The Savory Method Can Not Green Deserts or Reverse Climate Change A response to the Allan Savory TED video uri icon


  • The article presents a counter response to Allan Savory's statement that his planned grazing method was necessary to reverse desertification and climate change in the video 'How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change' that was presented in session 7 at the 2013 TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Conference on February 27, 2013 in Long Beach, California. The pressing challenge is to develop broad approaches that can be implemented at multiple levels of social organization to minimize these pervasive and complex issues confronting rangeland sustainability. The tactic of discrediting science detracts from progress toward this goal, because it continues to oversimplify the complexity of rangeland systems and to promote narrowly focused technological solutions. Given that there are about five billion hectares of rangeland globally, it is relatively simple to calculate that each hectare of rangeland would have to sequester an additional two tons of C each year.

published proceedings

  • Rangelands

altmetric score

  • 91.634

author list (cited authors)

  • Briske, D. D., Bestelmeyer, B. T., Brown, J. R., Fuhlendorf, S. D., & Polley, H. W.

citation count

  • 33

complete list of authors

  • Briske, David D||Bestelmeyer, Brandon T||Brown, Joel R||Fuhlendorf, Samuel D||Polley, H Wayne

publication date

  • October 2013