publication venue for
- A Flash-based Current-mode IC to Realize Quantized Neural Networks 2022
- Towards Provably-Secure Performance Locking 2018
- Noise-Sensitive Feedback Loop Identification in Linear Time-Varying Analog Circuits 2017
- Fading memory effects in a memristor for Cellular Nanoscale Network applications 2016
- Timing Verification for Adaptive Integrated Circuits 2015
- Crosstalk Avoidance Codes for 3D VLSI 2013
- Exploring Topologies for Source-synchronous Ring-based Network-on-Chip 2013
- Is Split Manufacturing Secure? 2013
- A Fast, Source-synchronous Ring-based Network-on-Chip Design 2012
- Logic encryption: A fault analysis perspective 2012
- SAT Based Multi-Net Rip-up-and-Reroute for Manufacturing Hotspot Removal 2010
- Implementing Digital Logic with Sinusoidal Supplies 2010
- Systolic like soft-detection architecture for 4x4 64-QAM MIMO system 2009
- Temperature-Aware Scheduler Based on Thermal Behavior Grouping in Multicore Systems 2009
- A Delay-efficient Radiation-hard Digital Design Approach Using CWSP Elements 2008
- A Single-supply True Voltage Level Shifter 2008
- Clock Distribution Scheme using Coplanar Transmission Lines 2008
- Energy Efficient and High Speed On-Chip Ternary Bus 2008
- A delay-efficient radiation-hard digital design approach using CWSP elements 2008
- A single-supply true voltage level shifter 2008
- Clock distribution scheme using coplanar transmission lines 2008
- Energy efficient and high speed on-chip ternary bus 2008
- An algorithm to minimize leakage through simultaneous input vector control and circuit modification 2007
- Minimum-Energy LDPC Decoder for Real-Time Mobile Application 2007
- Associative skew clock routing for difficult instances 2006
- Bus stuttering TB An encoding technique to reduce inductive noise in off-chip data transmission 2006
- An O(bn(2)) time algorithm for optimal buffer insertion with b buffer types 2005
- Encoding-based Minimization of Inductive Cross-talk for Off-chip Data Transmission 2005
- Lifetime Modeling of a Sensor Network 2005