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(2011).1. Introduction. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
11(2), 13-15.
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(2011).3. Radiation Exposure from Internally Deposited Radionuclides. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Braby, L. A., Brooks, A. L., Heidenreich, W. F., Hill, M. A., Howell, R. W., Kobayashi, K., Wilson, W. E., & Zaider, M.
(2011).4. Heterogeneous Energy Deposition from External Radiations. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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(2011).5. Heterogeneity Induced for Mechanistic Studies. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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(2011).6. Options for Characterizing Energy Deposition. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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(2011).7. Recommendations: Table7.1. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).1. Introduction. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).1. Introduction. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).2. Microdosimetric Quantities and Distributions. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).2. Microdosimetric Quantities and Distributions. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).3. Primary Interaction of Radiation with Matter. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).3. Primary Interaction of Radiation with Matter. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).4. Particle Tracks and Energy Deposition. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).4. Particle Tracks and Energy Deposition. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).5. Experimental Evaluation of Microdosimetric Spectra. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).5. Experimental Evaluation of Microdosimetric Spectra. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).6. Calculation of Microdosimetric Spectra and Their Averages. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).6. Calculation of Microdosimetric Spectra and Their Averages. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).8. Employment of Microdosimetric Concepts and Techniques. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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(1983).8. Employment of Microdosimetric Concepts and Techniques. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).Appendix A: Relationships Between Microdosimetric Quantities. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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(1983).Appendix A: Relationships between Microdosimetric Quantities. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).Appendix B: Graphical Presentation of Distributions. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
os-19(1), 74-74.
Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).Appendix B: Graphical Presentation of Distributions. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).Appendix E: Details of Methods of Calculation. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
os-19(1), 86-88.
Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).Appendix E: Details of Methods of Calculation. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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Booz, J., Braby, L., Coyne, J., Kliauga, P., Lindborg, L., Menzel, H., & Parmentier, N.
(1983).Appendix F: Mean Values. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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(1983).Appendix F: Mean Values. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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(1983).ICRU Reports. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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(1983).ICRU Reports. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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(1983).List of Symbols. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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(1983).List of Symbols. Journal of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
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