publication venue for
- Leveraging Social Science Research to Advance Contemporary Rangeland Management: Understanding the New Faces of Range Managers. 45:1-11. 2023
- Future climate variability will challenge rangeland beef cattle production in the Great Plains. 43:29-36. 2021
- Rangeland Ecology & Management Highlights. 43:127-130. 2021
- Ecological Sites: Can they be Managed to Promote Livestock Production?. 41:239-243. 2019
- Tanglehead in Southern Texas: A Native Grass with an Invasive Behavior. 40:37-44. 2018
- Two New Mobile Apps for Rangeland Inventory and Monitoring by Landowners and Land Managers. 39:46-55. 2017
- Usable Science for Managing Animals and Rangeland Sustainability. 38:79-84. 2016
- Nonriparian Shade as a Water Quality Best Management Practice for Grazing-Lands: A Case Study. 38:129-137. 2016
- Twenty Years After the Dude Fire: Targeted Cattle Grazing of Weeping Lovegrass Through the Use of Protein Supplementation. 36:15-21. 2014
- Heavy Seasonal Grazing on Central Arizona PionJuniper Rangeland: Risky Business?. 36:12-17. 2014
- Can We Predict Forage Nutritive Value With Weather Parameters?. 36:2-9. 2014
- Deficiencies in the Briske et al. Rebuttal of the Savory Method. 36:37-38. 2014
- Savory's Unsubstantiated Claims Should Not Be Confused With Multipaddock Grazing. 36:39-42. 2014
- Complex Creative Systems Principles, processes, and practices of transformation. 35:6-13. 2013
- Grazing Management Can Improve Livestock Distribution Increasing accessible forage and effective grazing capacity. 35:45-51. 2013
- The Savory Method Can Not Green Deserts or Reverse Climate Change A response to the Allan Savory TED video. 35:72-74. 2013
- Rangeland CEAP An Assessment of Natural Resources Conservation Service Practices. 35:2-10. 2013
- Targeted Grazing: Applying the Research to the Land. 34:2-10. 2012
- The Effects of a Rotational Cattle Grazing System on Elk Diets in Arizona PionJuniper Rangeland. 34:19-25. 2012
- Practical Guidance for Developing State-and-Transition Models. 32:23-30. 2010
- Climate Change and Ecosystems of Asia With Emphasis on Inner Mongolia and Mongolia. 30:46-51. 2008
- Cattle, Browse, and Range Health Cattle in South Texas eat some browse, but what are the nutritional and ecological consequences when heavy browse use occurs?. 29:8-11. 2007
- What's Limiting: Quality or Quantity? Can cattle standing in belly-deep grass actually be hungry?. 29:4-7. 2007
- Herbicide use and labor for hand applied control of mesquite: Use this simple method to determine costs of stem application. 25:19-23. 2003
- Fire vs. herbicide? The economics of herbicides and prescribed fire are compared in managing mesquite. 23:9-14. 2001
- Sustainable management strategies for mesquite rangeland: The waggoner kite project. 19:4-8. 1997
- Cattle and wildlife ranching in Zimbabwe. 18:44-47. 1996
- Echoes of the Chisholm Trail. 36:15-21.
- First In A Series: Charting Our Changing Course. 23.
- Old School and High Tech: A Comparison of Methods to Quantify Ashe Juniper Biomass as Fuel or Forage. 41:159-168.
- Rangeland Ecosystem Goods and Services: Values and Evaluation of Opportunities for Ranchers and Land Managers. 33:30-36.
- To Burn or Not to Burn: Ecological Restoration, Liability Concerns, and the Role of Prescribed Burning Associations. 34:18-23.
- Usable Socio-Economic Science for Rangelands. 38:85-89.
- Viewpoint: New Approaches and Protocols for Grazing Management Research. 31:31-36.