selected publications academicarticle Ahdieh, R. B. (2016). Notes from the border: Writing across the administrative law/financial regulation divide. Journal of Legal Education. 66(1), 64-77. Ahdieh, R. B. (2015). From Fedspeak to Forward Guidance: Regulatory Dimensions of Central Bank Communications. Georgia law review (Athens, Ga. : 1966). 50(1), 213-248. Ahdieh, R. B. (2015). Coordination and conflict: The persistent relevance of networks in International financial regulation. Law and Contemporary Problems. 78(4), 75-101. Ahdieh, R. B. (2015). Enter the FoxLumping and Splitting in the Study of Transnational Networks: A Response to Stavros Gadinis. AJIL Unbound. 109, 29-33. Ahdieh, R. B. (2013). Reanalyzing cost-benefit analysis: Toward a framework of function(s) and form(s). New York University law review (1950). 88(6), 1983-2073. Ahdieh, R. B., & Flemming, H. F. (2013). Toward a Jurisprudence of Free Expression in Russia: The European Court of Human Rights, Sub-National Courts, and Intersystemic Adjudication. UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs. 18(1), 31-60. Ahdieh, R. B. (2012). A Man in Full (A Tribute Remembering Professor David Bederman). Emory Law Journal. 61, 1015-1016. Ahdieh, R. B. (2011). The visible hand: Coordination functions of the regulatory state. MINNESOTA LAW REVIEW. 95(2), 578-649. Ahdieh, R. (2011). BEYOND INDIVIDUALISM IN LAW AND ECONOMICS. Boston University Law Review. 91(1), 43-85. Ahdieh, R. B. (2010). Imperfect alternatives: Networks, salience, and institutional design in financial crises. UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI LAW REVIEW. 79(2), 527-551. Ahdieh, R. B. (2010). After the Fall: Financial Crisis and the International Order. Emory International Law Review. 24(1), 1-13. Ahdieh, R. B. (2010). Crisis and Coordination: Regulatory Design in Financial Crises. 104, 286-289. Ahdieh, R. B. (2009). The Fog of Certainty. 119, 41-51. Ahdieh, R. B. (2009). The (Misunderstood) genius of american corporate law. The George Washington law review. 77(3), 730-739. Ahdieh, R. B. (2009). Trapped in a metaphor: The limited implications of federalism for corporate governance. The George Washington law review. 77(2), 255-307. Ahdieh, R. B. (2009). Introduction. 103, 57-58. Ahdieh, R. B. (2008). Foreign Affairs, International Law, and the New Federalism: Lessons from Coordination. Missouri Law Review. 73(4), 1185-1245. Ahdieh, R. B. (2008). Introduction. 102, 339-341. Ahdieh, R. B. (2007). From Federal Rules to Intersystemic Governance in Securities Regulation. Emory Law Journal. 57(1), 233-245. Ahdieh, R. B. (2007). From Federalism to Intersystemic Governance: The Changing Nature of Modern Jurisdiction. Law and Contemporary Problems. 78(4), 75-101. Ahdieh, R. B. (2007). The Dialectical Regulation of Rule 14a-8: Intersystemic Governance in Corporate Law. Journal of Business & Technology Law. 38(5), 164-184. Ahdieh, R. B. (2006). Dialectical Regulation. Connecticut Law Review. 38(5), 863-927. Ahdieh, R. B. (2006). The strategy of boilerplate. Michigan Law Review. 104(5), 1033-1073. Ahdieh, R. B. (2005). The Role of Groups in Norm Transformation: A Dramatic Sketch, in Three Parts. Chicago Journal of International Law. 6(1), 231-266. Ahdieh, R. B. (2005). From "federalization" to "mixed governance" in corporate law: A defense of Sarbanes-Oxley. Buffalo Law Review. 53(3), 721-756. Ahdieh, R. B. (2004). Between dialogue and decree: International review of national courts. New York University law review (1950). 79(6), 2029-2163. Ahdieh, R. B. (2004). Between Mandate and Market: Contract Transition in the Shadow of the International Order. Emory Law Journal. 53, 691-762. Ahdieh, R. B. (2004). Law's signal: A cueing theory of law in market transition. Southern California law review. 77(2), 215-305. Ahdieh, R. B. (2003). Making markets: Network effects and the role of law in the creation of strong securities markets. Southern California law review. 76(2), 277-350. Ahdieh, R. (2003). Russian law in transition: law and institutional change. Slavic Review. 62(4), 872-873. chapter Ahdieh, R. (2017). Agency Coordination as Agency Action. Weaver, R., Hofmann, H., Huang, C., & Friedland, S. (Eds.), Comparative Perspectives on Administrative Procedure. (pp. 73-104). Carolina Academic Press. Ahdieh, R. B. (2012). Varieties of Corporate Law-Making: Competition, Preemption, and Federalism. Research Handbook on the Economics of Corporate Law. (pp. 373-396). Edward Elgar Publishing. Ahdieh, R. B. (2012). Chapter 20: Varieties of Corporate Law-Making: Competition, Preemption, and Federalism. Research Handbook on the Economics of Corporate Law. institutional repository document Ahdieh, R. B. (2009). Beyond Individualism in Law and Economics Ahdieh, R. B. (2009). The Visible Hand: Coordination Functions of the Regulatory State Ahdieh, R. B. (2008). Foreign Affairs, International Law, and the New Federalism: Lessons from Coordination Ahdieh, R. B. (2008). The (Misunderstood) Genius of American Corporate Law Ahdieh, R. B. (2008). Trapped in a Metaphor: The Limited Implications of Federalism for Corporate Governance Ahdieh, R. B. (2005). From 'Federalization' to 'Mixed Governance' in Corporate Law: A Defense of Sarbanes-Oxley Ahdieh, R. B. (2005). The Strategy of Boilerplate Ahdieh, R. B. (2004). Cueing Transition in Sovereign Debt Contracts: Network Effects, Coordination Games, and Focal Points in the Choice of Mandate Versus Contract Ahdieh, R. B. (2003). Law's Signal: A Cueing Theory of Law in Market Transition
education and training J.D., Yale University - (New Haven, Connecticut, United States) 1997 A.B. in Public and International Affairs, Princeton University - (Princeton, New Jersey, United States) 1994
mailing address Texas A&M University Provost and Exec Vice President 8500 TAMU Fort Worth, TX 76102-6509 USA
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