publication venue for
- Complement Evasion by Lyme Disease Spirochetes.. 28:889-899. 2020
- Evolution of Lantibiotic Salivaricins: New Weapons to Fight Infectious Diseases.. 28:578-593. 2020
- Structure Regulates Phage Lysis-Lysogeny Decisions.. 27:3-4. 2019
- Antiviral Immunity and Virus-Mediated Antagonism in Disease Vector Mosquitoes.. 26:447-461. 2018
- Impact of the Microbiota on Bacterial Infections during Cancer Treatment.. 25:992-1004. 2017
- Does form meet function in the coronavirus replicative organelle?. 22:642-647. 2014
- Clostridium difficile spore biology: sporulation, germination, and spore structural proteins.. 22:406-416. 2014
- Putting together a scientific team: collaborative science.. 22:483-485. 2014
- Life in the inflamed intestine, Salmonella style.. 17:498-506. 2009
- What we can learn about Escherichia coli through application of Gene Ontology.. 17:269-278. 2009
- Shiga toxins--not just cytotoxins anymore.. 9:584-585. 2001
- The mycobacterial antigens 85 complex--from structure to function: response.. 8:441-441. 2000
- Phages will out: strategies of host cell lysis.. 8:120-128. 2000
- Antibodies that block adherence of to fibronectin.. 7:140-141. 1999
- Response from foster and Hook.. 7:141-141. 1999
- Microbes, hemostasis and vascular biology.. 6:428-429. 1998
- Surface protein adhesins of Staphylococcus aureus.. 6:484-488. 1998
- Virulence of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli: role of molecular crosstalk.. 6:228-233. 1998
- Are We Overestimating Protistan Diversity in Nature?. 27:197-205.
- Developmental biology of Coxiella burnettii.. 7:149-154.
- Exploring a novel perspective on pathogenic relationships.. 7:96-98.
- Rickettsial paradigms. 6:335-336.