faculty position
- Aburweis, Mohamed, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Akleman, Derya, Instructional Professor
- Arroyo Relion, Jesus, Assistant Professor
- Bhattacharya, Anirban, Professor
- Bruce, Scott, Assistant Professor
- Carroll, Julie, Senior Lecturer
- Carroll, Raymond, Distinguished Professor
- Chakrabortty, Abhishek, Assistant Professor
- Chen, Willa, Professor
- Cline, Daren, Professor
- Crawford, Scott, Instructional Associate Professor
- Dabney, Alan, Associate Professor
- Dao, Thy, Lecturer
- Ghosh, Prasenjit, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Guha, Sharmistha, Assistant Professor
- Guhaniyogi, Rajarshi, Associate Professor
- Ha, Seungyeon, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Harris, Trevor, Assistant Professor
- Hart, Jeffrey, Professor
- Hatfield, Lloyd, Senior Lecturer
- Hernandez-Magallanes, Irma Del Consuelo, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Homrighausen, Darren, Instructional Associate Professor
- Johnson, Valen, Professor
- Jones, Edward, Executive Professor
- Karmakar, Moumita, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Kincheloe, Faron, Visiting Professor
- Kolodziej, Elizabeth, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Laha, Nilanjana, Assistant Professor
- Liang, Hwa Chi, Senior Lecturer
- Longnecker, Michael, Professor and Associate Department Head
- Mallick, Bani, Distinguished Professor
- Newton, H. Joseph, Senior Professor
- Ni, Yang, Assistant Professor
- Pati, Debdeep, Associate Professor
- Peng, Xiyu, Assistant Professor
- Pourahmadi, Mohsen, Professor
- Roiterchtein, Alexander, Instructional Associate Professor
- Sang, Huiyan, Professor
- Schmiediche, Henrik, Instructional Associate Professor
- Sinha, Samiran, Professor
- Subbarao, Suhasini, Professor
- Vidakovic, Brani, Professor and Department Head
- Wang, Suojin, Professor
- Wehrly, Thomas, Professor
- Wong, Raymond Ka Wai, Associate Professor
- Yi, Seongbaek, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Zhang, Xianyang, Associate Professor
- Zhou, Lan, Associate Professor
- Zhou, Quan, Assistant Professor