faculty position
- Ahdieh, Robert, Dean
- Alkon, Cynthia, Professor
- Alton, Stephen, Professor and Associate Dean
- Ayres, Susan, Professor
- Barnes, Wayne, Professor
- Barnett, Brandon, Affiliate Faculty
- Becker, Cecily, Director of Externship Program and Senior Lecturer
- Bell, Shelia, Adjunct Professor
- Benson, Monica, Adjunct Professor
- Berry, Michael, Adjunct Professor
- Black, Stephen, Adjunct Professor
- Bloch-Wehba, Hannah, Associate Professor
- Bloink, Robert, Adjunct Professor
- Bokobo, Maria, Adjunct Professor
- Bradbury, James, Adjunct Professor
- Brill, Alan, Adjunct Professor
- Brown, T.W., Adjunct Professor of Law
- Brown, Trelisha, Adjunct Professor
- Burge, Mark, Professor
- Burress, Cynthia, Instructional Associate Professor
- Burt, John, Adjunct Professor
- Byrnes, William, Executive Professor and Associate Dean for Special Projects
- Calboli, Irene, Professor
- Carroll, Jenny, Professor
- Casado Perez, Vanessa, Associate Professor
- Cecil, Thomas, Adjunct Professor
- Chakravarthi, Srinivasan, Adjunct Professor of Law
- Choudhury, Hafiz, Adjunct Professor
- Chriesman-Green, Nikki, Adjunct Professor of Law
- Cipicchio, Domenico, Adjunct Professor
- Cofer, Cody, Adjunct Professor
- Correa Talutto, Debora, Adjunct Professor
- Da Silva, Bruno, Adjunct Professor
- Dancy, Joseph, Senior Lecturer
- Delaney, Casey, Adjunct Professor
- Dennie, Christian, Adjunct Professor
- Dodge, Tisha, Adjunct Professor
- Dorman, Taft, Adjunct Professor
- Dryden, Joseph, Adjunct Professor
- Duffy, Thomas, Affiliate Faculty
- Eckstein, Gabriel, Professor
- Eden, Lorraine, Research Professor (courtesy appt)
- Emmert, Dale, Adjunct Professor
- Ershler, Jeffrey, Adjunct Professor
- Feare, Donald, Adjunct Professor
- Fields, Steven, Adjunct Professor
- Flores, Mark, Adjunct Professor
- Fortney, Susan, Professor
- Frederick, Keith, Adjunct Professor
- Fuqua, Amy, Adjunct Professor
- Gabriel, Eleanor, Adjunct Professor
- Galindo, Luis, Adjunct Professor
- Garcia Sanchez, Guillermo, Associate Professor
- Garcia, Deni, Affiliate Faculty
- Gelfuso, Andrea, Adjunct Professor
- George, Paul, Professor
- Goodman, Lisa, Executive Professor
- Gordon, Randy, Executive Professor
- Green, Michael, Professor
- Guiora, Amos, Adjunct Professor
- Guthrie, Shannon, Adjunct Professor Per Hire 7450
- Guzelian, Christopher, Adjunct Professor
- Hall, Jessica, Affiliate Faculty
- Handler, Nicholas, Associate Professor
- Hargrove, Danielle, Adjunct Professor
- Harrison, Stephen, Adjunct Professor
- Helge, Kristyn, Adjunct Professor
- Helge, Terri, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor
- Henning, William, Executive Professor
- Herrera, Luz, Professor
- Herzig, Belinda, Adjunct Professor
- Hintzke, Denise, Adjunct Professor
- Holland, Brian, Professor
- Jackson, Aaron, Adjunct Professor
- Johnson, James, Adjunct Professor
- Kacsmaryk, Matthew, Adjunct Professor of Law
- Kaspar-Coker, Lori, Adjunct Professor
- Kiser, James, Adjunct Professor
- Kleinfeld, Denis, Adjunct Professor
- Koehler, Michael, Adjunct Professor
- Krampitz, Thomas, Adjunct Professor
- Kravitz, Richard, Adjunct Professor
- Ku, Charlotte, Professor
- Ladhani, Sharmeen, Adjunct Professor
- Lamb, Erik, Adjunct Professor of Law
- Larson, Brian, Associate Professor
- Latimer, Steven, Adjunct Professor
- Law, Wendy, Associate Professor
- Le, Carson, Adjunct Professor
