selected publications academicarticle Kennedy, D. M., Wang, C., Wang, Y., & Shea, C. H. (2021). The influence of accuracy constraints on bimanual and unimanual sequence learning. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS. 751, 135812-135812. Vieweg, J., Leinen, P., Verwey, W. B., Shea, C. H., & Panzer, S. (2020). The Cognitive Status of Older Adults: Do Reduced Time Constraints Enhance Sequence Learning?. 52(5), 558-569. Wang, C., & Shea, C. H. (2019). Bimanual control strategies. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 72(4), 966-978. Panzer, S., Haab, T., Massing, M., Pfeifer, C., & Shea, C. H. (2019). Dyad training protocols and the development of a motor sequence representation. Acta Psychologica. 201, 102947-102947. Kennedy, D. M., Safdari, S., & Shea, C. H. (2019). Response biases: the influence of the contralateral limb and head position. Experimental Brain Research. 237(12), 3253-3264. Wang, C., Kennedy, D. M., Panzer, S., & Shea, C. H. (2018). Intentional Switching Between Bimanual Coordination Patterns. Journal of Motor Behavior. 50(5), 538-556. Panzer, S., Kennedy, D., Wang, C., & Shea, C. H. (2018). The simplest acquisition protocol is sometimes the best protocol: performing and learning a 1:2 bimanual coordination task. Experimental Brain Research. 236(2), 539-550. Wang, C., Boyle, J. B., Dai, B., & Shea, C. H. (2017). Do accuracy requirements change bimanual and unimanual control processes similarly?. Experimental Brain Research. 235(5), 1467-1479. Kennedy, D. M., Rhee, J., Jimenez, J., & Shea, C. H. (2017). The influence of asymmetric force requirements on a multi-frequency bimanual coordination task. 51, 125-137. Leinen, P., Panzer, S., & Shea, C. H. (2016). Hemispheric asymmetries of a motor memory in a recognition test after learning a movement sequence. Acta Psychologica. 171, 36-46. Leinen, P., Vieluf, S., Kennedy, D., Aschersleben, G., Shea, C. H., & Panzer, S. (2016). Life span changes: Performing a continuous 1:2 bimanual coordination task. Human Movement Science. 46, 209-220. Shea, C. H., Buchanan, J. J., & Kennedy, D. M. (2016). Perception and action influences on discrete and reciprocal bimanual coordination. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 23(2), 361-386. Kennedy, D. M., Boyle, J. B., Wang, C., & Shea, C. H. (2016). Bimanual force control: cooperation and interference?. Psychological Research. 80(1), 34-54. Kennedy, D. M., Wang, C., Panzer, S., & Shea, C. H. (2016). Continuous scanning trials:Transitioning through the attractor landscape. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS. 610, 66-72. Kennedy, D. M., Rhee, J., & Shea, C. H. (2016). Symmetrical and asymmetrical influences on force production in 1:2 and 2:1 bimanual force coordination tasks. 234(1), 287-300. Boyle, J. B., Kennedy, D. M., & Shea, C. H. (2015). A novel approach to enhancing limb control in older adults. Experimental Brain Research. 233(7), 2061-2071. Verwey, W. B., Shea, C. H., & Wright, D. L. (2015). A cognitive framework for explaining serial processing and sequence execution strategies. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 22(1), 54-77. Leinen, P., Shea, C. H., & Panzer, S. (2015). The impact of concurrent visual feedback on coding of on-line and pre-planned movement sequences. Acta Psychologica. 155, 92-100. Kennedy, D. M., Boyle, J. B., Rhee, J., & Shea, C. H. (2015). Rhythmical bimanual force production: homologous and non-homologous muscles. 233(1), 181-195. Boyle, J. B., Kennedy, D. M., Wang, C., & Shea, C. H. (2014). The sine wave protocol: decrease movement time without increasing errors. Journal of Motor Behavior. 46(4), 277-285. Panzer, S., Gruetzmacher, N., Ellenbrger, T., & Shea, C. H. (2014). Interlimb practice and aging: coding a simple movement sequence. Experimental Aging Research. 40(1), 107-128. Boyle, J. B., Panzer, S., Wang, C., Kennedy, D., & Shea, C. H. (2013). Optimizing the control of high-ID movements: rethinking the power of the visual display. Experimental Brain Research. 231(4), 479-493. Wang, C., Kennedy, D. M., Boyle, J. B., & Shea, C. H. (2013). A guide to performing difficult bimanual coordination tasks: just follow the yellow brick road. Experimental Brain Research. 230(1), 31-40. Kennedy, D. M., Wang, C., & Shea, C. H. (2013). Reacting while moving: influence of right limb movement on left limb reaction. Experimental Brain Research. 230(1), 143-152. Boyle, J. B., & Shea, C. H. (2013). Micro-movements of varying difficulties: wrist and arm movements. Experimental Brain Research. 