selected publications academicarticle Bassichis, W. H. (2019). A Simple Model of Initial Tension in Springs. 57(6), 400-402. Perry, J. D., Erukhimova, T. L., & Bassichis, W. H. (2019). New video resource for calculus-based introductory physics, design and assessment. I. Electricity and magnetism. American Journal of Physics. 87(5), 335-340. Litt, O., & Bassichis, W. H. (2017). A MODIFIED BOGOLIUBOV METHOD APPLIED TO A SIMPLE BOSON MODEL. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 190(1), 109-119. Bassichis, W. H. (2010). The father of shale gas. 113(1), 10. BASSICHIS, W. H. (1982). BOUNDED QUADRUPOLE OPERATOR FOR CONSTRAINED VARIATIONAL CALCULATIONS. Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 26(1), 238-242. LITT, O., & BASSICHIS, W. H. (1981). NILSSON-LIKE SINGLE-PARTICLE MODEL. Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 23(4), 1803-1809. WERBY, M. F., BASSICHIS, W. H., & STRAYER, M. R. (1980). THE DOMINANT ROLE OF THE NUCLEAR-SURFACE IN (P,T) REACTIONS. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields. 58(3), 219-231. ALI, S. S., & BASSICHIS, W. H. (1979). EFFECT OF UNBOUNDED OPERATORS ON VARIATIONAL CALCULATIONS IN TRUNCATED BASES. Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 20(6), 2426-2434. BASSICHIS, W. H., & STRAYER, M. R. (1979). TOTALLY MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION OF N-O-16 ELASTIC-SCATTERING .2. Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 20(3), 915-919. BASSICHIS, W. H., & STRAYER, M. R. (1978). TRUNCATED SPACE CALCULATIONS OF EXACT BOUND-STATE ENERGIES. Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 18(3), 1505-1509. BASSICHIS, W. H., STRAYER, M. R., READING, J. F., & SCHEERBAUM, R. R. (1978). TOTALLY MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION OF N-O-16 ELASTIC-SCATTERING. Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 18(2), 632-641. BASSICHIS, W. H., STRAYER, M. R., & VAUGHN, M. T. (1976). VARIATIONAL CALCULATIONS WITH UNBOUNDED OPERATORS. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A. 263(3), 379-388. BASSICHIS, W. H., READING, J. F., & SCHEERBAUM, R. R. (1975). BOUND-STATE REPRESENTATION OF SCATTERING SOLUTIONS. Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 11(2), 316-322. Bassichis, W. H., & Ali, S. S. (1974). Garvey-Kelson mass formula in the s-d shell. 52(3), 282-284. Bassichis, W. H., Kerman, A. K., & Tuerpe, D. R. (1973). Analysis of the Strutinsky - Nilsson Shell Corrections. PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 8(6), 2140-2143. Strayer, M. R., Bassichis, W. H., & Kerman, A. K. (1973). Correlation Effects in Nuclear Densities. PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 8(4), 1269-1274. Bassichis, W. H., & Tuerpe, D. R. (1973). "Inaccessible Regions" in Constrained Hartree-Fock Calculations. 8(3), 1146-1148. Bassichis, W. H., & Tuerpe, D. R. (1973). Energy Fluctuations in the Nilsson Model. PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 8(2), 541-544. Bassichis, W. H. (1973). Interpretation of Volume Conservation in the Nilsson Model. 8(2), 480-482. Bassichis, W. H., Tuerpe, D. R., Tsang, C. F., & Wilets, L. (1973). Consistent Test of the Strutinsky-Nilsson Method. Physical Review Letters. 30(7), 294-297. Shao, J., Bassichis, W. H., & Lomon, E. L. (1972). Suitability of the Feshbach-Lomon Potential for Hartree-Fock Calculations in Finite Nuclei. 6(3), 758-763. Bassichis, W. H., & Kerman, A. K. (1972). Note on Self-Consistent Calculation of Shell Effects. 6(1), 370-372. Reading, J. F., & Bassichis, W. H. (1972). High-Energy Scattering at Backward Angles. 5(8), 2031-2041. Bassichis, W. H., & Kelson, I. (1972). Nuclear Characteristics and Empirical Mass Sum Rules. 5(4), 1169-1173. Bassichis, W. H., Feshbach, H., & Reading, J. F. (1971). Excitation of collective nuclear states by fast particles. 68(2), 462-483. Bassichis, W. H., & Wilets, L. (1971). Solution to a Problem in Constrained Hartree-Fock and Other Calculations. 27(21), 1451-1454. Bassichis, W. H., & Strayer, M. R. (1971). Analysis of separation energies. 66(2), 457-479. Bassichis, W. H., & Kerman, A. K. (1970). Self-Consistent Calculations of Shell Effects Including the Proposed Island of Stability. 2(5), 1768-1776. Bassichis, W. H., & Gal, A. (1970). Self-Consistent Calculation of p-Shell Hypernuclear Binding Energies. 1(1), 28-34. Bassichis, W. H., Giraud, B., & Ripka, G. (1965). Projected Hartree-Fock Spectra in Light Nuclei. 15(25), 980-982. Bassichis, W. H., & Scheck, F. (1965). Time dependent Hartree-Fock treatment of the E1 - giant resonances in 24Mg. 19(6), 509-511. Bassichis, W. H., & Dar, A. (1965). Heavy-Projectile Inelastic Scattering Above the Coulomb Barrier. 14(16), 648-652. Bassichis, W. H., & Kelson, I. (1964). Application of Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock Theory to Ne20: Odd-Parity Bands. 136(2B), b385-b387. Bassichis, W. H., Levinson, C. A., & Kelson, I. (1964). Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock Theory Applied to Ne20 and Mg24. 136(2B), b380-b384. Bassichis, W. H. (1964). Generalization of the Boguliubov Method Applied to Mixtures of Bose-Einstein Particles. 134(3A), a543-a549. Bassichis, W. H., & Foldy, L. L. (1964). Analysis of the Bogoliubov Method Applied to a Simple Boson Model. 133(4A), a935-a943. conference paper Srinivasa, A., & Bassichis, W. H. (2006). Work in progress: The role of physics in an engineering education. Frontiers in Education Conference. 1320-+. Bassichis, W. H. (1996). Physics in the integrated first year; Second attempt. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 2545-2548. WERBY, M. F., & BASSICHIS, W. H. (1978). EXPLANATION OF UNEXPECTED INTERFERENCE PATTERNS IN REACTION C-12(N-14, N-13) C-13. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 538-538. WERBY, M. F., BASSICHIS, W. H., & STRAYER, M. R. (1978). PARTICLE TRANSFER VIA EXCITED PARENT STATES. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 538-538. institutional repository document Bassichis, W. (2013). Learning From Real Springs
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