publication venue for
- Position Control of a Fully Constrained Planar Cable-Driven Parallel Robot With Unknown or Partially Known Dynamics. 28:1605-1615. 2023
- Differential Evolution-Based Three Stage Dynamic Cyber-Attack of Cyber-Physical Power Systems. 28:1137-1148. 2023
- An Energy-Dense Two-Part Torsion Spring Architecture and Design Tool. PP:1-12. 2023
- Design and Analysis of a Novel, Low-Cost, High-Speed Cycloidal Magnetic Gear for Aerospace Servo Actuator Applications. PP:1-12. 2023
- A Hybrid Model and Model-Free Position Control for a Reconfigurable Manipulator. 24:785-795. 2019
- Focused Section on Mechatronics in Cyber-Physical Systems. 23:2533-2536. 2018
- Lateral Position Error Reduction Using Misalignment-Sensing Coils in Inductive Power Transfer Systems. 23:875-882. 2018
- Two-Phase Lorentz Coils and Linear Halbach Array for Multiaxis Precision-Positioning Stages With Magnetic Levitation. 22:2662-2672. 2017
- Output Regulation of Nonlinear Systems With Application to Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing Systems. 20:1089-1098. 2015
- Experimental Validation for a Multifunctional Wing Spar With Sensing, Harvesting, and Gust Alleviation Capabilities. 18:1289-1299. 2013
- Guest Editorial Introduction to the Focused Section on Electromagnetic Devices for Precision Engineering. 16:401-410. 2011
- Direct Torque and Indirect Flux Control of Brushless DC Motor. 16:351-360. 2011
- A decentralized model reference adaptive controller for large-scale systems. 12:154-163. 2007
- Extended Range Six-DOF High-Precision Positioner for Wafer Processing. 11:682-689. 2006
- Nanoscale Path Planning and Motion Control with Maglev Positioners. 11:625-633. 2006
- Simple derivative-free nonlinear state observer for sensorless AC drives. 11:634-643. 2006
- Six-Axis Nanopositioning Device With Precision Magnetic Levitation Technology. 9:384-391. 2004
- An experimental study of planar impact of a robot manipulator. 9:123-128. 2004
- Comparison of the dynamic response of radial and tangential magnetic flux thrust bearings. 7:61-66. 2002
- A stable transition controller for constrained robots. 6:65-74. 2001
- Adaptive control of time-varying mechanical systems: Analysis and experiments. 5:410-418. 2000
- A Compensated Open-Loop Impedance Controller Evaluated on the Second-Generation Open-Source Leg Prosthesis. PP:1-13.
- CLAW: Cycloidal Legs-Augmented Wheels for Stair and Obstacle Climbing in Mobile Robots. PP:1-11.
- Predefined-Time Robust Stabilization of Robotic Manipulators. 24:1033-1040.
- Experimental Validation for a Multifunctional Wing Spar with Sensing, Harvesting, and Gust Alleviation Capabilities 2013