selected publications academicarticle Helge, T. L. (2017). Coping with Complex Unrelated Business Income Tax Issues. Taxation of Exempts. 29, 4-26. Helge, T. L. (2016). Rejecting Charity: Why the IRS Denies Tax Exemption to 501(c)(3) Applicants. Pittsburgh Tax Review. 14(1), 1-76. Helge, T. L. (2015). Nuts and Bolts of Unrelated Business Income Tax. 42(3), 1-17. Helge, T. L., & Lively, D. L. (2015). Commercializing and Protecting Intellectual Property in an Increasingly Open and Fluid World. 42(3), 326-364. Helge, T. L. (2014). Joint Ventures of Nonprofits and For-Profits. 41(3), 1-32. Helge, T. L., & Rosenberg, D. M. (2012). Tax Exemptions for Charitable Single-Member Limited Liability Companies. 40(1), 71 [1]-77 [7]. Helge, T. L. (2012). Choice of Entity Considerations for Charitable Organizations. 39(3), 17 [1]-27 [11]. Helge, T. L., & Rosenberg, D. M. (2011). Nonprofit Executive Compensation. 38(3), 36 [1]-60 [25]. Helge, T. L. (2010). The Taxation of Cause-Related Marketing. Chicago - Kent Law Review. 85(3), 883-955. Helge, K., & Helge, T. L. (2010). Teaching Specialized Legal Research: Business Associations. Legal Reference Services Quarterly. 29, 51-83. Helge, T. L. (2009). Policing the Good Guys: Regulation of the Charitable Sector Through a Federal Charity Oversight Board. Cornell journal of law and public policy. 19(1), 1-82. book Helge, T. L., & Averill, L. (2012). Black Letter Outline on Wills, Trusts, and Future Interests. West Academic Publishing. Helge, T. L. (1992). Texas Probate, Estate and Trust Administration. Matthew Bender & Company, Inc.. webpage Helge, T. (2022). Renaming Californias Hastings law school sparks $1.7 billion legal fight that shows how hard it is to ditch donors names Helge, T. L. (2019). Fending off new Sackler money is easier for museums and schools than returning old gifts Helge, T. L. (2018). Its harder than you might expect for charities to give back tainted money Helge, T. L. (2018). Disappointed donors cant count on getting their charitable money back
teaching activities LAW7076 Wills And Estates Instructor LAW7290 Estate & Gift Tax Instructor LAW7310 Non-profit Organizations Instructor LAW7418 Legislation And Regulation Instructor LAW7816 Independent Study Instructor LAW7900 Evidence (sptp) Instructor LAW7900 Sptp: Wills & Estates Instructor LAW7900 Sptp: Wills And Estates Instructor LAW7910 Academic Support Ta Instructor
education and training J.D., South Texas College of Law - (Houston, Texas, United States) 2001 B.S. in Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - (Urbana, Illinois, United States) 1994
mailing address Texas A&M University Texas A&M University School of Law 8500 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-8500 USA