faculty position
- Chen, Po-Ju, Professor
- Clark, Connor, Assistant Professor
- Crompton, John, Distinguished Professor
- Eichler, Daniel, Assistant Professor of the Practice
- Ellis, Gary, Professor
- Gip, Robert Huy, Aces Assistant Professor
- Gramann, James, Professor
- Harwell, William, Assistant Professor of the Practice
- Hodges, Louis, Associate Professor
- Jacob, John, Professor and Extension Specialist
- Jamal, Tazim, Associate Professor
- Jiang, Jingxian, Research Assistant Professor
- Kaiser, Ronald, Professor
- Kennedy - Eden, Heather, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Kyle, Kelly, Lecturer
- Matarrita-Cascante, David, Associate Professor
- Mcintosh, William, Professor
- Petrick, James, Professor
- Schuett, Michael, Instructional Professor
- Scott, Susan, Lecturer
- Shafer, C. Scott, Professor and Head
- Shafer, Debra, Lecturer
- Suess Raeisinafchi, Courtney, Assistant Professor
- Sullins, Donna, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Taheri, Babak, Professor
- Tang, Mei Fung, Instructional Associate Professor
- Thomas, John, Retired Lecturer
- Walker, Jamie, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist