Teaching English Decoding Skills in Qatar: How Computer-assisted Instruction May Overcome Local Challenges in Teacher Preparation and Instructional Skills
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This small seed study of kindergarten aged students in Qatar set out to determine if the use of a computer based literacy program has a positive impact on these English language learners' ability to read those selected elements more easily, support the instruction, and/or have the potential to overcome the challenge of local teacher preparation, instructional skills and efficacy. Questionnaires given to the students, as well as the classroom teacher, revealed a positive attitude toward using computer programs to teach decoding skills in English. The results of the teacher's survey indicated that she had some experience and training, but that she also would welcome the additional support, organization and planning offered by computer-assisted instruction. The results from this case study/action research project indicated that those students who received instruction in decoding patterns and strategies, through the use of a comprehensive computer based literacy program, were more successful in decoding those selected patterns on their own. Common Ground, Indrani Ibrahim, Lynne M. Walters, All Rights Reserved.