229(1), 61-73. Kennedy, D. M., Boyle, J. B., & Shea, C. H. (2013). The role of auditory and visual models in the production of bimanual tapping patterns. Experimental Brain Research. 224(4), 507-518. Panzer, S., Boyle, J. B., & Shea, C. H. (2013). Additional load decreases movement time in the wrist but not in arm movements at ID 6. Experimental Brain Research. 224(2), 243-253. Ellenbuerger, T., Boutin, A., Panzer, S., Blandin, Y., Fischer, L., Schorer, J., & Shea, C. H. (2012). Observational training in visual half-fields and the coding of movement sequences. Human Movement Science. 31(6), 1436-1448. Boyle, J., Kennedy, D., & Shea, C. H. (2012). Optimizing the control of high ID movements: rethinking the obvious. Experimental Brain Research. 223(3), 377-387. Ellenbürger, T., Krüger, M., Shea, C. H., & Panzer, S. (2012). Sind motorische Handlungen auf eine präzise Wahrnehmung angewiesen?. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie. 19(4), 135-144. Boyle, J., Panzer, S., Wright, D., & Shea, C. H. (2012). Extended practice of reciprocal wrist and arm movements of varying difficulties. Acta Psychologica. 140(2), 142-153. Ellenbuerger, T., Boutin, A., Blandin, Y., Shea, C. H., & Panzer, S. (2012). Scheduling observational and physical practice: Influence on the coding of simple motor sequences. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 65(7), 1260-1273. Panzer, S., Gruetzmacher, N., Fries, U., Krueger, M., & Shea, C. H. (2011). Age-related effects in interlimb practice on coding complex movement sequences. Human Movement Science. 30(3), 459-474. Kovacs, A. J., Buchanan, J. J., & Shea, C. H. (2010). Impossible is nothing: 5:3 and 4:3 multi-frequency bimanual coordination. Experimental Brain Research. 201(2), 249-259. Panzer, S., Krueger, M., Muehlbauer, T., & Shea, C. H. (2010). Asymmetric effector transfer of complex movement sequences. Human Movement Science. 29(1), 62-72. Kovacs, A. J., Boyle, J., Grutmatcher, N., & Shea, C. H. (2010). Coding of on-line and pre-planned movement sequences. Acta Psychologica. 133(2), 119-126. Panzer, S., Krueger, M., Muehlbauer, T., Kovacs, A. J., & Shea, C. H. (2009). Inter-manual transfer and practice: coding of simple motor sequences. Acta Psychologica. 131(2), 99-109. Kovacs, A. J., Buchanan, J. J., & Shea, C. H. (2009). Using scanning trials to assess intrinsic coordination dynamics. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS. 455(3), 162-167. Kovacs, A. J., Mühlbauer, T., & Shea, C. H. (2009). The coding and effector transfer of movement sequences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 35(2), 390-407. Kovacs, A. J., Buchanan, J. J., & Shea, C. H. (2009). Bimanual 1:1 with 90 degrees continuous relative phase: difficult or easy!. Experimental Brain Research. 193(1), 129-136. Kovacs, A. J., Han, D., & Shea, C. H. (2009). Representation of movement sequences is related to task characteristics. Acta Psychologica. 132(1), 54-61. Panzer, S., Muehlbauer, T., Krueger, M., Buesch, D., Naundorf, F., & Shea, C. H. (2009). Short article: Effects of interlimb practice on coding and learning of movement sequences. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 62(7), 1265-1276. Han, D., & Shea, C. H. (2008). Auditory model: effects on learning under blocked and random practice schedules. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 79(4), 476-486. Panzer, S., & Shea, C. H. (2008). The learning of two similar complex movement sequences: does practice insulate a sequence from interference?. Human Movement Science. 27(6), 873-887. Kovacs, A. J., Buchanan, J. J., & Shea, C. H. (2008). Perceptual influences on Fitts' law. Experimental Brain Research. 190(1), 99-103. Dean, N. J., Kovacs, A. J., & Shea, C. H. (2008). Transfer of movement sequences: bigger is better. Acta Psychologica. 127(2), 355-368. Blandin, Y., Toussaint, L., & Shea, C. H. (2008). Specificity of Practice: Interaction Between Concurrent Sensory Information and Terminal Feedback. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 34(4), 994-1000. Braden, H. W., Panzer, S., & Shea, C. H. (2008). The effects of sequence difficulty and practice on proportional and nonproportional transfer. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 61(9), 1321-1339. Panzer, S., Büsch, D., Shea, C. H., Mühlbauer, T., Naundorf, F., & Krüger, M. (2007). Movement sequence learning and the dominance of visual-spatial coding. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie. 14(3), 123-129. Wulf, G., Töllner, T., & Shea, C. H. (2007). Attentional focus effects as a function of task difficulty. