Targeted Grazing: Applying the Research to the Land uri icon


  • The discipline of range science is in part based on the observation that vegetation on rangelands changes in response to livestock grazing. The Targeted Grazing Committee (TGC) of the Society for Range Management (SRM) was formed in 2009 to focus attention, share knowledge, and communicate information that will promote the use of targeted livestock grazing and to advance the knowledge and skills required to help practitioners and land managers employ this technology to restore degraded rangelands, improve wildlife habitat, and enhance ecosystems. After attending a Holistic Management training course, Craig Madsen, a Range Management Specialist with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) for 14 years, left the agency to establish Healing Hooves, LLC, in 2002 with his wife, Sue Lani. Zane Davis works for the USDA Poisonous Plant Research Laboratory to help reduce livestock losses to poisonous plants.

published proceedings

  • Rangelands

author list (cited authors)

  • Frost, R., Walker, J., Madsen, C., Holes, R., Lehfeldt, J., Cunningham, J., ... Sullivan, J.

citation count

  • 11

complete list of authors

  • Frost, Rachel||Walker, John||Madsen, Craig||Holes, Ray||Lehfeldt, John||Cunningham, Jennifer||Voth, Kathy||Welling, Bob||Davis, T Zane||Bradford, Dave||Malot, Jana||Sullivan, John

publication date

  • February 2012