publication venue for
- Fast Response of East Asian Precipitation in June 2020 to Local and Remote Aerosol Emission Reductions during COVID-19. 36:5083-5101. 2023
- Climate Impacts of Convective Cloud Microphysics in NCAR CAM5. 36:3183-3202. 2023
- Fire Aerosols Slow Down the Global Water Cycle. 35:3619-3633. 2022
- A Comparison between the Kuroshio Extension and Pineapple Express Atmospheric Rivers Affecting the West Coast of North America. 35:3905-3925. 2022
- The Interaction between the Nocturnal Amazonian Low-Level Jet and Convection in CESM. 34:8519-8532. 2021
- An Assessment of Climate Feedbacks in Observations and Climate Models Using Different Energy Balance Frameworks. 1-30. 2021
- On the Generation of Weddell Sea Polynyas in a High-Resolution Earth System Model. 34:2491-2510. 2021
- An Assessment of Climate Feedbacks in Observations and Climate Models Using Different Energy Balance Frameworks. 34:9763-9773. 2021
- Tropical Cyclones Downscaled from Simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum. 34:659-674. 2021
- Impact of Systematic GCM Errors on Prediction Skill as Estimated by Linear Inverse Modeling. 33:10073-10095. 2020
- Impact of Coherent Ocean Stratification on AMOC Reconstruction by Coupled Data Assimilation with a Biased Model. 33:7319-7334. 2020
- Impacts of Wildfire Aerosols on Global Energy Budget and Climate: The Role of Climate Feedbacks. 33:3351-3366. 2020
- Potential Problems Measuring Climate Sensitivity from the Historical Record. 33:2237-2248. 2020
- Mesoscale Air-Sea Interaction and Its Role in Eddy Energy Dissipation in the Kuroshio Extension. 32:8659-8676. 2019
- Tropical Pacific Ocean Dynamical Response to Short-Term Sulfate Aerosol Forcing. 32:8205-8221. 2019
- High-Resolution Tropical Channel Model Simulations of Tropical Cyclone Climatology and Intraseasonal-to-Interannual Variability. 32:7871-7895. 2019
- Predictive Statistical Representations of Observed and Simulated Rainfall Using Generalized Linear Models.. 32:3409-3427. 2019
- Cloud Phase and Relative Humidity Distributions over the Southern Ocean in Austral Summer Based on In Situ Observations and CAM5 Simulations. 32:2781-2805. 2019
- Preconditioning and Formation of Maud Rise Polynyas in a High-Resolution Earth System Model. 31:9659-9678. 2018
- Assessing the Coupled Influences of Clouds on the Atmospheric Energy and Water Cycles in Reanalyses with A-Train Observations. 31:8241-8264. 2018
- Impacts of Saharan Dust on Atlantic Regional Climate and Implications for Tropical Cyclones. 31:7621-7644. 2018
- Satellite-Observed Precipitation Response to Ocean Mesoscale Eddies. 31:6879-6895. 2018
- The Influence of ENSO Flavors on Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity. 31:5395-5416. 2018
- Improved Representation of Surface Spectral Emissivity in a Global Climate Model and Its Impact on Simulated Climate. 31:3711-3727. 2018
- Impact of Ice Cloud Microphysics on Satellite Cloud Retrievals and Broadband Flux Radiative Transfer Model Calculations. 31:1851-1864. 2018
- The Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Extreme Precipitation over Coastal and Inland Areas of China and Its Association to ENSO. 31:1865-1880. 2018
- How Would the Twenty-First-Century Warming Influence Pacific Decadal Variability and Its Connection to North American Rainfall: Assessment Based on a Revised Procedure for the IPO/PDO. 31:1547-1563. 2018
- Low-Frequency North Atlantic Climate Variability in the Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble. 31:787-813. 2018
- Impact of Snow Grain Shape and Black Carbon-Snow Internal Mixing on Snow Optical Properties: Parameterizations for Climate Models. 30:10019-10036. 2017
- Importance of Resolving Kuroshio Front and Eddy Influence in Simulating North Pacific Storm Track. 30:1861-1880. 2017
