selected publications academic article Moshirfar, M., Rognon, G. T., Olson, N., Kay, W., Sperry, R. A., Ha, S., & Hoopes, P. C. (2024). Merging PRK and Collagen Crosslinking: An Analysis of Literature and a Guide to Prevalent Protocols. Cornea. Lee, D. J., Stvilia, B., Ha, S., & Hahn, D. (2023). The structure and priorities of researchers' scholarly profile maintenance activities: A case of institutional research information management system. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 74(2), 186-204. Maddock, J. E., Demment, M., Graham, M., Folta, S., Strogatz, D., Nelson, M., ... Seguin-Fowler, R. A. (2022). Changes in physical activity outcomes in the Strong Hearts, Healthy Communities (SHHC-2.0) community-based randomized trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 19(1), 159-159. Seguin-Fowler, R. A., Eldridge, G. D., Rethorst, C. D., Graham, M. L., Demment, M., Strogatz, D., ... Ha, S. (2022). Improvements and Maintenance of Clinical and Functional Measures Among Rural Women: Strong Hearts, Healthy Communities-2. 0 Cluster Randomized Trial. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 15(11), e009333. Ha, S., & Lee, O. (2006). A STUDY ON SOME PERIODIC TIME VARYING BILINEAR MODEL. Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society. 21(2), 375-384. institutional repository document Ha, S. (2013). Theories on Group Variable Selection in Multivariate Regression Models
teaching activities STAT302 Statistical Methods Instructor STAT604 Statistical Computations Instructor STAT624 Database & Comp Tools Big Data Instructor STAT651 Stat In Research I Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Statistics, Florida State University - (Tallahassee, Florida, United States) 2013 M.S. in Statistics, Ewha Womans University - (Seoul, South Korea) 2007 B.S. in Statistics, Ewha Womans University - (Seoul, South Korea) 2005