publication venue for
- Quantum theory of propagation of elliptically polarized light through a Kerr medium.. 40:5179-5186. 1989
- Role of pumping statistics in maser and laser dynamics: Density-matrix approach.. 40:5073-5080. 1989
- Theory of a two-level quantum-beat laser.. 40:5690-5694. 1989
- Effects of optical gain and cavity-mode squeezing on the Mollow spectrum.. 40:4138-4141. 1989
- Electronegativities and isoelectronic energy and electronegativity differences for monatomic systems with nonintegral nuclear charges: Local-spin-density-functional calculations.. 40:2260-2264. 1989
- Squeezed-radiation-enhanced four-wave mixing in intense pumps.. 40:2792-2795. 1989
- Erratum: Dynamical interaction of an atomic oscillator with squeezed radiation inside a cavity.. 40:1691-1691. 1989
- Spin coherence and Humpty-Dumpty. III. The effects of observation.. 40:1775-1784. 1989
- Comparative study of various quasiprobability distributions in different models of correlated-emission lasers.. 40:258-268. 1989
- Quantum optical test of observation and complementarity in quantum mechanics.. 39:5229-5236. 1989
- Squeezing and quantum-noise quenching in phase-sensitive optical systems.. 39:5136-5142. 1989
- Strong conservation of electron-spin polarization for hydrogenic ions in electric-dipole transitions: Direct transitions.. 39:2343-2358. 1989
- Phase sensitivity in atom-field interaction via coherent superposition.. 39:2000-2004. 1989
- Preparation of a pure number state and measurement of the photon statistics in a high-Q micromaser.. 39:1915-1921. 1989
- Field dependence of the autoionization from two close-lying states.. 38:6437-6438. 1988
- Quantum beats for the measurement of topological phases in Rabi oscillations of two-level atoms.. 38:5957-5959. 1988
- T-matrix approach to the nonlinear susceptibilities of heterogeneous media.. 38:5678-5687. 1988
- Nonlinear theory of a correlated emission laser.. 38:5227-5234. 1988
- Theoretical study of a two-photon double-beam laser.. 38:5433-5436. 1988
- Emission spectra of an atom in a cavity in the presence of a squeezed vacuum.. 38:3514-3521. 1988
- Quantum theory of Rabi sideband generation by forward four-wave mixing.. 38:4019-4027. 1988
- Correlated-emission laser: Nonlinear theory of the quantum-beat laser.. 38:754-762. 1988
- Correlated-emission laser: Phase noise quenching via coherent pumping and the effect of atomic motion.. 38:768-772. 1988
- Interference effects in recombination from coupled states.. 38:170-179. 1988
- Natural linewidths of a laser with a saturable absorber and a dye laser.. 38:854-858. 1988
- Photon-number distributions for quantum fields generated in nonlinear optical processes.. 38:750-753. 1988
- Isothermal molecular-dynamics ensembles.. 37:4510-4513. 1988
- Laser-induced-fluorescence detection of collisional excitation transfer in atomic rubidium vapor during collisions with noble-gas and rubidium atoms.. 37:4649-4655. 1988
- Coherent two-photon transitions in Rydberg atoms in a cavity with finite Q.. 37:3879-3883. 1988
- Quantum-statistical theory of the growth and stabilization of fields in a two-photon medium with competing nonlinear processes.. 37:3351-3357. 1988
- Quantum-noise quenching in the correlated spontaneous-emission laser as a multiplicative noise process. II. Rigorous analysis including amplitude noise.. 37:3010-3017. 1988
- Atom-field interaction without the rotating-wave approximation: A path-integral approach.. 37:1628-1633. 1988
- Effect of cooperative atomic interactions on the natural linewidth of a single-mode laser.. 37:1634-1641. 1988
- Phase conjugation via multiple gratings in photorefractive crystals.. 37:1809-1812. 1988
- Phase transfer in optical phase conjugation.. 37:2224-2226. 1988
- Quantum-noise quenching in the correlated spontaneous-emission laser as a multiplicative noise process. I. A geometrical argument.. 37:1261-1269. 1988
- Fundamental treatment of molecular-dynamics ensembles.. 37:247-251. 1988
- Fluctuation-induced Hanle resonances in phase conjugation.. 36:5654-5657. 1987
- Pump-noise-induced Hanle effect in forward four-wave mixing.. 36:5439-5440. 1987