- Local Atmospheric Response to an Open-Ocean Polynya in a High-Resolution Climate Model. 30:1629-1641. 2017
- Importance of Resolving Kuroshio Front and Eddy Influence in Simulating the North Pacific Storm Track. 30:1861-1880. 2017
- Tropical Cyclones Downscaled from Simulations with Very High Carbon Dioxide Levels. 30:649-667. 2017
- Atmospheric Conditions Associated with Labrador Sea Deep Convection: New Insights from a Case Study of the 2006/07 and 2007/08 Winters. 29:5281-5297. 2016
- Thermal Stratification in Simulations of Warm Climates: A Climatology Using Saturation Potential Vorticity. 29:5083-5102. 2016
- Tropical Cyclone Genesis Factors in a Simulation of the Last Two Millennia: Results from the Community Earth System Model. 28:7182-7202. 2015
- The Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in Tropical Cyclones. 28:5325-5334. 2015
- Winter Extreme Flux Events in the Kuroshio and Gulf Stream Extension Regions and Relationship with Modes of North Pacific and Atlantic Variability. 28:4950-4970. 2015
- Assessing the Applicability of the Tropical Convective-Stratiform Paradigm in the Extratropics Using Radar Divergence Profiles. 27:6673-6686. 2014
- Contributions of Clouds, Surface Albedos, and Mixed-Phase Ice Nucleation Schemes to Arctic Radiation Biases in CAM5. 27:5174-5197. 2014
- Total Heating Characteristics of the ISCCP Tropical and Subtropical Cloud Regimes. 26:7097-7116. 2013
- Sensitivity of CAM5-Simulated Arctic Clouds and Radiation to Ice Nucleation Parameterization. 26:5981-5999. 2013
- An Analysis of the Short-Term Cloud Feedback Using MODIS Data. 26:4803-4815. 2013
- Anatomy of an Extreme Event. 26:2811-2832. 2013
- A Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Perspective of Weakening of the Tropical Walker Circulation in Response to Global Warming. 26:1643-1653. 2013
- Observations of Climate Feedbacks over 2000-10 and Comparisons to Climate Models. 26:333-342. 2013
- Variations in Tropical Cyclone Genesis Factors in Simulations of the Holocene Epoch. 25:8196-8211. 2012
- Toward a Minimal Representation of Aerosols in Climate Models: Comparative Decomposition of Aerosol Direct, Semidirect, and Indirect Radiative Forcing. 25:6461-6476. 2012
- Tropical Cyclone Genesis Factors in Simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum. 25:4348-4365. 2012
- Correlation Models for Temperature Fields. 24:5850-5862. 2011
- The Caribbean Low-Level Jet and Its Relationship with Precipitation in IPCC AR4 Models. 24:5935-5950. 2011
- Effect of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation on Tropical Atlantic Variability: A Regional Coupled Model Study. 24:3323-3343. 2011
- A Far-Reaching Footprint of the Tropical Pacific Meridional Mode on the Summer Rainfall over the Yellow River Loop Valley. 24:2585-2598. 2011
- Thick Anvils as Viewed by the TRMM Precipitation Radar. 24:1718-1735. 2011
- The Role of the Wind-Evaporation-Sea Surface Temperature (WES) Feedback as a Thermodynamic Pathway for the Equatorward Propagation of High-Latitude Sea Ice-Induced Cold Anomalies. 24:1350-1361. 2011
- Modulation of Caribbean Precipitation by the Madden-Julian Oscillation. 24:813-824. 2011
- Impact of Bathythermograph Temperature Bias Models on an Ocean Reanalysis. 24:84-93. 2011
- The Convective Instability Pathway to Warm Season Drought in Texas. Part I: The Role of Convective Inhibition and Its Modulation by Soil Moisture. 23:4461-4473. 2010
- The Convective Instability Pathway to Warm Season Drought in Texas. Part II: Free-Tropospheric Modulation of Convective Inhibition. 23:4474-4488. 2010
- The Global Atmospheric Circulation in Moist Isentropic Coordinates. 23:3077-3093. 2010
- The Impact of Extratropical Atmospheric Variability on ENSO: Testing the Seasonal Footprinting Mechanism Using Coupled Model Experiments. 23:2885-2901. 2010
