Correlated-emission laser: Nonlinear theory of the quantum-beat laser. uri icon


  • A nonlinear quantum theory of the quantum-beat laser is developed using a dressed-atom dressed-mode master-equation approach. The theory is valid under the detuning conditions which led to correlated spontaneous emission in a linear theory. It is shown that the quenching of the quantum noise remains valid in the nonlinear theory and this operation is stable above threshold. 1988 The American Physical Society.

published proceedings

  • Phys Rev A Gen Phys

altmetric score

  • 3

author list (cited authors)

  • Bergou, J. A., Orszag, M., & Scully, M. O.

citation count

  • 68

complete list of authors

  • Bergou, JA||Orszag, M||Scully, MO

publication date

  • July 1988