selected publications academicarticle Lewis, A. C., Khedun, C. P., & Kaiser, R. A. (2022). Assessing Residential Outdoor Water Conservation Potential Using Landscape Water Budgets. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 148(6), 04022023. Ruiz-Alvarez, O., Singh, V. P., Enciso-Medina, J., Munster, C., Kaiser, R., Ernesto Ontiveros-Capurata, R., Antonio Diaz-Garcia, L., & Costa dos Santos, C. A. (2019). Spatio-temporal trends in monthly pan evaporation in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 136(1-2), 775-789. Ruiz-Alvarez, O., Singh, V. P., Enciso-Medina, J., Munster, C., Kaiser, R., Ernesto Ontiveros-Capurata, R., Antonio Diaz-Garcia, L., & Costa dos Santos, C. A. (2019). Spatio-temporal trends in monthly pan evaporation in Aguascalientes, Mexico (vol 136, pg 775, 2019). Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 136(1-2), 791-794. Daher, B., Mohtar, R. H., Pistikopoulos, E. N., Portney, K. E., Kaiser, R., & Saad, W. (2018). Developing Socio-Techno-Economic-Political (STEP) Solutions for Addressing Resource Nexus Hotspots. Sustainability. 10(2), 512-512. Landon, A. C., Woodward, R. T., Kyle, G. T., & Kaiser, R. A. (2018). Evaluating the efficacy of an information-based residential outdoor water conservation program. Journal of Cleaner Production. 195, 56-65. Landon, A. C., Kyle, G. T., & Kaiser, R. A. (2017). An Augmented Norm Activation Model: The Case of Residential Outdoor Water Use. Society & Natural Resources. 30(8), 903-918. Lewis, A. C., Khedun, C. P., & Kaiser, R. A. (2017). Coefficients for Estimating Landscape Area on Single-Family Residential Lots. Journal American Water Works Association. 109(8), E353-E361. Sanchez-Flores, R., Conner, A., & Kaiser, R. A. (2016). The regulatory framework of reclaimed wastewater for potable reuse in the United States. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 32(4), 536-558. Landon, A. C., Kyle, G. T., & Kaiser, R. A. (2016). Predicting compliance with an information-based residential outdoor water conservation program. Journal of Hydrology. 536, 26-36. Khedun, C. P., Mishra, A. K., Bolten, J. D., Beaudoing, H. K., Kaiser, R. A., Giardino, J. R., & Singh, V. P. (2012). Understanding changes in water availability in the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo del Norte basin under the influence of large-scale circulation indices using the Noah land surface model. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Atmospheres. 117(D5), n/a-n/a. Woodward, R. T., & Kaiser, R. A. (2002). Market Structures for U.S. Water Quality Trading. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 24(2), 366-383. Wright, B. A., Kaiser, R. A., & Nicholls, S. (2002). Rural landowner liability for recreational injuries: Myths, perceptions, and realities. JOURNAL OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION. 57(3), 183-191. Wright, B. A., Kaiser, R. A., & Emerald, N. D. (2001). A National Trends Assessment of Hunter Access Problems: Perceptions of State Wildlife Administrators, 1984-1997. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 6(2), 145-146. Kaiser, R. A., & Binion, S. (1998). Untying the gordian knot: Negotiated strategies for protecting instream flows in Texas. The Natural Resources Journal. 38(1), 157-196. Kaiser, R. A., & Phillips, L. M. (1998). Dividing the waters: Water marketing as a conflict resolution strategy in the Edwards Aquifer region. The Natural Resources Journal. 38(3), 411-444. Kaiser, R. A., & McFarland, M. (1997). A bibliographic pathfinder on water marketing. The Natural Resources Journal. 37(4), 881-908. King, L. R., Kaiser, R., & Countouris, K. F. (1996). Going political: A framework for environmental interest group evolution. Coastal Management: an international journal of marine environment, resources, law and society. 24(1), 73-90. Fletcher, J. E., Kaiser, R. A., & Steele, R. J. (1989). Perceptions of beach safety: A comparison of beach users and managers. Coastal Management: an international journal of marine environment, resources, law and society. 17(4), 349-359. Wright, B. A., Kaiser, R. A., & Fletcher, J. E. (1988). Hunter access decisions by rural landowners: an east Texas example. Wildlife Society Bulletin: perspectives on wildlife conservation and sustainable use. 16(2), 152-158. KAISER, R. A., & FLETCHER, J. E. (1987). STATE POLICIES AND PRACTICES IN COAL SEVERANCE TAXATION. The Natural Resources Journal. 