selected publications academicarticle Wong, R., Zubizarreta, J. R., Stuart, E. A., Small, D. S., & Rosenbaum, P. R. (2024). Handbook of Matching and Weighting Adjustments for Causal Inference. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Yi, S., Wong, R., & Gaynanova, I. (2023). Hierarchical nuclear norm penalization for multi-view data integration. Biometrics. Adak, A., Kang, M., Anderson, S. L., Murray, S. C., Jarquin, D., Wong, R., & Katzfu, M. (2023). Phenomic data-driven biological prediction of maize through field-based high throughput phenotyping integration with genomic data. erad216. Xue, W. u., Zhang, X., Chan, K., & Wong, R. (2023). RKHS-based covariate balancing for survival causal effect estimation. 1-25. Chen, S., He, K., He, S., Ni, Y., & Wong, R. (2023). Bayesian Nonlinear Tensor Regression with Functional Fused Elastic Net Prior. Technometrics. ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-13. Wang, J., Wong, R., & Zhang, X. (2022). Low-Rank Covariance Function Estimation for Multidimensional Functional Data. 117(538), 809-822. Meskhi, M. M., Wolfe, N. E., Dai, Z., Frohlich, C., Miller, J. M., Wong, R., & Vilalta, R. (2022). A New Constraint on the Nuclear Equation of State from Statistical Distributions of Compact Remnants of Supernovae. Astrophysical Journal Letters. 932(1), l3-L3. Miao, R., Zhang, X., & Wong, R. (2022). A Wavelet-Based Independence Test for Functional Data With an Application to MEG Functional Connectivity. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. 1-14. Wang, J., Wong, R., Yang, S., & Chan, K. (2022). Estimation of partially conditional average treatment effect by double kernel-covariate balancing. Electronic Journal of Statistics. 16(2), 4332-4378. Mao, X., Wong, R., & Chen, S. X. (2021). MATRIX COMPLETION UNDER LOW-RANK MISSING MECHANISM. 31(4), 2005-2030. Wang, J., Wong, R., Jun, M., Schumacher, C., Saravanan, R., & Sun, C. (2021). Statistical and Machine Learning Methods Applied to the Prediction of Different Tropical Rainfall Types. Environmental Research Communications. 3(11), 111001-111001. Li, J., Nguyen, T. V., Hegde, C., & Wong, R. (2021). Implicit Sparse Regularization: The Impact of Depth and Early Stopping Nguyen, T. V., Wong, R., & Hegde, C. (2021). Benefits of Jointly Training Autoencoders: An Improved Neural Tangent Kernel Analysis. 67(7), 4669-4692. Wang, J., Wong, R., Mao, X., & Chan, K. (2021). Matrix Completion with Model-free Weighting Wang, J., Wong, R., Yang, S., & Chan, K. (2021). Estimation of Partially Conditional Average Treatment Effect by Hybrid Kernel-covariate Balancing Zhou, Y. a., Wong, R., & He, K. (2021). Tensor Linear Regression: Degeneracy and Solution. 9, 7775-7788. Mao, X., Dutta, S., Wong, R., & Nettleton, D. (2020). Adjusting for Spatial Effects in Genomic Prediction. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. 25(4), 699-718. Zhou, Y. a., Wong, R., & He, K. (2020). CP Degeneracy in Tensor Regression Miao, R., Zhang, X., & Wong, R. (2020). A Wavelet-Based Independence Test for Functional Data with an Application to MEG Functional Connectivity Song, I., Cho, I. H., & Wong, R. (2020). An Advanced Statistical Approach to Data-Driven Earthquake Engineering. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 24(8), 1245-1269. Zhou, Y. a., Wong, R., & He, K. (2020). Broadcasted Nonparametric Tensor Regression Su, Y. i., Wong, R., & Lee, T. (2020). Network Estimation via Graphon With Node Features. 7(3), 2078-2089. Liu, W., Mao, X., & Wong, R. (2020). Median Matrix Completion: from Embarrassment to Optimality Nguyen, T. V., Wong, R., & Hegde, C. (2019). Provably Accurate Double-Sparse Coding. JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH. 20. Wong, R., Li, Y., & Zhu, Z. (2019). Partially Linear Functional Additive Models for Multivariate Functional Data. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. 114(525), 406-418. Wang, J., Wong, R., & Lee, T. (2019). Locally linear embedding with additive noise. Pattern Recognition Letters. 123, 47-52. Wong, R., & Zhang, X. (2019). Nonparametric operator-regularized covariance function estimation for functional data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 131, 131-144. Nguyen, T. V., Wong, R., & Hegde, C. (2018). Autoencoders Learn Generative Linear Models Wong, R., & Chan, K. (2018). Kernel-based covariate functional balancing for observational studies. Biometrika. 105(1), 199-213. Wong, R., Storlie, C. B., & Lee, T. (2017). A frequentist approach to computer model calibration. Journal of The Royal Statistical Society Series B-statistical Methodology. 79(2), 635-648. Wong, R., & Lee, T. (2017). Matrix Completion with Noisy Entries and Outliers. JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH. 18. Wong, R., Lee, T., Paul, D., & Peng, J. (2016). FIBER DIRECTION ESTIMATION, SMOOTHING AND TRACKING IN DIFFUSION MRI. Annals of Applied Statistics. 10(3), 1137-1156. Wong, R., Lee, T., Paul, D., & Peng, J. (2016). REJOINDER: "FIBER DIRECTION ESTIMATION, SMOOTHING AND TRACKING IN DIFFUSION MRI". Annals of Applied Statistics. 10(3), 1166-1169. Wong, R., Kashyap, V. L., Lee, T., & van Dyk, D. A. (2016). DETECTING ABRUPT CHANGES IN THE SPECTRA OF HIGH-ENERGY ASTROPHYSICAL SOURCES. Annals of Applied Statistics. 