- State reduction and ||n>-state preparation in a high-Q micromaser.. 36:4547-4550. 1987
- Erratum: Gravity-wave detection via correlated-spontaneous-emission lasers.. 36:2485-2485. 1987
- Matter-field interaction in atomic physics and quantum optics.. 36:2763-2772. 1987
- Squeezing of the cavity vacuum by charged particles.. 36:2167-2170. 1987
- Phase fluctuations in a degenerate parametric amplifier.. 36:1481-1483. 1987
- Theory of a correlated-emission free-electron laser.. 36:1310-1315. 1987
- Theory of the holographic laser: Correlated emission in a ring cavity.. 36:1771-1778. 1987
- Connection between microscopic and macroscopic maser theory.. 36:740-743. 1987
- Second-harmonic generation by a partially coherent beam.. 36:202-206. 1987
- Stability of dressed states against radiative decay in strongly coupled bound-continuum transitions.. 35:4592-4604. 1987
- Effects of cross relaxation and line mixing on third-order nonlinearities of resonant systems.. 35:4200-4206. 1987
- Absorption spectroscopy of strongly perturbed bound-continuum transitions.. 35:3354-3367. 1987
- Finite-Q cavity electrodynamics: Dynamical and statistical aspects.. 35:3433-3449. 1987
- Redistribution of radiation in resonance fluorescence induced by diffusing modes or by an extra laser.. 35:3152-3155. 1987
- Correlated-emission laser gyroscope.. 35:452-455. 1987
- Probability approach to multiphase and multicomponent fluid flow in porous media.. 35:929-932. 1987
- Theory of the quantum-beat laser.. 35:752-758. 1987
- Gravity-wave detection via correlated-spontaneous-emission lasers.. 34:4043-4054. 1986
- Quantum theory of nonlinear mixing in multimode fields: General theory.. 34:4055-4069. 1986
- Quantum theory of the micromaser: Symmetry breaking via off-diagonal atomic injection.. 34:2032-2037. 1986
- Necessary and sufficient conditions for a phase-space function to be a Wigner distribution.. 34:1-6. 1986
- Collapse and revival phenomena in the Jaynes-Cummings model with cavity damping.. 33:3610-3613. 1986
- Anomalous coherence functions of the radiation fields.. 33:2472-2480. 1986
- Effects of arbitrary relaxation and strong-field dressing of energy levels on nonlinear optical susceptibilities.. 33:1817-1827. 1986
- Exact quantum-electrodynamics results for scattering, emission, and absorption from a Rydberg atom in a cavity with arbitrary Q.. 33:1757-1764. 1986
- Intrinsic linewidth of a free-electron laser.. 33:2174-2176. 1986
- Effects of collisions and saturation on multiphoton processes and nonlinear mixing in the field of two pumps.. 33:391-402. 1986
- Comment on "Correspondence principle in free-electron lasers".. 31:4033-4035. 1985
- Absorption and fluorescence in frequency-modulated fields under conditions of strong modulation and saturation.. 31:3175-3182. 1985
- Exact solution to the degenerate four-wave mixing in reflection geometry in photorefractive media.. 31:3169-3174. 1985
- Quantum theory of multiwave mixing. I. General formalism.. 31:3112-3123. 1985
- Analytic approach to second-harmonic generation with depletion and diffraction.. 31:856-860. 1985
- Phase conjugation by nondegenerate four-wave mixing with excited-state Zeeman coherences.. 31:877-887. 1985
- Chaos in a periodically forced Lorenz system.. 31:520-522.
- Collapse and revival phenomenon in the evolution of a resonant field in a Kerr-like medium.. 39:2969-2977.
- Dynamical interaction of an atomic oscillator with squeezed radiation inside a cavity.. 39:2961-2968.
- Influence of different exit channels on the interference effects in the autoionization of two strongly coupled states.. 35:3291-3298.
- Nonlinear spectroscopy with cross-correlated chaotic fields.. 37:4741-4746.
- Photon distributions for nonclassical fields with coherent components.. 39:6259-6266.
- Pump-probe cross-correlation-induced resonances in four-wave mixing.. 36:143-146.
- Quantum jumps in a coherently driven Raman system.. 37:444-449.
- Squeezing of radiation produced by the Hanle effect.. 32:1643-1649.
- Suppression of the line broadening by fast Rabi flopping effects.. 39:2239-2242.
- Theory of a two-photon squeezed laser-like oscillator.. 39:1582-1585.