Competition as a Discovery Procedure: Schumpeter Meets Hayek in a Model of Innovation uri icon


  • I incorporate an insight of Friedrich Hayekthat competition allows a thousand flowers to bloom, and discovers the best among theminto a model of Schumpeterian innovation. Firms face uncertainty about the optimal direction of innovation, so more innovations implies a higher expected value of the best innovation. The model accounts for two seemingly contradictory relationships reported in recent empirical studiesa positive relationship between competition and industry-level productivity growth, and an inverted-U relationship between competition and firm-level innovation. Notwithstanding the positive relationship between competition and growth, I find antitrust policy reduces industry-level growth. (JEL B52, D83, G34, K21, L11, L12, O31)

published proceedings

  • American Economic Journal Macroeconomics

author list (cited authors)

  • Bento, P.

complete list of authors

  • Bento, Pedro