10(2), 1107-1134. Wong, R., Baines, P., Aue, A., Lee, T., & Kashyap, V. L. (2014). AUTOMATIC ESTIMATION OF FLUX DISTRIBUTIONS OF ASTROPHYSICAL SOURCE POPULATIONS. Annals of Applied Statistics. 8(3), 1690-1712. Han, S., Wong, R., Lee, T., Shen, L., Li, S., & Fan, X. (2014). A full bayesian approach for boolean genetic network inference. PLoS ONE. 9(12), e115806-e115806. Wong, R., Yao, F., & Lee, T. (2014). Robust Estimation for Generalized Additive Models. Journal of Computational And Graphical Statistics (JCGS). 23(1), 270-289. Lai, R., Lee, T., Wong, R., & Yao, F. (2010). Nonparametric Cepstrum Estimation via Optimal Risk Smoothing. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 58(3), 1507-1514. Wong, R., Lai, R., & Lee, T. (2010). Structural break estimation of noisy sinusoidal signals. Signal Processing. 90(1), 303-312. conference paper Wei, Z., Wong, R., & Lee, T. (2022). EXTENDING THE USE OF MDL FOR HIGH-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS: VARIABLE SELECTION, ROBUST FITTING, AND ADDITIVE MODELING. Proceedings of the ... IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing / sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Signal Processing Society. ICASSP (Conference). 5707-5711. Woodruff, R., Beebe, N., Josan, P. K., Dutta, P., Short, A., Wong, R., ... Diaz-Artiles, A. (2021). 3D Interactive Model of HERA to support ECLSS anomaly resolution using a Virtual Assistant. IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. 1-10. Josan, P. K., Dutta, P., Woodruff, R., Beebe, N., York, K., Balcells-Quintana, O., ... Diaz-Artiles, A. (2021). Experimental Design & Pilot Testing for ECLSS Anomaly solution using Daphne-AT Virtual Assistant. IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. 1-13. Wang, J., Wong, R., Mao, X., & Chan, K. (2021). Matrix Completion with Model-free Weighting Li, J., Nguyen, T. V., Hegde, C., & Wong, R. (2021). Implicit Sparse Regularization: The Impact of Depth and Early Stopping. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Thanh, V. N., Wong, R., & Hegde, C. (2019). On the Dynamics of Gradient Descent for Autoencoders Nguyen, T. V., Wong, R., & Hegde, C. (2018). A Provable Approach for Double-Sparse Coding. Proceedings of the ... AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 3852-3859. Liao, Z., Amariucai, G. T., Wong, R., & Guan, Y. (2017). The Impact of Discharge Inversion Effect on Learning SRAM Power-Up Statistics. 31-36. institutional repository document Wang, J., Qi, Z., & Wong, R. (2024). A Fine-grained Analysis of Fitted Q-evaluation: Beyond Parametric Models Dong, J., Wong, R., & Chan, K. (2024). Balancing Method for Non-monotone Missing Data Hong, S., Qi, Z., & Wong, R. (2024). Distributional Off-policy Evaluation with Bellman Residual Minimization Roy, S., Wong, R., & Ni, Y. (2023). Directed Cyclic Graph for Causal Discovery from Multivariate Functional Data You, H., Wang, J., Wong, R., Schumacher, C., Saravanan, R., & Jun, M. (2023). Prediction of Tropical Pacific Rain Rates with Over-parameterized Neural Networks Wang, J., Wong, R., Zhang, X., & Chan, K. (2023). Flexible Functional Treatment Effect Estimation Chen, S., He, K., He, S., Ni, Y., & Wong, R. (2023). Bayesian Nonlinear Tensor Regression with Functional Fused Elastic Net Prior Li, J., Nguyen, T. V., Hegde, C., & Wong, R. (2023). Implicit Regularization for Group Sparsity Yi, S., Wong, R., & Gaynanova, I. (2022). Hierarchical nuclear norm penalization for multi-view data Wei, Z., Wong, R., & Lee, T. (2022). Extending the Use of MDL for High-Dimensional Problems: Variable Selection, Robust Fitting, and Additive Modeling Meskhi, M. M., Wolfe, N. E., Dai, Z., Frohlich, C., Miller, J. M., Wong, R., & Vilalta, R. (2021). A New Constraint on the Nuclear Equation of State from Statistical Distributions of Compact Remnants of Supernovae Wang, J., Qi, Z., & Wong, R. (2021). Projected State-action Balancing Weights for Offline Reinforcement Learning
principal investigator on Collaborative Research: New Directions in Multidimensional and Multivariate Functional Data Analysis awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2017 - 2020
co-principal investigator on Virtual Assistant for Spacecraft Anomaly Treatment during Long Duration Exploration Missions awarded by Johnson Space Center - (Houston, Texas, United States) 2019 - 2023
teaching activities STAT211 Prin Of Statistics I Instructor STAT404 Statistical Computing Instructor STAT408 Intro To Linear Models Instructor STAT612 Thry Of Linear Models Instructor STAT616 Stat Aspects Of Mach Learn I Instructor STAT636 Applied Multivariate Anly Instructor STAT639 Data Mining & Analysis Instructor STAT685 Directed Studies Instructor STAT691 Research Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Statistics, University of California, Davis - (Davis, California, United States) 2014 M.Phil. in Statistics, Chinese University of Hong Kong - (Shatin, Hong Kong, China) 2010 B.S. in Statistics, minor in Mathematics and Risk Management Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong - (Shatin, Hong Kong, China) 2008
mailing address Texas A&M University Department Of Statistics 3143 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-3143 USA