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 78(3), 257-264. Muehlbauer, T., Panzer, S., & Shea, C. H. (2007). The transfer of movement sequences: Effects of decreased and increased load. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 60(6), 770-778. Buchanan, J. J., Park, J., & Shea, C. H. (2006). Target width scaling in a repetitive aiming task: switching between cyclical and discrete units of action. Experimental Brain Research. 175(4), 710-725. Wilde, H., & Shea, C. H. (2006). Proportional and nonproportional transfer of movement sequences. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 59(9), 1626-1647. Badets, A., Blandin, Y., Wright, D. L., & Shea, C. H. (2006). Error detection processes during observational learning. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 77(2), 177-184. Shea, C. H., Park, J., & Braden, H. W. (2006). Age-Related Effects in Sequential Motor Learning. Physical Therapy. 86(4), 478-488. Badets, A., Blandin, Y., & Shea, C. H. (2006). Intention in motor learning through observation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 59(2), 377-386. Badets, A., Blandin, Y., Bouquet, C. A., & Shea, C. H. (2006). The Intention Superiority Effect in Motor Skill Learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 32(3), 491-505. Panzer, S., Wilde, H., & Shea, C. H. (2006). Learning of similar complex movement sequences: proactive and retroactive effects on learning. Journal of Motor Behavior. 38(1), 60-70. Wilde, H., Magnuson, C., & Shea, C. H. (2005). Random and blocked practice of movement sequences: differential effects on response structure and movement speed. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 76(4), 416-425. Shea, C. H., & Wulf, G. (2005). Schema theory: a critical appraisal and reevaluation. Journal of Motor Behavior. 37(2), 85-101. Park, J., & Shea, C. H. (2005). Sequence Learning: Response Structure and Effector Transfer. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Series a Human Experimental Psychology. 58(3), 387-419. Buchanan, J. J., Park, J., & Shea, C. H. (2004). Systematic scaling of target width: dynamics, planning, and feedback. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS. 367(3), 317-322. Park, J., Wilde, H., & Shea, C. H. (2004). Part-whole practice of movement sequences. Journal of Motor Behavior. 36(1), 51-61. Bruechert, L., Lai, Q., & Shea, C. H. (2003). Reduced knowledge of results frequency enhances error detection. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 74(4), 467-472. Buchanan, J. J., Park, J., Ryu, Y. U., & Shea, C. H. (2003). Discrete and cyclical units of action in a mixed target pair aiming task. Experimental Brain Research. 150(4), 473-489. Park, J., & Shea, C. H. (2003). Effect of practice on effector independence. Journal of Motor Behavior. 35(1), 33-40. Shea, C. H., & Park, J. (2003). The independence of response structure and element production in timing sequences. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 74(4), 401-420. Shea, C. H., Lai, Q., Wright, D. L., Immink, M., & Black, C. (2001). Consistent and variable practice conditions: effects on relative and absolute timing. Journal of Motor Behavior. 33(2), 139-152. Shea, C. H., Wulf, G., Park, J. H., & Gaunt, B. (2001). Effects of an auditory model on the learning of relative and absolute timing. Journal of Motor Behavior. 33(2), 127-138. Wulf, G., McNevin, N., & Shea, C. H. (2001). The automaticity of complex motor skill learning as a function of attentional focus. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Series a Human Experimental Psychology. 54(4), 1143-1154. Lai, Q., Shea, C. H., & Little, M. (2000). Effects of modeled auditory information on a sequential timing task. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 71(4), 349-356. Shea, C. H., Lai, Q., Black, C., & Park, J. H. (2000). Spacing practice sessions across days benefits the learning of motor skills. 19(5), 737-760. Park, J. H., Shea, C. H., & Wright, D. L. (2000). Reduced-frequency concurrent and terminal feedback: a test of the guidance hypothesis. Journal of Motor Behavior. 32(3), 287-296. Whitacre, C. A., & Shea, C. H. (2000). Performance and learning of generalized motor programs: relative (GMP) and absolute (parameter) errors. Journal of Motor Behavior. 32(2), 163-175. Lai, Q., Shea, C. H., Wulf, G., & Wright, D. L. (2000). Optimizing generalized motor program and parameter learning. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 71(1), 10-24. Shea, C. H., Wright, D. L., Wulf, G., & Whitacre, C. (2000). Physical and observational practice afford unique learning opportunities. Journal of Motor Behavior. 