selected publications academic article Moyna, M. I., & Loureiro-Rodriguez, V. (2022). Language mixing and metalinguistic awareness in the songs of Eduardo "Lalo" Guerrero. Latino Studies. 20(4), 527-554. Moyna, M. I. (2021). Despues de usted: Variation and Change in a Spanish Tripartite Politeness System. 6(3), 152-152. Loureiro-Rodriguez, V., Moyna, M. I., & Robles, D. (2018). Hey, baby, ?Que Paso?: Performing bilingual identities in Texan popular music. Language and Communication. 60, 120-135. Moyna, M. I., & Loureiro-Rodrguez, V. (2017). The matched guise technique to evaluate attitudes towards forms of address in the Spanish of Montevideo. Revista Internacional de Linguistica Iberoamericana. 15(2), 47-73. Lagos, M., & Moyna, M. I. (2016). Second-person Address Forms in Contemporary Uruguayan Children's Literature. Hispania. 99(2), 320-337. Rangel, N., Loureiro-Rodriguez, V., & Moyna, M. I. (2015). "Is that what I sound like when I speak?" Attitudes towards Spanish, English, and code-switching in two Texas border towns. Spanish in Context. 12(2), 177-198. Moyna, M. I. (2015). Voseo / Tuteo Variation in Uruguayan Popular Songs (19602010). Romanische Forschungen. 127(1), 3-28. Moyna, M. I. (2012). Linguistic research and why it matters: An example and some personal reflections. Southwest Journal of Linguistics. 30(1), 1-26. Moyna, M. I. (2009). Back at the rancho: Language maintenance and shift among Spanish speakers in post-annexation California (1848-1900). Revista Internacional de Linguistica Iberoamericana. 7(2), 165-184. Catao, L., Barlow, J. A., & Moyna, M. I. (2009). A retrospective study of phonetic inventory complexity in acquisition of Spanish: implications for phonological universals. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. 23(6), 446-472. Moyna, M. I. (2009). Review of Zentella et al. (2009) Multilingual San Diego: Portraits of language loss and revitalization". Southwest Journal of Linguistics. 30(1), 143-150. Moyna, M. I., & Coll, M. (2008). A Tale of Two Borders: 19th Century Language Contact in Southern California and Northern Uruguay. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics. 1(1), 105-138. Irene Moyna, M., & Vanni Ceballos, B. (2008). Dramatic representations of a linguistic variable and voseo Tute in plays of the Rio de la Plata (1886-1911). Spanish in Context. 5(1), 64-88. Moyna, M. I. (2008). Portrayals of Spanish in 19th-century American prose: Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton's The Squatter and the Don. Language and Literature. 17(3), 235-252. Moyna, M. I. (2008). The Prism of Language: How Child Language Illuminates Humanism. Lingua. 118(12), 2021-2025. Moyna, M. I., & Decker, W. L. (2005). A Historical Perspective on Spanish in the California Borderlands. Southwest Journal of Linguistics. 24(1,2), 145-167. Moyna, M. I. (2005). Review of Lasnik and Uriagereka (2005) A Course in Minimalist Syntax. Revista Virtual de Estudos da Linguagem - ReVEL. 6(10), Moyna, M. I., & Martin, M. E. (2005). Un alma atravesada: Ingls y espaol en la correspondencia de Mara Amparo Ruiz de Burton. 21-22, 167-184. Moyna, M. I. (2004). Can we make heads or tails of Spanish endocentric compounds?. Linguistics: an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences. 42(3), 617-637. Moyna, M. I. (1999). Pronominal Clitic Stress in Ro de la Plata Spanish: An Optimality Account. 23(1), 15-44. book Moyna, M. I. (2011). Compound Words in Spanish Theory and History. John Benjamins Publishing. chapter Irene Moyna, M. (2021). The diachrony of Spanish compounding. ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF SPANISH MORPHOLOGY. (pp. 303-316). Moyna, M. I., Kluge, B., & Simon, H. J. (2019). Address and address research Here's looking at you, kid. IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU: NEW PERSPECTIVES ON ADDRESS RESEARCH. (pp. 1-20). John Benjamins Publishing Company. Moyna, M. I. (2019). Variation in polite address in contemporary Uruguayan Spanish. IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU: NEW PERSPECTIVES ON ADDRESS RESEARCH. (pp. 191-219). John Benjamins Publishing Company. Moyna, M. I. (2018). The history of concatenative compounds in Spanish. STUDIES IN HISTORICAL IBERO-ROMANCE MORPHO-SYNTAX. (pp. 47-74). John Benjamins Publishing Company. Moyna, M. I. (2017). Voseo vocatives and interjections in Montevideo Spanish. Contemporary Advances in Theoretical and Applied Spanish Linguistic Variations. (pp. 124-147). Fajt, V., Gelwick, F. I., Loureiro-Rodrguez, V., Merton, P., Moore, G., Moyna, M. I., & Zarestky, J. (2013). Feedback and fellowship: Stories from a successful writing group. Working with Faculty Writers. (pp. 163-174). Moyna, M. I. (2011). COMPOUND WORDS IN