selected publications academicarticle Troy, L. C., Hirunyawipada, T., & Paswan, A. K. (2008). Cross-Functional Integration and New Product Success: An Empirical Investigation of the Findings. Journal of Marketing. 72(6), 132-146. Szymanski, D. M., Kroff, M. W., & Troy, L. C. (2007). Innovativeness and new product success: insights from the cumulative evidence. 35(1), 35-52. Hise, R. T., Shin, J., Davidow, M., Fahy, J., Solano-Mendez, R., & Troy, L. (2004). A Cross Cultural Analysis of the Geographical Knowledge of U.S., Irish, Israeli, Mexican, and South Korean Business School Students. Journal of Teaching in International Business. 15(3), 7-26. Paswan, A. K., & Troy, L. C. (2004). Non-Profit Organization and Membership Motivation: An Exploration in the Museum Industry. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. 12(2), 1-15. Troy, L. C., Szymanski, D. M., & Varadarajan, P. R. (2001). Generating new product ideas: An initial investigation of the role of market information and organizational characteristics. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 29(1), 89-101. White, J. C., Troy, L. C., & Gerlich, R. N. (2000). The role of slotting fees and introductory allowances in retail buyers' new-product acceptance decisions. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 28(2), 291-298. Hise, R. T., Davidow, M., & Troy, L. (1999). Global Geographical Knowledge of Business Students. Journal of Teaching in International Business. 11(4), 1-22. SZYMANSKI, D. M., TROY, L. C., & BHARADWAJ, S. G. (1995). ORDER OF ENTRY AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCE - AN EMPIRICAL SYNTHESIS AND REEXAMINATION. Journal of Marketing. 59(4), 17-33. chapter Szymanski, D. M., Kroff, M., & Troy, L. C. (2004). Does innovativeness enhance new product success? Insights from a meta-analysis of the evidence. The Profit Impact of Marketing Strategy Project. (pp. 92-123). Cambridge University Press (CUP).
teaching activities MKTG347 Adv Creative Mktg Comm Instructor MKTG409 Principles Of Marketing Instructor MKTG445 Account Planning & Research Instructor MKTG447 Adv Advertising Case Comp Instructor MKTG485 Directed Studies Instructor MKTG489 Sptp:digital Mktg Simulation Instructor MKTG621 Survey Of Marketing Instructor MKTG656 Branding And Mktg Comm Instructor MKTG660 Marketing Consulting Instructor MKTG685 Directed Studies Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Marketing, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1997 M.B.A., Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1988 B.S. in Marketing, Utah State University - (Logan, Utah, United States) 1987
awards and honors Association of Former Students College-Level Teaching Distinguished Achievement Award, The, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2015 Student Led Award for Teaching Excellence (SLATE), conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2010 Best Overall Paper, conferred by American Marketing Association - (Chicago, Illinois, United States), 2002