- Employing satellite-derived sea ice concentration to constrain upper-ocean temperature in a global ocean GCM (vol 21, pg 4498, 2008). 23:2450-2451. 2010
- Effect of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Changes on Tropical Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Variability: A 2 1/2-Layer Reduced-Gravity Ocean Model Study. 23:312-332. 2010
- Sensitivity of Monthly Convective Precipitation to Environmental Conditions. 23:166-188. 2010
- Empirical Orthogonal Functions: The Medium is the Message. 22:6501-6514. 2009
- Estimates of the Water Vapor Climate Feedback during El Nino-Southern Oscillation. 22:6404-6412. 2009
- Parameterization of Shortwave and Longwave Radiative Properties of Ice Clouds for Use in Climate Models. 22:6287-6312. 2009
- Low-Frequency Variability of Temperature in the Vicinity of the Equatorial Pacific Thermocline in SODA: Role of Equatorial Wave Dynamics and ENSO Asymmetry. 22:5783-5795. 2009
- Maintenance of Lower Tropospheric Temperature Inversion in the Saharan Air Layer by Dust and Dry Anomaly. 22:5149-5162. 2009
- Linking the Pacific Meridional Mode to ENSO: Coupled Model Analysis. 22:3488-3505. 2009
- Linking the Pacific Meridional Mode to ENSO: Utilization of a Noise Filter. 22:905-922. 2009
- Pacific Climate Change and ENSO Activity in the Mid-Holocene. 22:923-939. 2009
- Error Reduction and Convergence in Climate Prediction. 21:6698-6709. 2008
- Coupled Variability and Predictability in a Stochastic Climate Model of the Tropical Atlantic. 21:6247-6259. 2008
- Low-Frequency Modulation of Intraseasonal Equatorial Kelvin Wave Activity in the Pacific from SODA: 1958-2001. 21:6060-6069. 2008
- Precipitation and latent heating characteristics of the major tropical western Pacific cloud regimes. 21:4348-4364. 2008
- A linear stability analysis of coupled tropical Atlantic variability. 21:2421-2436. 2008
- Tropical cyclone-induced upper-ocean mixing and climate: Application to equable climates. 21:638-654. 2008
- Forecasting Pacific SSTs: Linear inverse model predictions of the PDO. 21:385-402. 2008
- A climatology of the tropospheric thermal stratification using saturation potential vorticity. 20:5977-5991. 2007
- The dynamic response of the winter stratosphere to an equable climate surface temperature gradient. 20:5213-5228. 2007
- Inclusion of ice microphysics in the NCAR community atmospheric model version 3 (CAM3). 20:4526-4547. 2007
- Multimodel analysis of the water vapor feedback in the tropical upper troposphere. 19:5455-5464. 2006
- The Community Climate System Model version 3 (CCSM3). 19:2122-2143. 2006
- An evaluation of the proposed mechanism of the adaptive infrared iris hypothesis using TRMM VIRS and PR measurements. 18:4185-4194. 2005
- Comparison of TRMM precipitation retrievals with rain gauge data from ocean buoys. 18:178-190. 2005
- A comparison of tropical precipitation simulated by the community climate model with that measured by the tropical rainfall measuring mission satellite. 17:3319-3333. 2004
- Effect of oceanic advection on the potential predictability of sea surface temperature. 17:3603-3615. 2004
- Predictability of linear coupled systems. Part I: Theoretical analyses. 17:1474-1486. 2004
- Predictability of linear coupled systems. Part II: An application to a simple model of tropical Atlantic variability. 17:1487-1503. 2004
- Water vapor feedback in the tropical upper troposphere: Model results and observations. 17:1272-1282. 2004
- Comparison of global-scale Lagrangian transport properties of the NCEP reanalysis and CCM3. 17:1135-1146. 2004
- Equatorial waves including the Madden-Julian oscillation in TRMM rainfall and OLR data. 17:4387-4406. 2004
- Stratiform rain in the tropics as seen by the TRMM precipitation radar. 16:1739-1756. 2003
- The distribution of tropical thin cirrus clouds inferred from terra MODIS data. 16:1241-1247. 2003
