selected publications academicarticle Spears, E., Schuett, M. A., & Yalvac, B. (2021). Landownership as a socio-psychological phenomenon: Exploration of the owner-land relationship. The Social Science Journal. 1-15. Ding, C., & Schuett, M. A. (2020). Predicting the Commitment of Volunteers' Environmental Stewardship: Does Generativity Play a Role?. Sustainability. 12(17), 6802-6802. Landon, A. C., Kyle, G. T., van Riper, C. J., Schuett, M. A., & Park, J. (2018). Exploring the Psychological Dimensions of Stewardship in Recreational Fisheries. 38(3), 579-591. Lee, K. H., Kang, S., Terry, W. C., & Schuett, M. A. (2018). A spatial relationship between the distribution patterns of hotels and amenities in the United States. Cogent Social Sciences. 4(1), 1444918-1444918. Lee, J. H., Matarrita-Cascante, D., Xu, Y., & Schuett, M. (2018). Examining the Conflicting Relationship between US National Parks and Host Communities: Understanding a Community's Diverging Perspectives. Sustainability. 10(10), 3667-3667. Choe, Y., Schuett, M. A., & Sim, K. (2017). An analysis of first-time and repeat visitors to Korean national parks from 2007 and 2013. 14(12), 2527-2539. Lee, K. H., Dvorak, R. G., Schuett, M. A., & van Riper, C. J. (2017). Understanding spatial variation of physical inactivity across the continental United States. Landscape and Urban Planning. 168, 61-71. Wallen, K. E., Landon, A. C., Kyle, G. T., Schuett, M. A., Leitz, J., & Kurzawski, K. (2016). Mode Effect and Response Rate Issues in Mixed-Mode Survey Research: Implications for Recreational Fisheries Management. 36(4), 852-863. Schuett, M. A., Ding, C., Kyle, G., & Shively, J. D. (2016). Examining the Behavior, Management Preferences, and Sociodemographics of Artificial Reef Users in the Gulf of Mexico Offshore from Texas. 36(2), 321-328. Lu, J., Hung, K., Wang, L., Schuett, M. A., & Hu, L. (2016). Do perceptions of time affect outbound-travel motivations and intention? An investigation among Chinese seniors. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice. 53, 1-12. Schuett, M. A., Lee, J., Choe, Y., & Sim, K. (2016). The Effect of Services and Facilities on Seniors' Visitation Experiences in Seoraksan National Park, Korea. ASIAN WOMEN. 32(3), 1-21. Schuett, M. A., Kyle, G. T., Leitz, J., Kurzawski, K., & Lee, K. (2014). Anglers' Motivations for Volunteering with Fishing or Conservation Organizations. 39(7), 305-311. Dahal, S., Nepal, S. K., & Schuett, M. A. (2014). Examining marginalized communities and local conservation institutions: the case of Nepal's Annapurna Conservation Area. Environmental Management. 53(1), 219-230. Lu, J., & Schuett, M. A. (2014). Examining the Relationship Between Motivation, Enduring Involvement and Volunteer Experience: The Case of Outdoor Recreation Voluntary Associations. Leisure Sciences: an interdisciplinary journal. 36(1), 68-87. Lee, K. H., & Schuett, M. A. (2014). Exploring spatial variations in the relationships between residents' recreation demand and associated factors: A case study in Texas. APPLIED GEOGRAPHY. 53, 213-222. Kang, M., & Schuett, M. A. (2013). Determinants of Sharing Travel Experiences in Social Media. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. 30(1-2), 93-107. Ding, C., & Schuett, M. A. (2013). Examining the Motivation and Involvement of Chinese Rock Climbers. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership. 5(1), 54-73. Jhamvar-Shingote, R., & Schuett, M. A. (2013). The Predators of Junnar: Local Peoples' Knowledge, Beliefs, and Attitudes Toward Leopards and Leopard Conservation. 18(1), 32-44. Lu, J., & Schuett, M. A. (2012). Examining the role of voluntary associations in environmental management: the case of the Sam Houston national forest. Environmental Management. 49(2), 334-346. Bentley, A. L., & Schuett, M. A. (2012). On the Border in Everglades and Dry Tortugas National Parks: Federal Law Enforcement Perspectives on Response to Cuban Immigrant Landings. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. 30(2), 63-84. Pierskalla, C. D., Schuett, M. A., & Thompson, K. A. (2011). Management Perceptions of Off-Highway Vehicle Use on National Forest System Lands in Appalachia. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry. 28(4), 208-213. Oh, J., & Schuett, M. A. (2010). EXPLORING EXPENDITURE-BASED SEGMENTATION FOR RURAL TOURISM: OVERNIGHT STAY VISITORS VERSUS EXCURSIONISTS TO FEE-FISHING SITES. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. 27(1), 31-50. Schuett, M. A., Lu, J., Ditton, R. B., & Tseng, Y. P. (2010). Sociodemographics, Motivations, and Behavior: The Case of Texas Anglers 19892004. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 15(4), 247-261. Schuett, M. A., Le, L., & Hollenhorst, S. J. (2010). Who visits the U.S. National Parks? An analysis of park visitors and visitation: 19902008. World Leisure Journal. 52(3), 200-210. Tseng, Y., Kyle, G. T., Shafer, C. S., Graefe, A. R., Bradle, T. A., & Schuett, M. A. (2009). Exploring the crowding-satisfaction relationship in recreational boating. Environmental Management. 43(3), 496-507. Schuett, M. A., Warnick, R. B., & Lu, J. (2009). A Qualitative Analysis of National Outdoor Recreation Surveys. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. 