32(1), 27-36. Wulf, G., McNevin, N., Shea, C. H., & Wright, D. L. (1999). Learning phenomena: Future challenges for the dynamical systems approach to understanding the learning of complex motor skills. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY. 30(4), 531-557. Shea, C. H., & Wulf, G. (1999). Enhancing motor learning through external-focus instructions and feedback. 18(4), 553-571. Shea, C. H., Wulf, G., & Whitacre, C. (1999). Enhancing Training Efficiency and Effectiveness Through the Use of Dyad Training. Journal of Motor Behavior. 31(2), 119-125. Lai, Q., & Shea, C. H. (1999). Bandwidth knowledge of results enhances generalized motor program learning. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 70(1), 79-83. Wulf, G., Hörger, M., & Shea, C. H. (1999). Benefits of Blocked Over Serial Feedback on Complex Motor Skill Learning. Journal of Motor Behavior. 31(1), 95-103. Lai, Q., & Shea, C. H. (1999). The role of reduced frequency of knowledge of results during constant practice. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 70(1), 33-40. Wulf, G., Shea, C. H., & Whitacre, C. A. (1998). Physical-guidance benefits in learning a complex motor skill. Journal of Motor Behavior. 30(4), 367-380. Wulf, G., Shea, C. H., & Matschiner, S. (1998). Frequent feedback enhances complex motor skill learning. Journal of Motor Behavior. 30(2), 180-192. Lai, Q., & Shea, C. H. (1998). Generalized Motor Program (GMP) Learning: Effects of Reduced Frequency of Knowledge of Results and Practice Variability. Journal of Motor Behavior. 30(1), 51-59. Wright, D. L., Shea, C. H., Li, Y., & Whitacre, C. (1996). Contextual dependencies during perceptual-motor skill acquisition: gone but not forgotten!. Memory. 4(1), 91-108. KOHL, R. M., & SHEA, C. H. (1995). AUGMENTING MOTOR-RESPONSES WITH AUDITORY INFORMATION - GUIDANCE HYPOTHESIS IMPLICATIONS. HUMAN PERFORMANCE. 8(4), 327-343. Shea, C. H., & Wright, D. L. (1995). Contextual dependencies: influence on response latency. Memory. 3(1), 81-95. SHEA, C. H., GUADAGNOLI, L. A., & DEAN, M. (1995). RESPONSE BIASES - TONIC NECK RESPONSE AND AFTERCONTRACTION PHENOMENON. Journal of Motor Behavior. 27(1), 41-51. SHEA, C. H. (1993). VISION AND MOTOR CONTROL - PROTEAU,L, ELLIOTT,D. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 64(2), 245-246. Kohl, R. M., & Shea, C. H. (1992). Observational Learning: Influences on Temporal Response Organization. HUMAN PERFORMANCE. 5(3), 235-244. Kohl, R. M., & Shea, C. H. (1992). Pew (1966) Revisited: Acquisition of Hierarchical Control as a Function of Observational Practice. Journal of Motor Behavior. 24(3), 247-260. Gable, C. D., Shea, C. H., & Wright, D. L. (1991). Summary knowledge of results. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 62(3), 285-292. Wright, D. L., & Shea, C. H. (1991). Contextual dependencies in motor skills. Memory and Cognition. 19(4), 361-370. Shea, C. H., & Kohl, R. M. (1991). Composition of practice: influence on the retention of motor skills. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 62(2), 187-195. Shea, C. H., Shebilske, W. L., Kohl, R. M., & Guadagnoli, M. A. (1991). After-contraction phenomenon: influences on performance and learning. Journal of Motor Behavior. 23(1), 51-62. SHEA, C. H., & KOHL, R. M. (1991). LAG AND SPACING EFFECT IN MOTOR-SKILLS. JOURNAL OF HUMAN MOVEMENT STUDIES. 21(1), 41-51. Shea, C. H., & Kohl, R. M. (1990). Specificity and variability of practice. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 61(2), 169-177. SHEA, C. H., KOHL, R., & INDERMILL, C. (1990). CONTEXTUAL INTERFERENCE - CONTRIBUTIONS OF PRACTICE. Acta Psychologica. 73(2), 145-157. KOHL, R. M., & SHEA, C. H. (1988). PERCEIVED EXERTION - INFLUENCES OF LOCUS OF CONTROL AND EXPECTED WORK INTENSITY AND DURATION. JOURNAL OF HUMAN MOVEMENT STUDIES. 15(6), 255-272. Moritani, T., Crouse, S. F., Shea, C. H., Davidson, N., & Nakamura, E. (1987). Arterial pulse wave velocity, Fourier pulsatility index, and blood lipid profiles. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 19(4), 404-409. Shea, C. H. (1980). Effects of extended practice and movement time on motor control of a coincident timing task. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 51(2), 369-381. Shea, C. H., & Husak, W. S. (1979). Linear, curvilinear, and two-dimensional electronic movement positioning apparatus. Research quarterly. 