- Variability of the South Atlantic convergence zone simulated by an atmospheric general circulation model. 15:745-763. 2002
- Detecting climate signals using space-time EOFs. 14:1839-1863. 2001
- Looking for the role of the ocean in tropical Atlantic decadal climate variability. 14:638-655. 2001
- A hybrid coupled model study of tropical Atlantic variability. 14:361-390. 2001
- A summary of reflectivity profiles from the first year of TRMM radar data. 13:4072-4086. 2000
- Comparison of freezing-level altitudes from the NCEP reanalysis with TRMM precipitation radar brightband data. 13:4137-4148. 2000
- Decadal variability and predictability in the midlatitude ocean-atmosphere system. 13:1073-1097. 2000
- Interannual and decadal variability in the tropical and midlatitude Pacific Ocean. 12:3402-3418. 1999
- EOF-based linear prediction algorithm: Examples. 12:2076-2092. 1999
- The potential impacts of the use of Southern Oscillation information on the Texas aggregate sorghum production. 12:519-530. 1999
- EOF-based linear prediction algorithm: Theory. 11:3046-3056. 1998
- An accurate parameterization of the infrared radiative properties of cirrus clouds for climate models. 11:2223-2237. 1998
- Atmospheric low-frequency variability and its relationship to midlatitude SST variability: Studies using the NCAR Climate System Model. 11:1386-1404. 1998
- Detecting climate signals in the surface temperature record. 11:563-577. 1998
- Using the Southern Oscillation to forecast Texas winter wheat and sorghum crop yields. 11:54-60. 1998
- Comparison of statistically optimal approaches to detecting anthropogenic climate change. 10:1125-1133. 1997
- The role of the dynamic ocean-atmosphere interactions in the tropical seasonal cycle. 9:2973-2985. 1996
- Comparisons of the second-moment statistics of climate models. 9:2204-2221. 1996
- Optimal estimation of spherical harmonic components from a sample with spatially nonuniform covariance statistics. 9:635-645. 1996
- Detection of forced climate signals. Part II: simulation results. 8:409-417. 1995
- The Seasonal Cycle in Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model. 7:1208-1217. 1994
- Spectral approach to optimal estimation of the global average temperature. 7:1999-2007. 1994
- EOF analysis of surface temperature field in a stochastic climate model. 6:1681-1690. 1993
- Tropical waves in a GCM with zonal symmetry. 6:1691-1702. 1993
- Mechanisms of SST Change in the Equatorial Waveguide during the 198283 ENSO. 3:173-188. 1990
- Comparison of GCM and Energy Balance Model Simulations of Seasonal Temperature Changes over the Past 18 000 Years. 2:864-887. 1989
- A distinctly interdecadal signal of Pacific Ocean-atmosphere interaction. 18:1709-1718.
- An Improved Coupled Data Assimilation System with a CGCM Using Multi-Time-Scale High-Efficiency EnOI-Like Filtering. 36:6045-6067.
- Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems in OceanSea Ice Simulations Forced by CORE and JRA55-do: Mean State and Variability at the Surface. 37:2821-2848.
- Geometry of the Meridional Overturning Circulation at the Last Glacial Maximum. 35:5465-5482.
- Identification of dynamical regimes in an intermediate coupled ocean-atmosphere model. 13:2105-2115.
- Near-Surface Wind Convergence over the Gulf Stream-The Role of SST Revisited. 36:5527-5548.
- Spatiotemporal Changes in Active Layer Thickness under Contemporary and Projected Climate in the Northern Hemisphere. 31:251-266.
- Surface Air Temperature Changes over the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries in China Simulated by 20 CMIP5 Models. 27:3920-3937.
- The role of stochastic forcing in modulating ENSO predictability. 17:3125-3140.
- The physical basis for predicting Atlantic sector seasonal-to-interannual climate variability 2006
- Climate fluctuations of tropical coupled systems - The role of ocean dynamics 2006