27(2), 46-59. Schuett, M. A., Jacob, J. S., Lu, J., & Respess, L. (2008). Keeping our charm: Residents, growth, and quality of life issues in a small but growing texas coastal community. Journal of Extension. 46(6), Schuett, M. A., & Pierskalla, C. D. (2007). Managing for desired experiences and site preferences: the case of fee-fishing anglers. Environmental Management. 39(2), 164-177. Schuett, M. A., Lu, J., Fannin, D., & Bowser, G. (2007). The Wildland Urban Interface and the National Forests of East Texas. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. 25(4), 6-24. Schuett, M. A., & Ostergren, D. (2003). Environmental Concern and Involvement of Individuals in Selected Voluntary Associations. The Journal of Environmental Education. 34(4), 30-38. Schuett, M. A., & Selin, S. (2002). Profiling collaborative natural resource initiatives and active participants. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry. 19(4), 155-160. Schuett, M. A., Selin, S. W., & Carr, D. S. (2001). Making it work: keys to successful collaboration in natural resource management. Environmental Management. 27(4), 587-593. Schuett, M. A., Hollenhorst, S. J., Whisman, S. A., & Campellone, R. M. (2000). An importance-performance evaluation of selected programs in the National Center for Recreation and Conservation. Park Science. 20(2), 30-35. Steve W. Selin, M. (2000). Modeling Stakeholder Perceptions of Collaborative Initiative Effectiveness. Society & Natural Resources. 13(8), 735-745. Schuett, M. A., Selin, S. W., & Carr, D. S. (1998). Collaborative planning and national forest management: A preliminary perspective from external partners. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry. 15(3), 124-129. Carr, D. S., Selin, S. W., & Schuett, M. A. (1998). Managing Public Forests: Understanding the Role of Collaborative Planning. Environmental Management. 22(5), 767-776. Selin, S. W., Schuett, M. A., & Carr, D. S. (1997). Has collaborative planning taken root in the national forests?. JOURNAL OF FORESTRY. 95(5), 25-28. SCHUETT, M. A. (1997). State Park Directors' Perceptions of Mountain Biking. Environmental Management. 21(2), 239-246. Schuett, M. A., & Holmes, T. P. (1996). Using a Collaborative Approach to Developing a Regional Bicycle Tourism Plan. 4(1), 83-95. Schuett, M. A. (1994). Environmental Preference and Risk Recreation: The Case of White Water Kayakers. The Journal of Environmental Education. 25(2), 9-14. Wicks, B. E., & Schuett, M. A. (1994). Using Travel brochures to Target Frequent Travellers and Big-Spenders. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. 2(2-3), 77-90. Schuett, M. A. (1993). Amish Perception of Tourism in an Illinois Amish Community. 1(3), 63-78. Schuett, M. A. (1993). Refining measures of adventure recreation involvement. Leisure Sciences: an interdisciplinary journal. 15(3), 205-216. Wicks, B. E., & Schuett, M. A. (1991). Examining the role of tourism promotion through the use of brochures. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice. 12(4), 301-312. institutional repository document Schuett, M. A. (2007). Urban Parks: Volunteers and Civic Engagement open teaching materials Schuett, M. A., Shafer, C. S., & Lu, J. (2009). Outdoor Recreation Participation Trends in Texas thesis Song, J., & Schuett, M. A. (2023). Examining the relationship between social media users' motivation and place attachment to national parks
principal investigator on The Role and Influence of Voluntary Associations in the Planning and Management of Public Lands awarded by National Institute of Food and Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2017 - 2022
teaching activities RPTS316 Rec Mgmt Of Wildlands Instructor RPTS336 Rec & Tourism Research Instructor RPTS666 Park Tour Natl Cult Env Instructor RPTS684 Professional Internship Instructor RPTS684 Professional Internship: In-ab Instructor RPTS685 Directed Studies Instructor RPTS693 Professional Study Instructor RWFM323 Parks & Protected Area Mgmt Instructor RWFM336 Res Methd Human Dim Nat Res Instructor RWFM345 Human Dim Nat Res Mgmt & Pol Instructor RWFM659 Human Dim Parks & Prot Areas Instructor RWFM691 Research Instructor WFSC689 Sptp:hum Dim Parks & Prot Ar Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Bentley, Amanda (2012-10). On the Border in Everglades and Dry Tortugas: Identifying Federal Law Enforcement Perspectives on Response to Cuban Immigrant Landings in South Florida's National Parks. Choe, Yunseon (2017-01). Examining the Relationship between Stakeholders and Everglades National Park. Dahal, Smriti (2012-02). Understanding the Participation of Marginal Groups in Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal. Lee, Kyung Hee (2013-11). Exploring Spatial Variations in the Relationship between National Park Visitation and Associated Factors in Texas Counties. Lu, Jiaying (2012-02). Voluntary Associations and Their Involvement in Collaborative Forest Management. Shingote, Ramaa Jhamvar (2012-07). The Predators of Junnar: Local Peoples' Knowledge, Beliefs and Attitudes towards Leopards and Leopard Conservation.
education and training Ph.D. in Leisure Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - (Urbana, Illinois, United States) 1991
mailing address Texas A&M Agrilife Research Recreation, Parks & Tourism Science 2261 TAMUS College Station, TX 77843-2261 USA