publisher of
- Can High School Counselors Help the Economics Pipeline?. American Economic Association. Papers and Proceedings. 113:462-466. 2023
- The Effect of Early Childhood Education on Adult Criminality: Evidence from the 1960s through 1990s. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 15:37-69. 2023
- Assessing the Gains from E-Commercet 2023
- Mandatory Energy Efficiency Disclosure in Housing Markets. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 14:453-487. 2022
- Full Implementation under Ambiguity. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. 13:148-178. 2021
- The Competitive Impact of Vertical Integration by Multiproduct Firms. The American Economic Review. 110:2041-2064. 2020
- Gender Differences in the Choice of Major: The Importance of Female Role Models. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 12:226-254. 2020
- Exploring Variation in College Counselor Effectiveness. American Economic Association. Papers and Proceedings. 109:227-231. 2019
- Strategic Ignorance in Sequential Procurement. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. 11:131-172. 2019
- Switching Costs and Competition in Retirement Investment. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. 11:26-54. 2019
- Who Benefits from Information Disclosure? The Case of Retail Gasoline. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. 11:277-305. 2019
- Patchwork Policies, Spillovers, and the Search for Oil and Gas. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 11:380-405. 2019
- A Letter and Encouragement: Does Information Increase Postsecondary Enrollment of UI Recipients?. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 10:42-68. 2018
- Power to Choose? An Analysis of Consumer Inertia in the Residential Electricity Market. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 9:192-226. 2017
- Cash for Corollas: When Stimulus Reduces Spending. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 9:1-35. 2017
- The Effect of Public Insurance Coverage for Childless Adults on Labor Supply. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 9:124-154. 2017
- Can Admissions Percent Plans Lead to Better Collegiate Fit for Minority Students?. The American Economic Review. 106:348-354. 2016
- Do Consumers Exploit Commitment Opportunities? Evidence from Natural Experiments Involving Liquor Consumption. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 8:41-69. 2016
- Macroeconomic Uncertainty Indices Based on Nowcast and Forecast Error Distributions. The American Economic Review. 105:650-655. 2015
- Unemployment Insurance Fraud and Optimal Monitoring 2015
- Thar SHE Blows? Gender, Competition, and Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets. The American Economic Review. 105:906-920. 2015
- Ability-Tracking, Instructional Time, and Better Pedagogy: The Effect of Double-Dose Algebra on Student Achievement. The American Economic Review. 104:400-405. 2014
- Airline Pricing, Price Dispersion, and Ticket Characteristics On and Off the Internet. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 6:272-307. 2014
- Competition as a Discovery Procedure: Schumpeter Meets Hayek in a Model of Innovation. American Economic Journal Macroeconomics. 6:124-152. 2014
- Are Government Spending Multipliers Greater during Periods of Slack? Evidence from Twentieth-Century Historical Data. The American Economic Review. 103:129-134. 2013
- Achieving the DREAM: The Effect of IRCA on Immigrant Youth Postsecondary Educational Access. The American Economic Review. 103:428-432. 2013
- Efficient Retail Pricing in Electricity and Natural Gas Markets. The American Economic Review. 103:350-355. 2013
- Face Value 2011
- Altruism and the Child Cycle of Alumni Donations 2009
- Technology improves learning in large principles of economics classes: Using our WITS. The American Economic Review. 96:442-446. 2006
- Cost-Effective Policies to Reduce Vehicle Emissions. The American Economic Review. 95:300-304. 2005
- What do bargainers' preferences look like? Experiments with a convex ultimatum game. The American Economic Review. 93:672-685. 2003
- Wage Shocks and North American Labor-Market Integration. The American Economic Review. 90:742-764. 2000
- How Experiments with Children Inform Economics. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE. 504-564. 2023
- Easier to Start, Harder to Succeed: Barriers to Black Entrepreneurship since the Great Recession. American Economic Association. Papers and Proceedings. 292-295. 2022
- The Power of Eye Tracking in Economics Experiments. The American Economic Review. 309-313. 2016
- Academic Undermatching of High-Achieving Minority Students: Evidence from Race-Neutral and Holistic Admissions Policies. The American Economic Review. 604-610. 2015
- Does a Bank's History Affect Its Risk-Taking?. The American Economic Review. 321-325. 2015
- Estimating average treatment effects with continuous and discrete covariates: The case of Swan-Ganz catheterization. The American Economic Review. 357-362. 2008