selected publications academicarticle Amzat, I. H., Taslikhan, M., Walters, L. M., & Walters, T. (2020). Likert's 4-Management System Instrument Psychometric Properties - University Management - Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities. 28(3), 1621-1641. Yusuf, B., Walters, L. M., & Sailin, S. N. (2020). Restructuring Educational Institutions for Growth in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): A Systematic Review. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. 15(3), 93-109. Walters, L. M., Green, M. R., Goldsby, D., & Parker, D. (2018). Digital Storytelling as a Problem-Solving Strategy in Mathematics Teacher Education: How Making a Math-eo Engages and Excites 21st Century Students. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science. 2(1), 1-16. Walters, L. M., Green, M. R., Goldsby, D., Walters, T. N., & Wang, L. (2016). Teaching Pre-service Teachers to Make Digital Stories that Explain Complex Mathematical Concepts in a Real-World Context: The "Math-eo" Project, Creating "Cool New Tools". International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education. 23(4), 129-144. Yaacob, A., Walters, L. M., Ali, R. M., Abdullah, S. S., & Walters, T. (2014). REFLECTING ON MALAYSIAN TEACHER TRAINEES' JOURNALS. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction. 11(1), 1-21. Green, M. R., & Walters, L. M. (2013). Digital Storytelling Viewed though a Post-process Lens: Reflections from the Fulbright-Hays 2010 China Seminar. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies. 3(1), 75-90. Ibrahim, I., & Walters, L. M. (2012). Teaching English Decoding Skills in Qatar: How Computer-assisted Instruction May Overcome Local Challenges in Teacher Preparation and Instructional Skills. The International Journal of Learning. 18(4), 105-118. Kupka, B., Everett, A. M., Atkins, S. G., Mertesacker, M., Walters, L., Walters, T., ... Bolten, J. (2009). The intercultural communication motivation scale: An instrument to assess motivational training needs of candidates for international assignments. Human Resource Management. 48(5), 717-744. Walters, L. M., Garii, B., & Walters, T. (2009). Learning globally, teaching locally: incorporating international exchange and intercultural learning into pre-service teacher training. 20(sup1), S151-S158. Walters, T., & Walters, L. (2005). The Transitional Woman: A Case Study of Values in the Context of an Arabic/Islamic Society. Hawwa. 3(2), 216-244. Walters, T., Quinn, S. R., & Walters, L. M. (2005). Media life among Gen Zeds. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 8(1), 63-82. Walters, L. M. (2005). Talespin: Public relations disasters-inside stories and lessons learnt. Public Relations Review. 31(3), 442-443. Walters, T. N., Walters, L. M., KernFoxworth, M., & Priest, S. H. (1997). The picture of health? Message standardization and recall of televised AIDS public service announcements. Public Relations Review. 23(2), 143-159. Walters, L. M., & Walters, T. N. (1996). It loses something in the translation - Syntax and survival of key words in science and nonscience press releases. Science Communication. 18(2), 165-180. WALTERS, T. N., WALTERS, L. M., & STARR, D. P. (1994). AFTER THE HIGHWAYMAN - SYNTAX AND SUCCESSFUL PLACEMENT OF PRESS RELEASES IN NEWSPAPERS. Public Relations Review. 20(4), 345-356. WALTERS, L. M., & HORNIG, S. (1993). FACES IN THE NEWS - NETWORK TELEVISION-NEWS COVERAGE OF HURRICANE HUGO AND THE LOMA-PRIETA EARTHQUAKE. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media. 37(2), 219-232. WALTERS, L. M., & WALTERS, T. N. (1992). ENVIRONMENT OF CONFIDENCE - DAILY NEWSPAPER USE OF PRESS RELEASES. Public Relations Review. 18(1), 31-46. Walters, T., & Walters, L. M. (1991). The Conspiracy of Silence. American Journalism. 8(4), 246-265. chapter Green, M. R., Walters, L. M., & Walters, T. (2017). SHAPING A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Digital Storytelling and Intercultural Teaching and Learning. READER OF NARRATIVE AND CRITICAL LENSES ON INTERCULTURAL TEACHING AND LEARNING. (pp. 185-208). Walters, L. M., Green, M. R., & Walters, T. N. (2017). Erasing the blind spots Reflective teachers and diverse classrooms in the United States. Amzat, I. H., & Padilla-Valdez, N. (Eds.), TEACHER PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND DEVELOPMENT FOR REFLECTIVE AND INCLUSIVE PRACTICES. (pp. 57-69). Taylor & Francis. Walters, T. N., Walters, L. M., Green, M. R., & Lin, L. H. (2016). Rich Text, Rich Teach: Expanding Educational Horizons with Technology in Malaysia. Fast forwarding Higher Education Institutions for Global Challenges. (pp. 11-24). Springer Nature. Walters, L. M., Green, M. R., Walters, T. N., & Wang, L. (2015). The Examined Life. Teaching at Work. (pp. 211-233). Springer Nature.
teaching activities EDCI602 Cultural Fndtns Of Educ Instructor EDCI633 Educator As Learner Instructor EDCI636 Educator As Researcher Instructor EDCI677 Strat Tchng Cul Pl Soc Instructor EDCI685 Directed Studies Instructor EDCI691 Research Instructor EDCI692 Professional Study Instructor EPSY689 Sptp: Comm: Practice In Ed Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Brazile, Ruth Delories (2011-10). Selection Process for Third and Fourth Grade African American Gifted and Talented: A Case Study in One Urban School District. Chu, Yiting (2012-07). The Question-asking Behavior of Five Chinese International Students: A Case Study. Doll, Jonathan Jacob (2011-08). Teachers' and Administrators' Perceptions of the Antecedents of School Dropout among English Language Learners at Selected Texas Schools. Gililland, Darrell Jon (2015-06). The Effect of Problem-Based Learning as a Tutoring Intervention in Athletic Training Education: Exploring the Theory Application Gap in the Board of Certification, Inc. Treatment and Rehabilitation Domain at Regional University in Texas. Gore, Sabra Ladd (2004-09). Effective science communication to children via a health-related Web site. Herrera, Karen (2013-08). Evalutating the Effect of an Online Job-Embedded Professional Development Program on Elementary Teachers' Use of Arts Integrated Approaches to Learning in a South Texas School District. Hill, Tory C (2013-02). Common Formative Assessments Developed Through Professional Learning Communities (PLCs): A Case Study to Analyze the Alignment of Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction in a Math PLC at a Title I Middle School in the Southern United States. Hoefelmeyer, Karla Sue (2005-08). Increasing your U.S. News and World Report graduate school rankings: a census of public affairs schools and their strategic communications efforts to create a tradition of distinction. Liu, Yi-Chun (2011-02). The Utilization of Listening Strategies in the Development of Listening Comprehension among Skilled and Less-skilled Non-native English Speakers at the College Level. Talkmitt, Marcia J. (2013-05). K-12 Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in a Rural School District on the High Plains of Texas: Mechanism for Teacher Support of Innovative Formative Assessment and Instruction with Technology (iFAIT).
education and training Ph.D. in Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin - Madison - (Madison, Wisconsin, United States) 1977
awards and honors Traditional Fulbright Scholarship, conferred by Council for International Exchange of Scholars - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States), 2003
mailing address Texas A&M University Teaching, Learning And Culture (Tlac) 4232 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4232 USA