SPANISH THEORY AND HISTORY Introduction. COMPOUND WORDS IN SPANISH: THEORY AND HISTORY. (pp. 1-+). Moyna, M. I. (2011). Definitions. COMPOUND WORDS IN SPANISH: THEORY AND HISTORY. (pp. 11-44). Moyna, M. I. (2011). Endocentric compounds with adverbial non-heads Bienquerer, bienquisto, bienquerencia. COMPOUND WORDS IN SPANISH: THEORY AND HISTORY. (pp. 99-124). Moyna, M. I. (2011). Endocentric compounds with nominal heads and nominal/adjectival modifiers. COMPOUND WORDS IN SPANISH: THEORY AND HISTORY. (pp. 163-196). Moyna, M. I. (2011). Endocentric compounds with nominal non-heads Maniatar, manirroto, maniobra. COMPOUND WORDS IN SPANISH: THEORY AND HISTORY. (pp. 125-161). Moyna, M. I. (2011). Exocentric patterns Cuajaleches, mil leches. COMPOUND WORDS IN SPANISH: THEORY AND HISTORY. (pp. 197-218). Moyna, M. I. (2011). Finding compounds Data sources, collection, and classification. COMPOUND WORDS IN SPANISH: THEORY AND HISTORY. (pp. 67-97). Moyna, M. I. (2011). Historical developments in Spanish compounding. COMPOUND WORDS IN SPANISH: THEORY AND HISTORY. (pp. 253-291). Moyna, M. I. (2011). The internal structure of compounds. COMPOUND WORDS IN SPANISH: THEORY AND HISTORY. (pp. 45-66). Moyna, M. I. (2011). Concatenative compounds. COMPOUND WORDS IN SPANISH: THEORY AND HISTORY. (pp. 219-252). Moyna, M. I. (2010). Varieties of Spanish in Post-Annexation California (1848-1900). Villa, D., & Rivera-Mills, S. (Eds.), Spanish of the U.S. Southwest A Language in Transition. (pp. 27-44). Iberoamericana Vervuert. Moyna, M. I. (2009). Representations of Language in Three Early Novels by U.S. Latinos. Poyo, G. E., & Ybarra-Frausto, T. (Eds.), Recovering U. S. Hispanic Literary Heritage. (pp. 137-153). Arte Publico Press.
editor of book Moyna, M. I., & Rivera-Mills, S. (2016). Forms of Address in the Spanish of the Americas Moyna, M. I. (Eds.), John Benjamins Publishing Company. Castillo, C., Bond, O. F., & Moyna, M. I. (2012). The University of Chicago Spanish-English Dictionary, Sixth Edition Diccionario Universidad de Chicago Ingls-Espaol, Sexta Edicin Moyna, M. I. (Eds.), University Of Chicago Press. Balestra, A. (2008). Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Linguistic Heritage Sociohistorical Approaches to Spanish in the United States Balestra, A., Martinez, G., & Moyna, M. I. (Eds.), Arte Publico Press. Castillo, C., Bond, O. F., Pharies, D. A., Moyna, M. I., Baker, G. K., & Chicago, U. O. (2002). Diccionario Ingls de la Universidad de Chicago Moyna, M. I. (Eds.), University Of Chicago Press. chapter Moyna, M. I., & Beckman, W. (2008). How the Californio girls (and boys) lost their accents Arte Publico Press. 163-190.
co-principal investigator on Growing the Heart of Texas: Exploring the Role of Mexican Americans in Food Production and Rural Communities awarded by National Endowment for the Humanities - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2018 - 2019
teaching activities GLST210 Languages Of The World Instructor HISP491 Research Instructor HISP606 Spanish In The Us Instructor HISP607 Sem In Hispanic Ling Instructor HISP650 Res Methods In Linguistc Instructor HISP685 Directed Studies Instructor HISP691 Research Instructor HISP692 Professional Study Instructor LMAS201 Intro Latino Mexican Amer Stud Instructor SPAN202 Intermediate Span Ii Instructor SPAN203 Intm Span Heritage Speakers Instructor SPAN301 Oral Expression-argentina Instructor SPAN304 Adv Grammar Heritage Speakers Instructor SPAN307 Span For The Sciences Instructor SPAN318 Oral Comm For Hlth Prof-argent Instructor SPAN350 Span Phonetics & Phonology Instructor SPAN352 Hispanic Linguistics Instructor SPAN417 Advanced Span Engl Translation Instructor SPAN485 Directed Studies Instructor SPAN489 Sptp:span And Eng Translation Instructor SPAN491 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Gonzalez, Patricia Garza (2014-09). The Interpretation of N+N and V+N Compounds by Spanish Heritage Speakers. Hickey, Concepcion Marie (2012-07). Spanish Language Use and Linguistic Attitudes in Laredo, Texas between 1860 and 1930. Rangel, Natalie (2013-08). Is That What I Sound Like When I Speak?: Attitudes Towards Spanish, English, and Code-Switching in Two Texas Border Towns. Sorenson, Travis Doug (2011-08). Voseo to Tuteo Accommodation among Two Salvadoran Communities in the United States.
education and training Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Florida - (Gainesville, Florida, United States) 2000 M.A. in Linguistics, University of Florida - (Gainesville, Florida, United States) 1996 B.A. in English and French, University of the Republic - (Montevideo, Uruguay) 1986
In the News Museum sheds light on progress of African American Rights in Bryan-College Station News Release