publisher of
- A Critical Survey of Open-Access Policies in US Land Grants. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. 11. 2023
- Research Data Management Training in Academic Libraries: A Scoping Review. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. 10. 2022
- Cooking Surface Temperatures, Steak Thickness, and Quality Grade Effects on Volatile Aroma Compounds. Meat and Muscle Biology. 5. 2022
- Palatability Assessments of Beef Top Loin Steaks Sourced from Three Quality Grade/Brand Categories from Texas and Non-Texas Processing Establishments 2021
- Copyright Education for Graduate Students: A Multi-Stage Approach. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. 8. 2020
- Depletion and Bioaccumulation of Ractopamine Hydrochloride (RH) in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Bovine. Meat and Muscle Biology. 3. 2019
- Does Treating Beef Subprimals with UV-Light Reduce Pathogens and Impact Quality? 2019
- Sorting Beef Subprimals by Ribeye Size at the Packer Level to Maximize Utility and Product Uniformity in Foodservice and Retail Sectors 2019
- When a Repository Is Not Enough: Redesigning a Digital Ecosystem to Serve Scholarly Communication. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. 7. 2019
- Depletion and Bioaccumulation of Ractopamine Hydrochloride (RH) in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Bovine 2019
- Does Treating Beef Subprimals with UV-Light Reduce Pathogens and Impact Quality?. Meat and Muscle Biology. 3:133-133. 2019
- Steak Thickness, Cook Surface Temperature and Quality Grade Affected Top Loin Steak Consumer and Descriptive Sensory Attributes 1. Meat and Muscle Biology. 3:467-478. 2019
- Palatability of Beef Top Loin Steaks Sourced From 3 Quality Grade Groups from Texas and Northern Establishments 2018
- Consumer and Warner-Bratzler Shear Evaluations of Steaks from Blade Tenderized, Aged, or Frozen Sirloin Subprimals 2018
- Impact of Multiple Antimicrobial Interventions on Ground Beef Quality 2018
- Impact of Extended Aging Time and Freezing on Tenderness of Beef Top Sirloin Steaks 2018
- Is Blade Tenderization Still Needed for Inherently Tender Top Sirloin Steaks? 2018
- National Beef Quality Audit- 2016: Frequency Distributions of Beef Ribeyes within Usda Quality Grades. Meat and Muscle Biology. 2:27-28. 2018
- National Beef Quality Audit-2016: Comparisons between Fed Steers/Heifers and Market Cows/Bulls for By-Product Condemnations. Meat and Muscle Biology. 2:101-102. 2018
- Postmortem Aging Does Not Improve Palatability of Texas-Style Barbecue Briskets. Meat and Muscle Biology. 2:110-110. 2018
- Salmonella Prevalence in Lymph Nodes of Sows and Market Hogs in the United States 2018
- Salmonella Prevalence in Lymph Nodes of U.S. and Mexican Cattle Presented for Slaughter during 2 Seasons in Texas 2018
- Tenderness and Consumer Acceptance of Steaks Purchased at Farmers Markets in Texas 2018
- National Beef Tenderness Survey2015: Palatability and Shear Force Assessments of Retail and Foodservice Beef 2017
- Sorghum Bran as an Antioxidant in Pork and Poultry Products. Meat and Muscle Biology. 2:83-83. 2017
- Assessment of Postmortem Aging Effects on Texas-style Barbecue Beef Briskets 2017
- Assessment of Postmortem Aging Effects on Texas-style Barbecue Beef Briskets. Meat and Muscle Biology. 1:46-52. 2017
- Genome Sequencing of Non-Pathogenic E. coli Approved as Pathogen Surrogates. Meat and Muscle Biology. 1:134-134. 2017
- Method of Inoculum Preparation Impacts Efficiency of E. Coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Surrogate Organism Inoculation onto Intact Beef During Antimicrobial Intervention Validation. Meat and Muscle Biology. 1:128-128. 2017
- Sorghum Bran as an Antioxidant in Pre-Cooked Ground Pork and Poultry Products. Meat and Muscle Biology. 1:72-72. 2017
- University Faculty Awareness and Attitudes towards Open Access Publishing and the Institutional Repository: A Case Study. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. 3. 2015
- Process as Product: Scholarly Communication Experiments in the Digital Humanities. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. 2. 2014
- A Case Study Exploring the Development of a Quality Open Education Clinical Microbiology Lab Manual and Online Experiential Lab Course
- National Beef Tenderness Survey2022: Consumer Sensory Panel Evaluations and Warner-Bratzler Shear Force of Beef Steaks From Retail and Foodservice. Meat and Muscle Biology. 8.
- Quality and Palatability of Beef Subprimals Subjected to Various Frozen/Refrigerated Storage Conditions. Meat and Muscle Biology. 7.
- Exploring the Role of Trust and Credibility inScience Communication: Insights from the Sixth Summer Symposium onScience Communication 2018
- The Impact of Source Credibility on ScientificSkepticism of Climate Change and Genetically Modified Foods:Findings from the General Social Survey 2018
- Understanding the Influence of Power and Perspective-Taking on Collaborative Decision-Making 2016
- Clostridium difficile in pork and retail meat in Texas. 201-201. 2011
- Survey of Clostridium difficile in Food Animals and Retail Meats. 374-376. 2009
- Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of enteric bacteria in an integrated population of swine and humans. 234-237. 2005
- Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Pullout Behavior of Hooked Steel Fibers in Ultra-High Performance Cementitious Matrix
- The Role of Trust in Public Attitudes towardInvasive Species Management on Guam: A Case Study