50(2), 282-285. Gabbard, C. P., & Shea, C. H. (1979). Influence of movement activities on shape recognition and retention. PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS. 48(1), 116-118. Shea, C. H., & Gabbard, C. P. (1979). Spatial-temporal structure of coincident-timing responses. PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS. 48(3 Pt 1), 783-788. chapter Shea, C. H., Panzer, S., & Kennedy, D. M. (2016). Effector Transfer. LATERALITY IN SPORTS: THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS. (pp. 179-203). Elsevier. conference paper Panzer, S., Pfeifer, C., Harenz, J., Bock, O., & Shea, C. H. (2021). Inter-Individual Differences in the Capability to Reduce Dual-Task Interference in Sequence Learning. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S41-S41. Pfeifer, C., Shea, C. H., Bock, O., Haeger, M., & Panzer, S. (2021). The Role of Executive Functions: Single-Task vs. Dual-Task Training in Learning a Simple Movement Sequence. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S42-S42. Pfeifer, C., Shea, C. H., & Panzer, S. (2020). A Dual-Task Degrades Response Execution Based on a Visual-Spatial Movement Sequence Representation. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S51-S52. Panzer, S., Lindemann, H., & Shea, C. H. (2017). Effects of single-task practice of dual-task performance limitations in sequence learning. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S163-S164. Panzer, S., Leinen, P., & Shea, C. H. (2017). Movement-related cortical potentials of the bilateral deficit in dominant left- and right-handers. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S163-S163. Kennedy, D., & Shea, C. H. (2017). The Influence of Integrated Feedback on Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Coordination. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S145-S145. Wang, C., & Shea, C. H. (2016). Choosing a coordination (bimanual or unimanual) strategy. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S8-S9. Wang, C., & Shea, C. H. (2016). Choosing a coordination (bimanual or unimanual) strategy. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S114-S114. Panzer, S., Vieluf, S., & Shea, C. H. (2016). Learning and transfer of a 1:2 continuous coordination pattern. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S94-S94. Wang, C., & Shea, C. H. (2016). Target width scaling in unimanual and bimanual aiming tasks. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S113-S114. Kennedy, D. M., Patel, P., & Shea, C. H. (2016). The influence of force production on reaction time in the contralateral limb. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S74-S74. Panzer, S., Massing, M., Kennedy, D., & Shea, C. H. (2016). Moving the dominant or the non-dominant wrist faster by different start positions in a bimanual coordination task. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S94-S95. Panzer, S., Leinen, P., & Shea, C. H. (2015). Does ischemia influence effector transfer?. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S56-S56. Shea, C. H., Kennedy, D. M., & Wang, C. (2015). Motor output variability (Schmidt et al., 1979) revisited. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S60-S60. Boyle, J. B., Kennedy, D. M., Wang, C., & Shea, C. H. (2015). Optimizing high ID performance: The role of the tracking template. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S31-S31. Panzer, S., Doehring, F., & Shea, C. H. (2015). Part-whole practice of continuous multifrequency bimanual movements. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S56-S56. Kennedy, D. M., & Shea, C. H. (2015). The influence of integrated feedback information on bimanual force control in older adults. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S47-S47. Wang, C., Kennedy, D. M., & Shea, C. H. (2015). Where bimanual coordination pattern interacts with element difficulty: Examining coupling stability and harmonic nature of bimanual sequences. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S65-S65. Panzer, S., Kennedy, D., & Shea, C. H. (2015). Intended phase transitions using Lissajous feedback. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S55-S55. Kennedy, D. M., Rhee, J., & Shea, C. H. (2015). Multifrequency bimanual force production: 1:2 versus 2:1. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S46-S46. Boyle, J. B., Kennedy, D. M., Wang, C., & Shea, C. H. (2014). Age-related kinematic changes following sine wave tracking. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S21-S22. Wang, C., Kennedy, D. M., Boyle, J. B., & Shea, C. H. (2014). Bimanual and unimanual movement sequences: The role of element difficulty. