State reduction and ||n>-state preparation in a high-Q micromaser. uri icon


  • The long lifetime of photons in a high-Q micromaser cavity is used to generate a |n-state maser field by injecting atoms, one at a time. Every atom is probed for its excitation after leaving the cavity so that the precise number of photons in the field is known. We calculate the probability of obtaining n photons after m atoms have passed the cavity. 1987 The American Physical Society.

published proceedings

  • Phys Rev A Gen Phys

author list (cited authors)

  • Krause, J., Scully, M. O., & Walther, H.

citation count

  • 167

complete list of authors

  • Krause, J||Scully, MO||Walther, H

publication date

  • November 1987