selected publications academicarticle Li, X., Cline, D., & Loguinov, D. (2017). Temporal Update Dynamics Under Blind Sampling. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 25(1), 363-376. Li, X., Cline, D., & Loguinov, D. (2016). On Sample-Path Staleness in Lazy Data Replication. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 24(5), 2890-2903. Yao, Z., Cline, D., & Loguinov, D. (2015). Unstructured P2P Link Lifetimes Redux. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 23(3), 755-767. Banaei, A., Cline, D., Georghiades, C. N., & Cui, S. (2015). On Asymptotic Statistics for Geometric Routing Schemes in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 23(2), 559-573. Kumar, R., Cline, D., & Gardoni, P. (2015). A stochastic framework to model deterioration in engineering systems. Structural Safety. 53, 36-43. Yao, Z., Cline, D., Wang, X., & Loguinov, D. (2014). Unifying Models of Churn and Resilience for Unstructured P2P Graphs. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 25(9), 2475-2485. Cline, D. (2011). Irreducibility and continuity assumptions for positive operators with application to threshold GARCH time series models. Advances in Applied Probability. 43(1), 49-76. Bisadi, V., Head, M., & Cline, D. (2011). Seismic effects of elevating bridges with steel pedestals in the southeastern United States. Engineering Structures. 33(12), 3279-3289. Yao, Z., Cline, D., & Loguinov, D. (2011). In-degree dynamics of large-scale P2P systems. Performance Evaluation Review. 38(3), 37-42. Kim, Y. H., Hueste, M., Trejo, D., & Cline, D. (2010). Shear Characteristics and Design for High-Strength Self-Consolidating Concrete. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING. 136(8), 989-1000. BOUCHER, T. R., & CLINE, D. (2009). PIGGYBACKING THRESHOLD PROCESSES WITH A FINITE STATE MARKOV CHAIN. Stochastics and Dynamics. 9(02), 187-204. Trejo, D., Moutassem, F., Hueste, M., Halmen, C., & Cline, D. (2007). Influence of environmental exposure conditions on mechanical properties of high-strength concrete. ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL. 104(6), 643-652. Cline, D. (2007). Evaluating the Lyapounov Exponent and Existence of Moments for Threshold ARARCH Models. Journal of Time Series Analysis. 28(2), 241-260. Cline, D (2007). Correction. Advances in Applied Probability. 39(4), 1115-1116. Cline, D. (2007). Regular variation of order 1 nonlinear AR-ARCH models. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 117(7), 840-861. Boucher, T. R., & Cline, D (2007). Stability of cyclic threshold and threshold-like autoregressive time series models. STATISTICA SINICA. 17(1), 43-62. Cline, D (2007). Stability of nonlinear stochastic recursions with application to nonlinear AR-GARCH models. Advances in Applied Probability. 39(2), 462-491. Hueste, M., Chompreda, P., Trejo, D., Cline, D., & Keating, P. B. (2004). Errata: Mechanical properties of high-strength concrete for prestressed members [ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2004 pp. 463-646]. ACI Structural Journal. 101(5), 739-740. Yang, G. Q., Cline, D., Lytton, R. L., & Little, D. N. (2004). Ternary and multivariate quality gradation for hot control charts of aggregate mix asphalt. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. 16(1), 28-34. Cline, D., & Pu, H. (2004). Stability and the Lyapounov exponent of threshold AR-ARCH Models. The Annals of Applied Probability. 14(4), 1920-1949. Cline, D., & Pu, H. (2002). A note on a simple Markov bilinear stochastic process. Statistics and Probability Letters. 56(3), 283-288. Cline, D., & Pu, H (2001). Geometric transience of nonlinear time series. STATISTICA SINICA. 11(1), 273-287. Daren B. H. Cline, .., & Huay-min H. Pu (2001). Stability of Nonlinear Time Series: What Does Noise Have to Do with It?. Lecture notes-monograph series / Institute of Mathematical Statistics. 37, 151-170. Cline, D., & Pu, H (1999). Geometric ergodicity of nonlinear time series. STATISTICA SINICA. 9(4), 1103-1118. Cline, D., & Pu, H. (1999). Stability of nonlinear AR(1) time series with delay. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 82(2), 307-333. Cline, D., & Pu, H. (1998). Verifying irreducibility and continuity of a nonlinear time series. Statistics and Probability Letters. 40(2), 139-148. Cline, D. B., Eubank, R. L., & Speckman, P. L (1995). Nonparametric estimation of regression curves with discontinuous derivatives. Journal of Statistical Research. 29(2), 17-30. Ruppert, D., & Cline, D (1994). Bias Reduction in Kernel Density Estimation by Smoothed Empirical Transformations. ANNALS OF STATISTICS. 22(1), 185-210. Cline, D. (1994). Intermediate Regular and Variation. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. s3-68(3), 594-616. Cline, D., & Samorodnitsky, G. (1994). Subexponentiality of the product of independent random variables. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 49(1), 75-98. Cline, D., & Resnick, S. I. (1992). Multivariate subexponential distributions. