy limitations on Brillouin lidar measurements of temperature and sound speed in the ocean.. 36:6887-6894. 1997
- Comparison of measured and computed Strehl ratios for light propagated through a channel flow of a He-N(2) mixing layer at high Reynolds numbers.. 36:2559-2567. 1997
- Postfabrication optimization of an autoregressive planar waveguide lattice filter.. 36:642-647. 1997
- Geometric-optics-integral-equation method for light scattering by nonspherical ice crystals.. 35:6568-6584. 1996
- Statistical anisotropy in free turbulence for mixing layers at high Reynolds numbers.. 35:4879-4889. 1996
- Angular distribution of the forward light scattering from a quartz fiber.. 34:3384-3391. 1995
- Empirical equation for the index of refraction of seawater.. 34:3477-3480. 1995
- Laser-induced thermal acoustics (LITA) signals from finite beams.. 34:3290-3302. 1995
- Colored pattern recognition with a neural network model.. 33:5467-5471. 1994
- Implementation of associative memory using grating structures.. 33:3642-3646. 1994
- Optical flip-flops in a polarization-encoded optical shadow-casting scheme.. 33:3775-3781. 1994
- Optical properties of human gallbladder tissue and bile.. 32:586-591. 1993
- Integrating cavity absorption meter.. 31:2055-2065. 1992
- Single frequency operation of an injection-seeded Nd:YAG laser in high noise and vibration environments.. 30:1015-1017. 1991
- Implementation of trinary logic in a polarization encoded optical shadow-casting scheme.. 30:936-942. 1991
- Potentials of two-photon based 3-D optical memories for high performance computing.. 29:2058-2066. 1990
- Design of optical decoders using a polarization-encoded optical shadow-casting scheme.. 27:5181-5184. 1988
- Separate and simultaneous generation of multioutputs in a polarization-encoded optical shadow-casting scheme: design of half- and full adders and subtractors.. 27:5176-5180. 1988
- Colliding pulse mode-locked dye laser stabilization using an intracavity spectral filter.. 27:1908-1910. 1988
- Suppression of spatial hole burning in polarization coupled resonators.. 25:3017-3018. 1986
- Measurement of the Mueller matrix for ocean water.. 23:4427-4439. 1984
- Inequalities between the elements of the Mueller scattering matrix: comments.. 21:18-18. 1982
- Relationships between elements of the Stokes matrix.. 20:2811-2814. 1981
- Measurement of polarized light interactions via the Mueller matrix: errata.. 19:2657-2657. 1980
- Measurement of polarized light interactions via the Mueller matrix.. 19:1323-1332. 1980
- Thermal blooming of a rapidly moving laser beam.. 15:218-222. 1976
- Buildup of laser oscillations from quantum noise.. 9:2423-2427.
- Characterization of Ti:LiNbO3 deep waveguides diffused in dry and wet oxygen ambient.. 25:737-739.
- Coherence-a Sticky Subject.. 9:2414-2422.
- Controllable direction of liquid jets generated by thermocavitation within a droplet.. 56:7167-7173.
- Corrected and calibrated I2 absorption model at frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser wavelengths.. 36:6729-6738.
- Detecting localized trace species in air using radar resonance-enhanced multi-photon ionization.. 50:A68-A73.
- Detection of high explosive detonation across material interfaces with chirped fiber Bragg gratings. 54:3849-3854.
- Display and perception of 3-D space-filling data.. 26:973-982.
- FLEET velocimetry for combustion and flow diagnostics.. 56:8632-8638.
- Femtosecond laser electronic excitation tagging for quantitative velocity imaging in air.. 50:5158-5162.
- Gas temperature measurements in weakly ionized glow discharges with filtered Rayleigh scattering.. 41:3753-3762.
- Guiding radar signals by arrays of laser-induced filaments: finite-difference analysis.. 46:5593-5597.
- Higher conservation laws for coherent optical pulse propagation in an inhomogeneously broadened medium.. 11:2572-2575.
- Interacting laser beams in a resonant medium.. 12:2198-2202.
- Laser beacon system for aircraft collision hazard determination.. 19:2098-2108.
- Lightning spectroscopy-photographic techniques.. 9:1775-1781.
- Novel multioscillator approach to the problem of locking in two-mode ring-laser gyros. Part II.. 18:941-942.
- On-the-fly extrinsic calibration of multimodal sensing system for fast 3D thermographic scanning.. 58:3238-3246.
- Picosecond double pass amplifier.. 19:3595-3595.
- Pseudo Color Densitometer Analysis-the Apollo 17/Saturn V Exhaust Plume.. 13:2197-2201.
- Reconstruction of laser-induced cavitation bubble dynamics based on a Fresnel propagation approach.. 54:10432-10437.
- Sensitive method for the detection of laser induced damage to thin film coatings.. 11:1879-1880.
- Spontaneous laser action in laser isotope separation.. 15:1651-1653.
- Virtually calibrated projection moire interferometry.. 44:2530-2540.