27(3), 591-604. WRIGHT, B. A., & KAISER, R. A. (1986). WILDLIFE ADMINISTRATORS PERCEPTIONS OF HUNTER ACCESS PROBLEMS - A NATIONAL OVERVIEW. Wildlife Society Bulletin: perspectives on wildlife conservation and sustainable use. 14(1), 30-35. KAISER, R. A., & WRIGHT, B. A. (1985). RECREATIONAL ACCESS TO PRIVATE LAND - BEYOND THE LIABILITY HURDLE. JOURNAL OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION. 40(6), 478-481. Wagner, M. W., Kreuter, U. P., Kaiser, R. A., & Wilkins, R. N. Collective action and social capital of wildlife management associations. JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT. 71(5), 1729-1738. Wagner, M., Kaiser, R., Kreuter, U., & Wilkins, N. Managing the commons Texas style: Wildlife management and ground-water associations on private lands. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION. 43(3), 698-711. chapter Kaiser, R. (2016). Water Policy and Planning, in a Variable and Changing Climate. Miller, K., Hamlet, A., Kenney, D., & Redmond, K. (Eds.), Water Policy and Planning in a Variable and Changing Climate. (pp. 395-417). Taylor & Francis. Khedun, C. P., Flores, R. S., Rughoonundun, H., & Kaiser, R. A. (2014). World Water Supply and Use: Challenges for the Future. Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems. (pp. 450-465). Elsevier. Kaiser, R. (2012). Water Policy in Texas, Responding to the Rise of Scarcity. Griffin, R. C. (Eds.), Water Policy in Texas: Responding to the Rise of Scarcity. (pp. 26-48). Taylor & Francis. conference paper Khedun, C. P., Lewis, A. C., & Kaiser, R. A. (2018). Mining Water Billing Data to Explore Outdoor Water Use during Different Weather Conditions. 278-285. Woodward, R. T., Kaiser, R. A., & Wicks, A. (2002). The structure and practice of water quality trading markets. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION. 967-979.
teaching activities RENR375 Cons Of Nat Resources Instructor RENR662 Env Law & Policy Instructor RWFM375 Conservation Nat Resources Instructor WMHS602 Issues In Water Res Instructor WMHS681 Seminar Instructor WMHS684 Professional Internship Instructor WMHS685 Directed Studies Instructor WMHS685 Directed Studies Instructor WMHS691 Research Instructor WMHS691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Heggie, Travis Wade (2006-04). The epidemiology and etiology of visitor injuries in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Kelly, Vanessa Christine (2009-05). Groundwater planning in Texas: paradigm shifts and implications for the future. Landon, Adam Christopher (2015-11). Evaluating Residential Water Conservation Attitudes, Behaviors, and Demand Management Policy Effectiveness in College Station, TX. Leigh, Eric (2014-01). Evaluation of Methods for Predicting Seepage Loss Rates for the Hard Lined Irrigation Canals of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Lewis, Alan Christopher (2014-12). Assessing Urban Residential Irrigation Performance Using a Water Budget Approach. Nations, Jennifer Douglass (2016-04). Effectiveness of Residential Irrigation System Evaluations in Reducing Water Use in College Station, Texas. Rafi, Khurram (2015-05). Distribution of E. coli Levels and Recreation Use as Factor of Stream Order in the Central Great Plains, Central Oklahoma-Texas Plains, and South Central Plains Ecoregions. Rapier, Richard Edward (2011-02). A Drop in the Bucket: Ten Years of Government Spending on Water and Wastewater Infrastructure in Texas Colonias. Rice, Jeremy Joseph (2010-10). Effect of Water Education on Reducing Residential Consumption in San Antonio, Texas. Sanchez Flores, Maria Del Rosario (2010-10). Planning for Water Scarcity: The Vulnerability of the Laguna Region, Mexico. Soviti, Malixole Knottien (2016-12). An Investigation and Analysis of the Impact of the Water Management Institutional Change on the Water Quality of the Kat River, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Wagner, Matthew Wayne (2007-04). Wildlife and water: collective action and social capital of selected landowner associations in Texas.
education and training J.D., Western Michigan University Cooley Law School - (Lansing, Michigan, United States) M.S., Michigan State University - (East Lansing, Michigan, United States)
awards and honors Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards, conferred by American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers - (Saint Joseph, Michigan, United States), 2004
mailing address Texas A&M University Recreation, Parks & Tourism Science 2261 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-2261 USA