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 42(1), 49-72. Cline, D. (1991). Abelian and Tauberian theorems relating the local behavior of an integrable function to the tail behavior of its Fourier transform. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 154(1), 55-76. CLINE, D., & SPIEGELMAN, C. H. (1991). BIAS CORRECTING CONFIDENCE-INTERVALS FOR A NEARLY COMMON PROPERTY. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 11(2), 131-136. Cline, D., & Hart, J. D. (1991). Kernel Estimation of Densities with Discontinuities or Discontinuous Derivatives. Statistics: a journal of theoretical and applied statistics. 22(1), 69-84. Cline, D. (1991). Regularly varying rates of decrease for moduli of continuity and fourier transforms of functions on Rd. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 159(2), 507-519. Cline, D. (1990). Convolutions of distrbutions with exponential and subexponential tails: Corrigendum. Journal- Australian Mathematical Society Series a. 48(1), 152-153. Cline, D. (1990). Optimal kernel estimation of densities. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 42(2), 287-303. Cline, D. (1989). Consistency for least squares regression estimators with infinite variance data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 23(2), 163-179. CARROLL, R. J., & CLINE, D. (1988). AN ASYMPTOTIC THEORY FOR WEIGHTED LEAST-SQUARES WITH WEIGHTS ESTIMATED BY REPLICATION. Biometrika. 75(1), 35-43. Cline, D (1988). Admissibile Kernel Estimators of a Multivariate Density. ANNALS OF STATISTICS. 16(4), 1421-1427. Cline, D. (1988). Joint stable attraction of two sums of products. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 25(2), 272-285. Cline, D. (1987). Convolutions of Distributions With Exponential and Subexponential Tails. Journal- Australian Mathematical Society Series a. 43(3), 347-365. Cline, D. (1986). Convolution tails, product tails and domains of attraction. Probability theory and related fields. 72(4), 529-557. Cline, D., & Brockwell, P. J. (1985). Linear prediction of ARMA processes with infinite variance. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 19(2), 281-296. Cline, D. (1983). Limit theorems for the shifting level process. Journal of Applied Probability. 20(2), 322-337. Hueste, M., Chompreda, P., Trejo, D., Cline, D., & Keating, P. B. Mechanical properties of high-strength concrete for prestressed members. ACI Structural Journal. 101(4), 457-465. chapter CLINE, D. (2009). Thoughts on the Connections Between Threshold Time Series Models and Dynamical Systems. Exploration of a Nonlinear World. (pp. 165-181). World Scientific Publishing. conference paper Xiao, D. i., Cui, Y. i., Cline, D., & Loguinov, D. (2017). On Asymptotic Cost of Triangle Listing in Random Graphs. 261-272. Li, X., Cline, D., & Loguinov, D. (2015). On Sample-Path Staleness in Lazy Data Replication. IEEE Infocom. Proceedings. 1104-1112. Li, X., Cline, D., & Loguinov, D. (2015). Temporal Update Dynamics under Blind Sampling. IEEE Infocom. Proceedings. 1634-1642. Yao, Z., Cline, D., & Loguinov, D. (2014). On the Tradeoff Between Resilience and Degree Overload in Dynamic P2P Graphs. 1-10. Yao, Z., Cline, D., & Loguinov, D. (2013). Unstructured P2P Link Lifetimes Redux. IEEE Infocom. Proceedings. 1762-1770. Yao, Z., Cline, D., & Loguinov, D. (2012). On Superposition of Heterogeneous Edge Processes in Dynamic Random Graphs. IEEE Infocom. Proceedings. 2991-2995.
principal investigator on CSR: Small: Yesterday's News: Theory of Staleness under Data Churn awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2013 - 2017
co-principal investigator on CSR: Small: Yesterday's News: Theory of Staleness under Data Churn awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2013 - 2017 CSR: Small: Yesterday's News: Theory of Staleness under Data Churn awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2013 - 2017
teaching activities STAT414 Math Statistics I Instructor STAT485 Directed Studies Instructor STAT601 Statistical Analysis Instructor STAT610 Distribution Theory Instructor STAT615 Stochastic Processes Instructor STAT621 Adv Stochastic Processes Instructor STAT630 Overview Of Math Stat Instructor STAT684 Professional Internship: In-ab Instructor STAT685 Directed Studies Instructor STAT691 Research Instructor STAT695 Frontiers In Stat Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Boucher, Thomas Richard (2004-09). V-uniform ergodicity of threshold autoregressive nonlinear time series. Wei, Bo (2014-09). Stochastic Clearing Models with Applications in Shipment Consolidation.
education and training Ph.D. in Statistics, Colorado State University - (Fort Collins, Colorado, United States) 1983 M.S. in Statistics, Colorado State University - (Fort Collins, Colorado, United States) 1980 B.S. in Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College - (Claremont, California, United States) 1978
awards and honors Association of Former Students College-Level Teaching Distinguished Achievement Award, The, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2006
mailing address Texas A&M University Department Of Statistics 3143 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-3143 USA