- Leszczynska, Monika, Associate Professor
- Lighfoot, Dawson, Adjunct Professor of Law
- Lucas, Gary, Professor
- Lunney, Joseph, Professor
- Magnuson, William, Associate Professor
- Maher, Brendan, Professor
- Manigrasso, Paul, Adjunct Professor
- Manjiyani, Shaila, Adjunct Professor of Law
- Markovic, Milan, Associate Professor
- Markson, Drew, Adjunct Professor
- Marlett, David, Adjunct Professor
- Marouf, Fatma, Professor
- Marvin, Edward, Adjunct Professor
- Mccoy, John, Adjunct Professor
- Mehrotra, Neelu, Adjunct Professor
- Mentz, George, Adjunct Professor
- Mormann, Felix, Professor
- Morrison, Angela, Associate Professor
- Morriss, Andrew, Professor
- Muehlmann, Brigitte, Adjunct Professor
- Muhammad, Melissa, Adjunct Professor
- Mulvaney, Timothy, Professor and Associate Dean for Research
- Mungan, Murat, Professor
- Munro, Robert, Adjunct Professor
- Murphy, John, Instructional Associate Professor
- Newman, Neal, Professor
- Nguyen, Hoang, Adjunct Professor
- Nober, Jane, Adjunct Professor
- Patillo, Dawn, Adjunct Professor
- Patin, David, Adjunct Professor of Law
- Patterson, William, Adjunct Professor
- Pauli, Carol, Associate Professor
- Pauli, Carol, Instructional Professor
- Pegues, Michael, Adjunct Professor
- Penrose, Meg, Professor
- Pham, Huyen, Professor
- Phillips, Susan, Professor
- Pierce, Tanya, Professor of Law
- Pittman, Mark, Adjunct Professor
- Poe, Kip, Adjunct Professor
- Pollock, Jordan, Adjunct Professor
- Prendergast, Elis, Adjunct Professor
- Probasco, Robert, Director, Low Income Tax Clinic and Senior Lecturer
- Prunte, John, Adjunct Professor
- Ragavan, Srividhya, Professor
- Raibourn, Delmer, Adjunct Professor
- Reilly, Peter, Professor of Law
- Retteen, Aaron, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Rhee, Maji, Adjunct Professor
- Richmond, Douglas, Adjunct Professor
- Rowlett, Kristen, Instructional Associate Professor
- Rutherford, Rebecca, Adjunct Professor
- Salis, George, Adjunct Professor
- Schieck, Ashley, Adjunct Professor of Law
- Schulman, Steven, Adjunct Professor of Law
- Seymore, Malinda, Professor
- Short, Aric, Professor
- Slattery, Jeff, Instructional Associate Professor
- Slobodin, Howard, Adjunct Professor
- Snyder, Franklin, Professor
- Sobol, Neil, Professor
- Sobol, Neil, Director of Legal Analysis, Research & Writing Program
- Solomon, Columbus, Adjunct Professor
- Spence, Joseph, Adjunct Professor
- Srinivasan, Niraja, Adjunct Professor
- Steinman, Adam, Professor
- Strickland, Jack, Adjunct Professor
- Stringfellow, Joan, Head of Technical and Electronic Services
- Stringfellow, Joan, Instructional Associate Professor
- Sudderth, Bonnie, Adjunct Professor
- Sullivan, Harry, Executive Professor
- Taylor, Robert, Adjunct Professor
- Terner, Benjamin, Adjunct Professor
- Thornton, Sara, Adjunct Professor
- Topinka, Joseph, Adjunct Professor
- Vassar, William, Adjunct Professor
- Walker, Tennessee, Adjunct Professor
- Wallace, William, Affiliate Faculty
- Walters, Daniel, Associate Professor
- Ware, Michael, Adjunct Professor
- Warren, Gina, Visiting Professor
- Washington, Karen, Adjunct Professor
- Welsh, Nancy, Professor
- Wolski, Chris, Adjunct Professor of Law
- Woodcock, David, Adjunct Faculty
- Wright, Matthew, Adjunct Professor
- Wurtz, Kimberly, Adjunct Professor
- Yu, Peter, Professor
- Zadeh, Jamshyd, Adjunct Professor
- Zagaris, Bruce, Adjunct Professor