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S53-S54. Kennedy, D. M., Panzer, S., & Shea, C. H. (2014). Continuous bimanual movements: The effects of symmetric and asymmetric load. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S35-S36. Kennedy, D. M., Wang, C., Boyle, J. B., & Shea, C. H. (2014). The effects of homologous and non-homologous muscle activation on neural crosstalk. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S35-S35. Panzer, S., Vieluf, S., Aschersleben, G., Kennedy, D., & Shea, C. H. (2014). Effects of multifrequency bimanual movements and force control across the life span. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S72-S72. Wang, C., Kennedy, D. M., & Shea, C. H. (2013). A guide to performing complex bimanual coordination patterns: Just follow the yellow brick road. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S56-S57. Panzer, S., Shea, C. H., Boutin, A., & Blandin, Y. (2011). Scheduling observational practice and physical practice. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S100-S100. Panzer, S., Gruetzmacher, N., Shea, C. H., & Krueger, M. (2010). Aging effects in coding simple movement sequences. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S117-S117. Panzer, S., Fries, U., Gruetzmacher, N., Krueger, M., & Shea, C. H. (2010). Context effects in the learning of two similar movement sequences. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S116-S116. Panzer, S., Gruetzmacher, N., Balndin, Y., Shea, C. H., & Krueger, M. (2010). Observation and coding of simple motor sequences. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S116-S116. Kovacs, A. J., & Shea, C. H. (2010). Using scanning trials to assess interpersonal coordination dynamics. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S96-S96. Shea, C. H., Buchanan, J. J., & Kovacs, A. J. (2009). 5:3 and 4:3 multifrequency bimanual coordination. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S97-S98. Kovacs, A. J., Buchanan, J. J., & Shea, C. H. (2009). Using scanning trials to assess intrinsic coordination dynamics. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S80-S80. Krueger, M., Gruetzmacher, N., Fries, U., Panzer, S., & Shea, C. H. (2009). Effects of visual illusion on planning and control of longer duration movements. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S80-S81. Kovacs, A. J., & Shea, C. H. (2009). Performance and learning of a 1:1 bimanual coordination task with 90-degree phase shift. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S79-S80. Boutin, A., Fries, U., Panzer, S., Shea, C. H., & Blandin, Y. (2009). Sequence learning: Role of action observation and action. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S50-S50. Shea, C. H. (2009). Shea & Morgan (1979) 30 years later: Perspectives on contextual interference research-Some exceptions to the contextual interference effect. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S5-S5. Shea, C. H., Buchanan, J. J., Kovacs, A. J., & Krueger, M. (2008). Cooperation between the limbs is better than we thought. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S128-S128. Kovacs, A. J., Buchanan, J. J., Han, D., & Shea, C. H. (2008). Perceptual influences on Fitts's law: Asymmetries associated with limb dominance. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S100-S101. Krueger, M., Kovacs, A. J., Muehlbauer, T., Panzer, S., & Shea, C. H. (2008). Effects of bilateral practice on coding and transfer of simple movement sequences. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S102-S102. Panzer, S., Shea, C. H., Muehlbauer, T., & Krueger, M. (2008). Load and effector transfer in movement sequence learning. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S117-S118. Boutin, A., Fries, U., Panzer, S., Blandin, Y., & Shea, C. H. (2008). Role of action observation and action on coding and transfer of movement sequences. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S65-S66. Kovacs, A. J., Han, D., & Shea, C. H. (2008). 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teaching activities HLTH690 Theory Of Res In Disci Instructor KINE406 Mtr Learn & Skill Perf Instructor KINE485 Directed Studies Instructor KINE690 Theory Of Res In Disci Instructor SPMT690 Theory Of Res In Spt Mgt Instructor
awards and honors Fellow, conferred by National Academy of Kinesiology - (Champaign, Illinois, United States), 1998
mailing address Texas A&M University Health And Kinesiology 4243 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4243 USA